App settings in iPhone Settings - iphone

I have been reading and exploring around adding settings for custom apps in the iPhone settings page.
And there is a question that is arising in my mind that, can we point an XIB / UIStoryboard-viewController which is designed by us into the root.plist.
This can help in displaying custom design and handling things differently as required.
For example, if custom app uses the passcode protection then we will need to save the passcode into the keychain and that will require additional logic to be written.

You cannot use custom UIViewControllers in the iOS settings page for your app. When using the Settings.bundle the preferences are stored in NSUserDefaults which does not integrate with the keychain. So you will need to include the settings view for the passcode in the app itself.


Changing languages while running iPad app

Is there a way to apply the selected language in your iPad app?
Setting the langauge is not the problem, but applying it to the screens is difficult.
The project I've made is a master/detail storyboard app, so on both master and detail the choosen language should be applied. The languages are set via AppleLanguages.
===================EDIT, infos from APPLE============================================
In general, you should not change the iOS system language (via use of the AppleLanguages pref key) from within your application. This goes against the basic iOS user model for switching languages in the Settings app, and also uses a preference key that is not documented, meaning that at some point in the future, the key name could change, which would break your application.
If you want to switch languages in your application, you can do so via manually loading resource files in your bundle. You can use NSBundle:pathForResource:ofType:inDirectory:forLocalization: for this purpose, but keep in mind that your application would be responsible for all loading of localized data.
Regarding the exit(0) question, Apple DTS cannot comment on the app approval process. You should contact to get an answer for this question.
This link may help you i guess. Thanks!

PSMultiValue in app

I have a settings bundle in my app and I want user can edit settings in app. I dont know how to do it with PSMultiValue. How to load the array for the table and how to save it.
Thank you
Wenn you define a Settings.bundle the settings will be avialable in the iPhone settings section. It will handling saving and updating for you.
Read Implementing Application Preferences
To get the same settings view within your app you can use InAppSettingsKit.

Hide Settings Bundle in

I have created an iOS 4.0 app with a Settings bundle. I am using the InAppSettingsKit ( which presents the settings in the app. This allows the user to modify those settings directly from within the app, without the need to go to the external iPhone As the settings are accessible from inside the app (and I am doing some custom styling to the in-app settings screen) I would like to stop the Settings bundle from appearing in the iPhone Is this possible?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
InAppSettingKit allows the use of an internal only settings bundle. Rename Settings.bundle to be this and then the OS wont find it to put it in the Main Settings part
Check out "Some little extras" on the product page

InAppSettingsKit without saving to Settings app

I've seen there is a library called InAppSettingsKit - - which lets your in-app settings mimic your settings within the Settings app.
But is there a way to get this to NOT use the Settings app as well? So it just allows you to change settings within the app. Or is there another library which does this?
InAppSettingKit lets you use a local bundle for the in-app part (see documentation) Try only including this and not including the Settings.bundle

Display iphone application settings within your application

The iphone supports a means of defining your application's settings such that it will automatically create a UI in the Settings app. I want to also allow the user to edit the application settings within the application but it'd be nice to reuse the same UI that is automatically created.
See: Application Settings
Is there a way to have your application display the settings using the same UI that the Settings application does?
No there is not a way to reuse the UI.
There is, however, a way to reuse the data. will put the settings in NSUserDefaults under the keys specified in your Settings.bundle plist file. You can alter those values in your app, then switch to and see that it will have changed to reflect your new values. This is really nice if you want to allow the user to edit settings in the app (if that's what they're used to) or in (if that's what they're used to).
You may want to look at this thread. There is a library called mySettings that would make building this easier.
There are a couple libraries available now that do this: