GWT Drag and Drop within tree and between tree grids - gwt

We're using GWT and We're required to create two drag and drop tree grids. Each tree contains parents and children (max two level for now).
Here's what we need to be able to do:
Use cases
Drag a parent from one tree grid to the other.
Drag a parent 1 to parent 2 (1 will become child of 2, and all 1's children will become children of 2) -> please don't ask :D
Drag a child from one parent to another (within the same tree grid)
Drag a child to top level within the same tree grid (child will become a parent)
Drag a child to the other tree grid with two options
1 - Top level - child from tree 1 will become a parent on tree 2.
2 - Parent - Child from tree 1 will become child of a parent on the tree grid 2.
If this doesn't make much sense, we don't have the full context yet, so that's all we know.
We can drag on the same tree grid. If the row we want to drag the cell to is hidden, we set the scroll to true, so that the grid scrolls when the user is dragging inside it. Something like so:
private void setDraggableOptions(DragAndDropColumn<?, ?> column) {
// retrieve draggableOptions on the column
DraggableOptions draggableOptions = column.getDraggableOptions();
// use template to construct the helper. The content of the div will be set
// after
// opacity of the helper
draggableOptions.setOpacity((float) 0.8);
// cursor to use during the drag operation
// set the revert option
// prevents dragging when user click on the category drop-down list
Now the problem is, setting the tree grid to scroll, the user will never be able to drag the object to the second tree as the scroll will try to keep the object always inside the grid.
We're using the gwtquery-plugins
Is there any idea to work around this? Thank you very much in advance.

See my response to your question here


How do I arrange a list of buttons into rows of 4

I am trying to display the same game object in a table form of 4 columns and 2 rows so it would look like this:
G0 - gameObject
My gameObject is a button that can be pressed and has a text element on it to display the name of the profile on the button.
I have a List of strings of the names that i need to display on these GO buttons in the table form but i am struggling to position them correctly.
At the moment i have gotten to the point where i can Instantiate them so they all appear on the screen when the game is running, now i just need some advice on how i can position them properly in the format mentioned above.
How do i do this?
This is my code that i used to get the names and add them to the List:
private void GetProfiles()
List<string> profileNamesList = new List<string>();
if (Directory.Exists(filePath))
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(filePath);
foreach (var file in files)
string name;
name = file;
int index = name.IndexOf(filePath + "/", System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (index >= 0)
int pathIndexEnd = index + filePath.Length + 1;
int stringLength = name.Length - pathIndexEnd - 5;
name = name.Substring(pathIndexEnd, stringLength);
private void DisplayProfiles(List<string> names)
I have tried using a for loop with in another for loop but i just end up instantiating multiple of the same game object.
This is what i get now:
And this is what i want it to look like:
This is kind of two questions, and I just realized that Unity has a built in component that will do this automatically, so I'll leave the three answers below.
How do I arrange UI gameobjects in rows?
Since it seems like you want to do this for UI elements there's actually a very easy solution. Add an empty GameObject as a child of your Canvas and add a Vertical LayoutGroup component. Add two children to that with horizontal layoutgroups. Add four placeholder prefabs of your gameobject to each horizontal layout group. Arrange them and configure the settings to get them looking the way you want (and make note of what happens if you add fewer than four items!)
Once you have it all set up, delete the placeholders. Then you can add your gameobjects to the horizontal group using Instantiate(Object original, Transform parent) (link) to parent them to the layout group, which will keep them arranged neatly. You can keep a list of those groups and each time you add four, switch to the next parent.
A neater way that seems to fit your use case (assuming there can potentially be more than 8 profiles) is to make a Scroll View that holds horizontal layout groups, which will each be a row of entries. That way instead of tracking which parent you want to add gameobjects to, you can just instantiate a new row every time you pass four entries.
If you're sure there will only ever be eight or fewer, the easiest thing to do would just be arrange eight blank buttons in the UI however you want them to appear. Then keep a list of the eight buttons and edit the text/image on them, no instantiation or looping necessary.
How do I split up a list of gameobjects into rows?
The actual code to process the list is below. This is just an example and there are plenty of different ways to do it, but I thought this demonstrated the logic clearly without depending on what UI elements you choose. As a rules of thumb, make sure to figure out the layout elements you like in Unity first using placeholders (like scroll view etc) and then figure out the code to fill them in. In other words, instantiating and laying out UI elements at runtime is a great way to give yourself a headache so it's best to only do it when you need to.
List<string> profileNamesList = new List<string>();
public int entriesPerRow; //only public so you can edit in the inspector. Otherwise, just use the number per row in your prefab.
public GameObject profileRowPrefab;
public GameObject scrollViewLayout;
private void DisplayProfiles(List<string> names)
int i = 0;
while( i < names.Count ) //"while the list has more names"
//create a new row as a child of the scroll view content area
//and save a reference for later
GameObject go = Instantiate(profileRowPrefab, scrollViewLayout);
for(j = 0; j < entriesPerRow; j++) //"add this many names"
if(i < names.Count)
//instantiate a button, or edit one in the row prefab, etc.
//depending on how you're doing it, this is where you'd use the go variable above
//we've finished the list, so we're done
//you can add empty placeholders here if they aren't in the prefab
YourProfileButtonCreationMethod will depend completely on how you want to implement the UI.
I wish I had thought of this an hour ago, but I've never used it myself. Unity has a built in layout feature that will do this for you (minus the scrolling, but you may be able to nest this in a scroll view).
How do I arrange UI elements in a grid?
Instead of making your own grid with horizontal and vertical layout groups, you can use the Grid Layout Group. Then just instantiate each item in the list as a button with the grid layout as their parent (see above). Here's a short video tutorial that shows what the result looks like.

