Facebook Page update through external page - facebook

I'm new to Facebook App development and I got this Problem:
I've created a Facebook Page (so I'm the administrator). Now I would like to have an external Webpage with a simple textarea and a "send" button. So everybody who has the link to this page could update this Facebook Page even without a Facebook account. This status update should be send by my page administrator account.
I thought I could write an app and authorize this app to publish_streams on the page and after the authorization I could switch $fbuser = $facebook->getUser(); to $fbuser = IDOFMYACCOUNT.
So the fbuser would be always my account wich is allowed to post to the Page.
If I try to use this application with an other browser (wich isn't logged in to my fb account) I get this error: (#200) The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action
So this is the way I thought I could solve my problem.
Do you guys have an idea how I (and other people who don't have a FB account or don't wan't to login or I don't want to add them to Facebook Page administrator) could update the Facebook Status of a Page from an external website?

You will need your token "baked in" to your code and some sort of admin back end to update the access token before it expires.
Also you need manage_pages permission and the token of the page if you want to post as the page.
This can be accessed from /me/accounts


Remove Facebook auth to my website for my Facebook account

I want to test the log-in flow for my website that uses Facebook auth.
Unfortunately, after the first time I log into my site with Facebook, I am never shown Facebook's auth window or flow again. I' just automatically logged in.
How can I remove my permission to a particular website so I am presented with Facebook's login flow again?
just remove your app from https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=applications
afterwards it will ask for all permissions again.

Posting to a Facebook Page Wall from a Web Server

I've been reading documentation and Stack Overflow link all morning, but I'm just not understanding the correct process to authorize a web server to post to a Facebook page wall.
What I'm not clear on is why I have to post to Facebook as a Facebook User, using an access_token, meaning that this user has to log into Facebook manually to authorize my app.
I'm not trying to authorize a User, nor any of my visitors to do anything with their accounts, so I don't need any permissions from them. Instead, I'm trying to authorize my Web Server to post updates to its wall as a specific Page.
Why do I have to use a user access_token to do this? I'm not attempting to impersonate the user, I'm trying to post to the page as the page...
Is it possible to authorize a user and get their access token without having to create a login page on the Web Server? I don't want to have to require the user to login to make this work, I thought that was the point of having an app ID and Secret?
I guess my question is this: Is it not possible to allow a web server to post to a Facebook page wall as that page, without having to present a login dialog to a specific user? If it is possible, what is the correct workflow to set this up?
In order to post to a Page as a Page, you have to use a Page Access Token. You get that with a User Access Token, and you can extend it so it will stay valid forever.
Request a User Access Token with the manage_pages permission (valid for up to 2 hours)
Extend the User Access Token (valid for up to 60 days)
Get the Extended Page Access Token for your Page with the User Session
Store and User The Page Access Token in the publish call
It may sound a bit complicated, but there are many tutorials for this and you don´t actually need to program it, you can just use the Graph API Explorer.
Here are some Links about the Access Tokens:
http://www.devils-heaven.com/facebook-access-tokens/ (see "Extended Page Access Token" for a step by step tutorial)

facebook extended permission

i have created a sample test app in developers.facebook.com to access notifications for a facebook account in my WebApplication.
When i try to get the accesstoken by navigating to this url
from my facebook account for the first time i get oauth dialog where in i login with my facebook login-id and password. Then a popup appears telling me that the app requires access to your basic profile details. Then when i click ok i get one more popup asking me to authorize manage_notifications for this app. When i click ok i am redirected to my web application homepage where i can see list of all notifications for my account.
Now when i try to navigate to the above url and at the oauth dialog, if i login with another Facebook Account i get only a popup saying that the app requires access to my basic profile details but not the popup requesting manage_notifications. And when i click ok i am redirected to my webapp homepage. And i get an error message saying i dont have extended permissions - "manage_notifications"
How do i access notifications for any user in my web application.
All permissions except
require a review of your app by Facebook before you can use them publically. See https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/review/login#do-you-need-review

how to make "uploaded via" link at the bottom of the post to link to user's website?

what I need: upload photos to user's fan page as a page, using an app for that
what I have: my website which does uploading, and a user, who created fan page and application, and that app's id and secret
what I do:
call FB.init() with that appId
call FB.login() with manage_pages,publish_stream permissions - this prompts FB login popup where user is asked to login and then to authenticate the app. As the result I get app access token.
Send request to https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id=APP_ID&client_secret=APP_SECRET&grant_type=fb_exchange_token&fb_exchange_token=TOKEN_FROM_ABOVE to get extended app token valid for 2 months (and therefore page tokens will be extended as well as described here)
Send request to https://graph.facebook.com/me/accounts?access_token=TOKEN_FROM_ABOVE to get a list of pages user manages, and let user to choose the page he wants to publish to.
That gives me PAGE access token I can use to publish photos to user's FAN page using /albumId/photos/ API call.
what is the problem:
the "via" link in the photo redirects user to MY website (where user has authenticated his app to upload to his page):
that is because I had to ask user to enter my website's URL in app settings, otherwise Facebook login dialog will complain:
Am I doing this right? am I missing something probably?
If I am - then how can I get that "via" link to link to user's website?
Thank you.
how can I get that "via" link to link to user's website?
Not at all, because this always links to the app that was used making a post/upload.
What you could try though is having your website redirect when a user is coming to your site from Facebook. Which post/feed story the user is coming from should be passed to your site as parameters; then you’d only have to figure out which user made that post (look it up in your database), and redirect to their homepage.
I ended up adding client's website URL as a query string parameter into "Site URL" field in the application settings - and then I need to modify my site's backend to do redirects:

how can i log in my website seamlessly using facebook credentials , when i'm already logged in my facebook account?

how can i login my website using facebook credentials that too seamlessly , when i'm already logged in my facebook account in the same session or in another session. For example i'm logged in my fb and when i open website named rottentomatoes.com in the same session or in another session , i can get automatically logged in , without doing anything , as that site use my fb account and automatically get a registered memeber of that site.
i wanna do this things in my website , like things happening with rotten tomatoes.
so far i can use fb account to login in my website using facebook connect .
please help me ....any suggestion will be welcomed.
You need to have a facebook app, then in your site use the facebook js sdk.
You always have different sessions per site, you'll need to make a session for yours, you don't use the facebook session, just the sdk.
When the user loads your page you can use the FB.getLoginStatus to check if the user is logged into facebook and is authenticated with your app, if so then you get the needed user data and can then log the user into your site.
If the user is not logged into facebook, or hasn't authorized your app then you can use the FB.login method to log the user in, when the user comes back from that process you should have the data you need in order to register/log him into your site.