RabbitMQ AMQP queue design - queue

Below is the desirable design of the queue with:
P producer. The application that insert data
X exchange.
C1-C3 consumer. The applications that read from the queue
Queue details:
A. Is just like queue log, if there is no client binding then message will be discarded.
B. This is a working queue. it will do something if there is criteria match.
C. Also a working queue. it will transform the data
A is optional, but B. C. will always in queue until some client process connect it.
The problem is determine which type of exchange that i should use.
is it a fanout, direct or topic ? because I wanted the A queue to discard the message if there is no client connected but B & C should always keep the message.
And should the producer write once to the exchange, or write multiple time with different routing key or topic ?

Answer the question: Do I want all queues to receive all messages?
If the answer is yes then you should use fanout. If the answer is no then you should use direct or topic. The whole point of direct or topic is that the queues themselves will only receive messages based on matching the routing key to the binding key.
Queue A should be instantiated by the consumer C1, and set to autodelete and non durable. This way when C1 disconnects the queue will be deleted and the messages will be discarded.
Conversely Queues B and C should be instantiated when the exchange is, either separately, or by the producer. The should be set to non autodelete and probably durable. If you are using durable queues you might want to have persistent messages (don't worry if queue A doesn't exist even persistent message won't be a problem here). This way as soon as the producer starts sending messages the queues will start queuing them up and no message will be missed, even if the consumers are not yet running.
Whether to use direct or topic exchanges is personal preference. I understand that direct exchanges should be faster while topic exchanges allow a lot of flexibility with routing/binding keys.
I am not 100% what you mean by your last question. Each message should only be written once to an exchange. If using fanout the exchange will take care of routing the messages to the queues correctly and that is it. If you are using direct or topic exchanges then its down to the binding keys to make sure that each queue receives the correct messages. You should not need to send a message with more than one routing key, if you are wishing to do something like that then you have got something backwards in your understanding. But you can have multiple binding keys to the exchange from a single queue.
Simple example. X is a direct exchange. B has the binding key black, C has one binding key of black and one binding key of white. P sends messages with either the routing key black or white. If it is black then both B and C will receive the message, if it is white then only C will receive it.


Kafka with multiple instances of microservices and end-users

This is more of a design/architecture question.
We have a microservice A (MSA) with multiple instances (say 2) running of it behind LB.
The purpose of this microservice is to get the messages from Kafka topic and send to end users/clients. Both instances use same consumer group id for a particular client/user so as messages are not duplicated. And we have 2 (or =#instances) partitions of Kafka topic
End users/clients connect to LB to fetch the message from MSA. Long polling is used here.
Request from client can land to any instance. If it lands to MSA1, it will pull the data from kafka partion1 and if it lands to MSA2, it will pull the data from partition2.
Now, a producer is producing the messages, we dont have high messages count. So, lets say producer produce msg1 and it goes to partition1. End user/client will not get this message unless it's request lands to MSA1, which might not happen always as there are other requests coming to LB.
We want to solve this issue. We want that client gets the message near realtime.
One of the solution can be having a distributed persistent queue (e.g. ActiveMQ) where both MSA1 and MSA2 keep on putting the messages after reading from Kafka and client just fetch the message from queue. But this will cause separate queue for every end-user/client/groupid.
Is this a good solution, can we go ahead with this? Anything that we should change here. We are deploying our system on AWS, so if any AWS managed service can help here e.g. SNS+SQS combination?
Some statistics:
~1000 users, one group id per user
2-4 instances of microservice
long polling every few seconds (~20s)
average message size ~10KB
Broadly you have three possible approaches:
You can dispense with using Kafka's consumer group functionality and allow each instance to consume from all partitions.
You can make the instances of each service aware of each other. For example, an instance which gets a request which can be fulfilled by another instance will forward the request there. This is most effective if the messages can be partitioned by client on the producer end (so that a request from a given client only needs to be routed to an instance). Even then, the consumer group functionality introduces some extra difficulty (rebalances mean that the consumer currently responsible for a given partition might not have seen all the messages in the partition). You may want to implement your own variant of the consumer group coordination protocol, only on rebalance, the instance starts from some suitably early point regardless of where the previous consumer got to.
If you can't reliably partition by client in the producer (e.g. the client is requesting a stream of all messages matching arbitrary criteria) then Kafka is really not going to be a fit and you probably want a database (with all the expense and complexity that implies).

