Neural Network layer design - matlab

I am kind of new to neural network. This is one piece of code I've tried in Matlab
P= 0 + (rand(1) * 10);
T = (P-1)/(P+1);
net = newelm(P,T,5);
net = train(net,P,T);
Y = sim(net,P);
Now when I type net.B{1} and net.LW{1} in the command window of matlab, I get the bias weights and layer weights, but I also find that these weight values keep changing according to input values.
So can I have a predefined weight value, the one that doesn't change, for a particular function(and for any value of input), such that using these weight values I can design a neural network for a particular function. Like here I have T which is related to P by a particular equation.

If one of your inputs has a known relation to the output variable, take it out of the network instead of creating a complex workaround like fixing network weights. (It will be complex because of the variable interactions and nonlinear transformations inside the network.)
Y = a*X1 + 3.6*X2 # relationship between Y and X2 is known
Then use neural network on this relation:
Y - 3.6*X2 = a*X1
^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^
[target] [input]


Why modifying the weights of a recurrent neural network in MATLAB does not cause the output to change when predicting on same data?

I consider the following recurrent neural network (RNN):
RNN under consideration
where x is the input (a vector of reals), h the hidden state vector and y is the output vector. I trained the network on Matlab using some data x and obtained W, V, and U.
However, in MATLAB after changing matrix W to W', and keeping U,V the same, the output (y) of the RNN that uses W is the same as the output (y') of the RNN that uses W' when both predict on the same data x. Those two outputs should be different just by looking at the above equation, but I don't seem to be able to do that in MATLAB (when I modify V or U, the outputs do change). How could I fix the code so that the outputs (y) and (y') are different as they should be?
The relevant code is shown below:
[x,t] = simplefit_dataset; % x: input data ; t: targets
net = newelm(x,t,5); % Recurrent neural net with 1 hidden layer (5 nodes) and 1 output layer (1 node)
net.layers{1}.transferFcn = 'tansig'; % 'tansig': equivalent to tanh and also is the activation function used for hidden layer
net.biasConnect = [0;0]; % biases set to zero for easier experimenting
net.derivFcn ='defaultderiv'; % defaultderiv: tells Matlab to pick whatever derivative scheme works best for this net
view(net) % displays the network topology
net = train(net,x,t); % trains the network
W = net.LW{1,1}; U = net.IW{1,1}; V = net.LW{2,1}; % network matrices
Y = net(x); % Y: output when predicting on data x using W
net.LW{1,1} = rand(5,5); % This is the modified matrix W, W'
Y_prime = net(x) % Y_prime: output when predicting on data x using W'
max(abs(Y-Y_prime )); % The difference between the two outputs is 0 when it probably shouldn't be.
Edit: minor corrections.
This is the recursion in your first layer: (from the docs)
The weight matrix for the weight going to the ith layer from the jth
layer (or a null matrix [ ]) is located at net.LW{i,j} if
net.layerConnect(i,j) is 1 (or 0).
So net.LW{1,1} are the weights to the first layer from the first layer (i.e. recursion), whereas net.LW{2,1} stores the weights to the second layer from the first layer. Now, what does it mean when one can change the weights of the recursion randomly without any effect (in fact, you can set them to zero net.LW{1,1} = zeros(size(W)); without an effect). Note that this essentially is the same as if you drop the recursion and create as simple feed-forward network:
Hypothesis: The recursion has no effect.
You will note that if you change the weights to the second layer (1 neuron) from the first layer (5 neurons) net.LW{2,1} = zeros(size(V));, it will affect your prediction (the same is of course true if you change the input weights net.IW).
Why does the recursion has no effect?
Well, that beats me. I have no idea where this special glitch is or what the theory is behind the newelm network.

How to use Deep Neural Networks for regression?

