facebook extended permission - facebook

i have created a sample test app in developers.facebook.com to access notifications for a facebook account in my WebApplication.
When i try to get the accesstoken by navigating to this url
from my facebook account for the first time i get oauth dialog where in i login with my facebook login-id and password. Then a popup appears telling me that the app requires access to your basic profile details. Then when i click ok i get one more popup asking me to authorize manage_notifications for this app. When i click ok i am redirected to my web application homepage where i can see list of all notifications for my account.
Now when i try to navigate to the above url and at the oauth dialog, if i login with another Facebook Account i get only a popup saying that the app requires access to my basic profile details but not the popup requesting manage_notifications. And when i click ok i am redirected to my webapp homepage. And i get an error message saying i dont have extended permissions - "manage_notifications"
How do i access notifications for any user in my web application.

All permissions except
require a review of your app by Facebook before you can use them publically. See https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/review/login#do-you-need-review


Facebook Login - Log for user login attempts?

Does Facebook Login log all user login attempts on my app (failed, accepted...) ?
Where can I see this log?
By Facebook Login I mean the API provided by FB to allow users to "login with" in my App/Website.
I use Laravel Socialite.
ThereĀ“s the App Insights - just check out the App in the developer dashboard: https://developers.facebook.com/apps. Apart from that, you would have to log stuff on your own.

Posting on my Facebook page from my app: Facebook login doesn't want to grant permission

I have a Facebook page (I'm the admin) and a Facebook app (I'm the developer) and through this app I want to post on this page.
Via https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth I'm trying to grant to my app the manage_pages permission of my page. But an error pops up:
"Some of the permissions below have not been approved for use by Facebook. Submit for review now or learn more."
If I click on "ok" I obtain the access token (and then the fb_exchange_token) but, as the pop up says, something goes wrong: the app isn't able to post on the page ("The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action").
Why is this?
As mentioned in the comments, that error message states the user hasn't authorized to post (perform this action). You need to grant publish_actions and you need to use the page token to post to call as well.

Remove Facebook auth to my website for my Facebook account

I want to test the log-in flow for my website that uses Facebook auth.
Unfortunately, after the first time I log into my site with Facebook, I am never shown Facebook's auth window or flow again. I' just automatically logged in.
How can I remove my permission to a particular website so I am presented with Facebook's login flow again?
just remove your app from https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=applications
afterwards it will ask for all permissions again.

Facebook Page update through external page

I'm new to Facebook App development and I got this Problem:
I've created a Facebook Page (so I'm the administrator). Now I would like to have an external Webpage with a simple textarea and a "send" button. So everybody who has the link to this page could update this Facebook Page even without a Facebook account. This status update should be send by my page administrator account.
I thought I could write an app and authorize this app to publish_streams on the page and after the authorization I could switch $fbuser = $facebook->getUser(); to $fbuser = IDOFMYACCOUNT.
So the fbuser would be always my account wich is allowed to post to the Page.
If I try to use this application with an other browser (wich isn't logged in to my fb account) I get this error: (#200) The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action
So this is the way I thought I could solve my problem.
Do you guys have an idea how I (and other people who don't have a FB account or don't wan't to login or I don't want to add them to Facebook Page administrator) could update the Facebook Status of a Page from an external website?
You will need your token "baked in" to your code and some sort of admin back end to update the access token before it expires.
Also you need manage_pages permission and the token of the page if you want to post as the page.
This can be accessed from /me/accounts

Facebook Enhanced Auth Dialog not Appearing when User is Not Logged In

If a user follows a link to my Facebook application (apps.facebook.com/instantinternetstar) and they are not currently logged into Facebook they are allowed to enter the Application instead of being prompted to 1st log into Facebook and 2nd grant permissions via Auth Dialog.
If a User is logged into Facebook, the new Enhanced Auth Dialog works perfectly and always.
Is there a variable I have missed?
Your settings may be fine. What you can do on the default page of http://instantinternetstar.com is to query the http post parameter called signed_request, decode it and it will tell you if the user is authenticated or not. Then you can display something to them so they know what you're about, before they take their time to login to Facebook, then accept your app.