Message order issue in single consumer connected to ActiveMQ Artemis queue

Any possibility of message order issue while receive single queue consumer and multiple producer?
producer1 publish message m1 at 2021-06-27 02:57:44.513 and producer2 publish message m2 at 2021-06-27 02:57:44.514 on same queue worker_consumer_queue. Client code connected to the queue configured as single consumer should receive message in order m1 first and then m2 correct? Sometimes message receive in wrong order. version is ActiveMQ Artemis 2.17.0.
Even though I mentioned that multiple producer, message publish one after another from same thread using property blockOnDurableSend=false.
I create and close producer on each message publish. On same JVM, my assumption is order of published messages in queue, from same thread or from different threads even with async. timestamp is getJMSTimestamp(). async publish also maintain any internal queue has order?
If you use blockOnDurableSend=false you're basically saying you don't strictly care about the order or even if the message makes it to the broker at all. Using blockOnDurableSend=false basically means "fire and forget."
Furthermore, the JMSTimetamp is not when the message is actually sent as noted in the javax.jms.Message JavaDoc:
The JMSTimestamp header field contains the time a message was handed off to a provider to be sent. It is not the time the message was actually transmitted, because the actual send may occur later due to transactions or other client-side queueing of messages.
With more than one producer there is no guarantee that the messages will be processed in order.
More producers, ActiveMQ Artemis and one consumer are a distributed system and the lack of a global clock is a significant characteristic of distributed systems.
Even if producers and ActiveMQ Artemis were on the same machine and used the same clock, ActiveMQ Artemis could not receive the messages in the same order producers would create and send their messages. Because the time to create a message and the time to send a message include variable time latencies.
The easiest solution is to trust the order of the messages received by ActiveMQ Artemis, adding a timestamp with an interceptor or enabling the ingress timestamp, see ARTEMIS-2919 for further details.
If the easiest solution doesn't work, the distributed solution is to implement a distributed system total ordering algorithm as lamport timestamps.
Well, as it seams it is not a bug within Artemis, when it comes to a millisecond difference it is more like a network lag or something like this.
So to workaround I got to the idea, you could create a algorythm in which a recieved message will wait for ~100ms before it is really worked through (whatever you want to be doing with this message) and check if there is another message which your application recieved afterwards but is send before. So basicly have your own receiver queue with a delay.
IF there is message that was before, you could simply move that up in your personal algorythm. You could also think about to reject the first message back to your bus, depending on your settings on queues and topics it would be able to recieve it afterwards again.

When to use Kafka transactional API?