I wrote this script (Matlab) for classification using Softmax. Now I want to use same script for regression by replacing the Softmax output layer with a Sigmoid or ReLU activation function. But I wasn't able to do that.
X=houseInputs ;
%Train an autoencoder with a hidden layer of size 10 and a linear transfer function for the decoder. Set the L2 weight regularizer to 0.001, sparsity regularizer to 4 and sparsity proportion to 0.05.
hiddenSize = 10;
autoenc1 = trainAutoencoder(X,hiddenSize,...
%Extract the features in the hidden layer.
features1 = encode(autoenc1,X);
%Train a second autoencoder using the features from the first autoencoder. Do not scale the data.
hiddenSize = 10;
autoenc2 = trainAutoencoder(features1,hiddenSize,...
features2 = encode(autoenc2,features1);
softnet = trainSoftmaxLayer(features2,T,'LossFunction','crossentropy');
%Stack the encoders and the softmax layer to form a deep network.
deepnet = stack(autoenc1,autoenc2,softnet);
%Train the deep network on the wine data.
deepnet = train(deepnet,X,T);
%Estimate the deep network, deepnet.
y = deepnet(X);
Regression is a different problem from classification. You have to change your loss function to something that fits with a regression e.g. mean square error and of course change the number of neuron to one (you will only ouput 1 value on your last layer).
It is possible to use a Neural Network to perform a regression task but it might be an overkill for many tasks. True regression means to perform a mapping of one set of continuous inputs to another set of continuous outputs:
f: x -> ý
Changing the architecture of a neural network to make it perform a regression task is usually fairly simple. Instead of mapping the continuous input data to a specific class as it is done using the Softmax function as in your case, you have to make the network use only a single output node.
This node will just sum the outputs of the the previous layer (last hidden layer) and multiply the summed activations by 1. During the training process this output ý will be compared to the correct ground-truth value y that comes with your dataset. As a loss function you may use the Root-means-squared-error (RMSE).
Training such a network will result in a model that maps an arbitrary number of independent variables x to a dependent variable ý, which basically is a regression task.
To come back to your Matlab implementation, it would be incorrect to change the current Softmax output layer to be an activation function such as a Sigmoid or ReLU. Instead your would have to implement a custom RMSE output layer for your network, which is fed with the sum of activations coming from the last hidden layer of your network.

Architecture of the neural network

I was reading a paper and the authors described their network as follows:
"To train the corresponding deep network, a fully connected network with one
hidden layer is used. The network has nine binary input nodes. The hidden layer contains one sigmoid node, and in the output layer there is one inner product
function. Thus, the network has 10 variables."
The network is used to predict a continuous number (y). My problem is, I do not understand the structure of the network after the sigmoid node. What does the output layer do? What is the inner product used for?
Usually, the pre-activation functions per neuron are a combination of an inner product (or dot product in vector-vector multiplication) and one addition to introduce a bias. A single neuron can be described as
z = b + w1*x1 + x2*x2 + ... + xn*xn
= b + w'*x
h = activation(z)
where b is an additive term (the neuron's bias) and each h is the output of one layer and corresponds to the input of the following layer. In the case of the "output layer", it is that y = h. A layer might also consist of multiple neurons or - like in your example - only of single neurons.
In the described case, it seems like no bias is used. I understand it as follows:
For each input neuron x1 to x9, a single weight is used, nothing fancy here. Since there are nine inputs, this makes 9 weights, resulting in something like:
hidden_out = sigmoid(w1*x1 + w2*x2 + ... + w9*x9)
In order to connect the hidden layer to the output, the same rule applies: The output layer's input is weighted and then summed over all inputs. Since there is only one input, only one weight is to be "summed", such that
output = w10*hidden_out
Keep in mind that the sigmoid function squashes its input onto an output range of 0..1, so multiplying it with a weight re-scales it to your required output range.