Unity - How to react to scene picking? How to force select a parent by picking its child in the sceneview

I have the following situation I need an answer to:
I have a parent object with children. These children all have unique meshes. Whenever these children are selected in the SceneView, the parent needs to be selected in stead. The children should never have their inspectors exposed (not even a fraction of a second).
How do I do this?
There are two possible solutions that I have come up with which are not the solution I wish to go for.
First being using [SelectionBase] attribute on the parent object. This work perfectly, but only once. The first time the child is selected, the parent gets selected. However, when I click the child again, it still gets selected.
Second solution was to react on Selecten.onSelectionChanged. This however is too slow. I can set the selection to the parent if a child gets selected, but the child gets exposed for a few frames still.
Is there an instant solution to this which can guarantee me the functionality of SelectionBase, but then every time in stead of only the first time I click it?
Thanks in advance! :)
I have found a way to do exactly what i want. I combine the [SelectionBase] attribute with a piece of code in the editor OnSceneGui.
First add the [SelectionBase] attribute to your class
Second add this code to its editor class
private void OnSceneGUI()
//Get the transform of the component with the selection base attribute
Transform selectionBaseTransform = component.transform;
//Detect mouse events
if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown)
//get picked object at mouse position
GameObject pickedObject = HandleUtility.PickGameObject(Event.current.mousePosition, true);
//If selected null or a non child of the component gameobject
if (pickedObject == null || !pickedObject.transform.IsChildOf(selectionBaseTransform))
//Set selection to the picked object
Selection.activeObject = pickedObject;
This allows the first pick to select the component. From then on, only when you select non-child objects in the scene, selection will actually change.

Don't draw parent content

Let's say I have a text object filled with dots (............). Let's also say that I create another text object as a child of the first text object, with the content foo.
Between each space in the letters of foo, there are clearly visible the dots of the parent. Is there a way I could filter the content of the parent?
I'd like to keep the semi-transparent white scroll panel and the hexagon background image, but I'd like to remove the dots behind the numbers 4500.
I would suggest using a Horizontal layout group instead
Parent (object with only the HorizontalLayoutGroup)
Child Object 1 : contains your ....
Child Object 2 : Contains your "foo" or numbers
The parent will have the total size of your current parent object (total width)
When setting Child2's text it will resize automatically, which will effectively hide the extra "dots".
No special hacks required
Link to get you started :