Gradient checking in backpropagation

I'm trying to implement gradient checking for a simple feedforward neural network with 2 unit input layer, 2 unit hidden layer and 1 unit output layer. What I do is the following:
Take each weight w of the network weights between all layers and perform forward propagation using w + EPSILON and then w - EPSILON.
Compute the numerical gradient using the results of the two feedforward propagations.
What I don't understand is how exactly to perform the backpropagation. Normally, I compare the output of the network to the target data (in case of classification) and then backpropagate the error derivative across the network. However, I think in this case some other value have to be backpropagated, since in the results of the numerical gradient computation are not dependent of the target data (but only of the input), while the error backpropagation depends on the target data. So, what is the value that should be used in the backpropagation part of gradient check?
Backpropagation is performed after computing the gradients analytically and then using those formulas while training. A neural network is essentially a multivariate function, where the coefficients or the parameters of the functions needs to be found or trained.
The definition of a gradient with respect to a specific variable is the rate of change of the function value. Therefore, as you mentioned, and from the definition of the first derivative we can approximate the gradient of a function, including a neural network.
To check if your analytical gradient for your neural network is correct or not, it is good to check it using the numerical method.
For each weight layer w_l from all layers W = [w_0, w_1, ..., w_l, ..., w_k]
For i in 0 to number of rows in w_l
For j in 0 to number of columns in w_l
w_l_minus = w_l; # Copy all the weights
w_l_minus[i,j] = w_l_minus[i,j] - eps; # Change only this parameter
w_l_plus = w_l; # Copy all the weights
w_l_plus[i,j] = w_l_plus[i,j] + eps; # Change only this parameter
cost_minus = cost of neural net by replacing w_l by w_l_minus
cost_plus = cost of neural net by replacing w_l by w_l_plus
w_l_grad[i,j] = (cost_plus - cost_minus)/(2*eps)
This process changes only one parameter at a time and computes the numerical gradient. In this case I have used the (f(x+h) - f(x-h))/2h, which seems to work better for me.
Note that, you mentiond: "since in the results of the numerical gradient computation are not dependent of the target data", this is not true. As when you find the cost_minus and cost_plus above, the cost is being computed on the basis of
The weights
The target classes
Therefore, the process of backpropagation should be independent of the gradient checking. Compute the numerical gradients before backpropagation update. Compute the gradients using backpropagation in one epoch (using something similar to above). Then compare each gradient component of the vectors/matrices and check if they are close enough.
Whether you want to do some classification or have your network calculate a certain numerical function, you always have some target data. For example, let's say you wanted to train a network to calculate the function f(a, b) = a + b. In that case, this is the input and target data you want to train your network on:
a b Target
1 1 2
3 4 7
21 0 21
5 2 7
Just as with "normal" classification problems, the more input-target pairs, the better.

Matlab Multilayer Perceptron Question

I need to classify a dataset using Matlab MLP and show classification.
The dataset looks like
Click to view
What I have done so far is:
I have create an neural network contains a hidden layer (two neurons
?? maybe someone could give me some suggestions on how many
neurons are suitable for my example) and a output layer (one
I have used several different learning methods such as Delta bar
Delta, backpropagation (both of these methods are used with or -out
momentum and Levenberg-Marquardt.)
This is the code I used in Matlab(Levenberg-Marquardt example)
net = newff(minmax(Input),[2 1],{'logsig' 'logsig'},'trainlm');
net.trainParam.epochs = 10000;
net.trainParam.goal = 0; = 0.1;
[net tr outputs] = train(net,Input,Target);
The following shows hidden neuron classification boundaries generated by Matlab on the data, I am little bit confused, beacause network should produce nonlinear result, but the result below seems that two boundary lines are linear..
Click to view
The code for generating above plot is:
hold on
hold off
I also need to plot the output function of the output neuron, but I am stucking on this step. Can anyone give me some suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
Regarding the number of neurons in the hidden layer, for such an small example two are more than enough. The only way to know for sure the optimum is to test with different numbers. In this faq you can find a rule of thumb that may be useful:
For the output function, it is often useful to divide it in two steps:
First, given the input vector x, the output of the neurons in the hidden layer is y = f(x) = x^T w + b where w is the weight matrix from the input neurons to the hidden layer and b is the bias vector.
Second, you will have to apply the activation function g of the network to the resulting vector of the previous step z = g(y)
Finally, the output is the dot product h(z) = z . v + n, where v is the weight vector from the hidden layer to the output neuron and n the bias. In the case of more than one output neurons, you will repeat this for each one.
I've never used the matlab mlp functions, so I don't know how to get the weights in this case, but I'm sure the network stores them somewhere. Edit: Searching the documentation I found the properties:
net.IW numLayers-by-numInputs cell array of input weight values
net.LW numLayers-by-numLayers cell array of layer weight values
net.b numLayers-by-1 cell array of bias values