How to get descendants of a panel in teststack.white

I need some elements that are the childs of some 3-4 panels, but in those panels I can identify only the 1st parent panel and rest don't have any identifiers, so please help me to find the descendants of the 1st parent panel.
let's say - Parent#1 only can be identified as "workspace" but the immediate child panels are not detectable (Edit#1/ Edit#2 and button under unknown panels are identified), so i want to reach to the edit boxes, please help?
Try this
Use SearchCriteria to find the parent Panel1
Use the GetElement method in TeskStack.White.UIItem:
Panel1.GetElement(SearchCriteria searchCriteria)

GWT drag and drop animation

I have a flow panel with many photo-widgets inside (gallery with random number of rows and columns, depends on screen size) for which I want to implement drag and drop behavior to change their order. I am using gwt-dnd library. Its FlowPanelDropController allows you to define your own positioner (delimiter) which shows the candidate location for dropping the dragged widget.
I want this positioner to be the empty space with defined width, and the challenging thing is to implement sliding animation effect for the when positioner is added and removed.
If you are a desktop Picasa app user you know what I mean: the target row slides both sides (little to the left, little to the right) extending the space between the items where you are going to drop a photo.
The whole thing is complex enough, but any help related to how to apply the animation for positioner attach/detach is appreciated. Maybe I need to use a different approach (e.g., use GWT native dnd instead of gwt-dnd lib and no "positioners" at all) if you have any ideas how this could be helpful.
Well, I ended up overriding AbstractPositioningDropController (parent of FlowPanelDropController) and adding some extra features.
1) newPositioner() method now builds the Label, which is vertical space with some small width, height and decoration. This widget's element has constant id (say, "POSITIONER"), which helps to distinguish between multiple positioners if you plan to have several of them while navigating with a drag object over multiple drop targets. Also some transition CSS effects were applied to the Label, which will be responsible for handling animated extension of Label's width.
2) in onEnter() I do the following
Widget positioner = newPositioner();
dropTarget.insert(positioner, targetIndex);
where getPositionerElement() returns DOM.getElementById(POSITIONER)
At the same time removePositioner(..) resets the id of this element to something abstract and ideally should provide some animation before calling .removeFromParent(). But I didn't have enough time to properly debug this so ended up just removing the old positioner with no animation.
Method animatePositionerExtension() contains the code that changes the width of the positioner widget, so that CSS transition will catch that and provides animation.
All access to positioner widget in the class should be provided through updated methods.
3) onLeave() contains line removePositioner(getPositionerElement());
4) In the end of onMove() I added a couple of lines:
galleryWidget.extendHoveredRow(targetIndex - 1);
where extendHoveredRow(hoveredWidgetOrdinal) implemented the logic to "limit" the sliding effect in the single line:
int rowHovered = -1;
public void extendHoveredRow(int hoveredWidgetOrdinal) {
int newRowHovered = getRowByOrdinalHovered(hoveredWidgetOrdinal);
if (rowHovered != newRowHovered) {
// adjust position of items in the previously hovered row
int firstInPreviouslyHoveredRow = (rowHovered - 1) * itemsInARow;
shiftFirstItemLeft(firstInPreviouslyHoveredRow, false);
rowHovered = newRowHovered;
// extend this row
int firstInThisRow = getOrdinalFirstInThisRowByOrdinal(hoveredWidgetOrdinal);
shiftFirstItemLeft(firstInThisRow, true);
This is in short how I did the thing. And still there's some room for improvements, like adding animated removal.
Again, it's all about overriding DropController and manipulations with elements inside the "gallery" widget. The benefit of this approach is that I remain in the gwt-dnd operations framework, and also reused a bunch of existent code.
Some notes:
CSS transition is not supported in IE pre-9, but this is unrelated to
this topic.
Put a transparent "glass" div on top of the Image widget if you use it
as a face of dragProxy. This will save you tons of time trying to
understand why either setting element's draggable to false, or
calling event.preventDefault() somewhere else, or other workarounds don't work in one or several browsers and the image itself is being dragged instead of the whole dragProxy widget.