I was trying to understand Kafka's transactional API. This link defines atomic read-process-write cycle as follows:
First, let’s consider what an atomic read-process-write cycle means. In a nutshell, it means that if an application consumes a message A at offset X of some topic-partition tp0, and writes message B to topic-partition tp1 after doing some processing on message A such that B = F(A), then the read-process-write cycle is atomic only if messages A and B are considered successfully consumed and published together, or not at all.
It further says says following:
Using vanilla Kafka producers and consumers configured for at-least-once delivery semantics, a stream processing application could lose exactly once processing semantics in the following ways:
The producer.send() could result in duplicate writes of message B due to internal retries. This is addressed by the idempotent producer and is not the focus of the rest of this post.
We may reprocess the input message A, resulting in duplicate B messages being written to the output, violating the exactly once processing semantics. Reprocessing may happen if the stream processing application crashes after writing B but before marking A as consumed. Thus when it resumes, it will consume A again and write B again, causing a duplicate.
Finally, in distributed environments, applications will crash or—worse!—temporarily lose connectivity to the rest of the system. Typically, new instances are automatically started to replace the ones which were deemed lost. Through this process, we may have multiple instances processing the same input topics and writing to the same output topics, causing duplicate outputs and violating the exactly once processing semantics. We call this the problem of “zombie instances.”
We designed transaction APIs in Kafka to solve the second and third problems. Transactions enable exactly-once processing in read-process-write cycles by making these cycles atomic and by facilitating zombie fencing.
Points 2 and 3 above describe when message duplication can occur which are dealt with using transactional API. Does transactional API also help to avoid message loss in any scenario?
Most online (for example, here and here) examples of Kafka transactional API involve:
while (true)
ConsumerRecords records = consumer.poll(Long.MAX_VALUE);
for (ConsumerRecord record : records)
producer.send(producerRecord(“outputTopic”, record));
producer.sendOffsetsToTransaction(currentOffsets(consumer), group);
This is basically read-process-write loop. So does transactional API useful only in read-process-write loop?
This article gives example of transactional API in non read-process-write scenario:
try {
} catch(ProducerFencedException e) {
} catch(KafkaException e) {
It says:
This allows a producer to send a batch of messages to multiple partitions such that either all messages in the batch are eventually visible to any consumer or none are ever visible to consumers.
Is this example correct and shows another way to use transactional API different from read-process-write loop? (Note that it also does not commit offset to transaction.)
In my application, I simply consume messages from kafka, do processing and log them to the database. That is my whole pipeline.
a. So, I guess this is not read-process-write cycle. Is Kafka transactional API of any use to my scenario?
b. Also I need to ensure that each message is processed exactly once. I guess setting idempotent=true in producer will suffice and I dont need transactional API, right?
c. I may run multiple instances of pipeline, but I am not writing processing output to Kafka. So I guess this will never involve zombies (duplicate producers writing to kafka). So, I guess transactional API wont help me to avoid duplicate processing scenario, right? (I might have to persist both offset along with processing output to the database in the same database transaction and read the offset during producer restart to avoid duplicate processing.)
a. So, I guess this is not read-process-write cycle. Is Kafka
transactional API of any use to my scenario?
It is a read-process-write, except you are writing to a database instead of Kafka. Kafka has its own transaction manager and thus writing inside a transaction with idempotency would enable exactly once processing, assuming you can resume the state of your consumer-write processor correctly. You cannot do that with a DB because the DB's transaction manager doesn't sync with Kafka's. What you can do instead is make sure that even if kafka transactions are not atomic with respect to your database, they are still eventually consistent.
Let's assume your consumer reads, writes to the DB and then acks. If the DB fails you don't ack and you can resume normally based on the offset. If the ack fails you will process twice and save to the DB twice. If you can make this operation idempotent, then you are safe. This means that your processor must be pure and the DB has to dedupe: processing the same message twice should always lead to the same result on the DB.
b. Also I need to ensure that each message is processed exactly once.
I guess setting idempotent=true in producer will suffice and I dont
need transactional API, right?
Assuming that you respect the requirements from point a, exactly once processing with persistence on a different store also requires that between your initial write and the duplicate no other change has happened to the objects that you are saving. Imagine having a value written as X, then some other actor changes it to Y, then the message is reprocessed and changes it back to X. This can be avoided for example, by making your database table be a log, similar to a kafka topic.
c. I may run multiple instances of pipeline, but I am not writing processing output to Kafka. So I guess this will never involve zombies (duplicate producers writing to kafka). So, I guess transactional API wont help me to avoid duplicate processing scenario, right? (I might have to persist both offset along with processing output to the database in the same database transaction and read the offset during producer restart to avoid duplicate processing.)
It is the producer which writes to the topic you consume from that may create zombie messages. That producer needs to play nice with kafka so that zombies are ignored. The transactional API together with your consumer will make sure that this producer writes atomically and your consumer reads committed messages, albeit not atomically. If you want exactly once idempotency is enough. If the messages are supposed to be atomically written you need transactions too. Either way your read-write/consume-produce processor needs to be pure and you have to dedupe. Your DB is also part of this processor since the DB is the one that actually persists.
I've looked for a bit on the internet, maybe this link helps you: processing guarantees
The links you posted: exactly once semantics and transactions in kafka are great.

SQS: How to forward message to subscriber based on a certain key

I have a validation service which takes in validation-requests and publishes them to a SQS queue. Now based on the type of validation request, I want to forward the message to that specific service.
So basically, I have one producer and multiple consumers, but essentially, one message is to be consumed by only one consumer.
What approach should I use? Should I have a different SQS queue for each service or I can do this using a single queue based on message type?
As I see it, you have three options;
The first option, like you say is to have a unique consumer for each message type. This is the approach we use and we have thousands of queues and many different messages types.
The second option would be to decorate the message being pushed onto SQS with something that would indicate it's desired consume, then have a generic consumer in your application that can forward the message on to the right consumer. Though this approach is generally seen as an anti pattern, I would personally agree.
Thirdly, you could take advantage of SNS filtering but that's only if you use SNS right now otherwise you'd have to invest in some time to setup it up and make it work.
Hope that helps!

Out of order messages possible with transactional queues in MSMQ?

I'm new to messaging and a little unclear as to whether it is possible for MSMQ to deliver out-of-order messages for transactional queues. I suppose it must be because if a message is not processed correctly (and since we will be using multiple "competing consumers"), then other consumers could continue to process messages while the failed message is placed back on queue. Just can't seem to find a black-and-white answer anywhere on this.
Negative black-and-white answer are hard to find( they don't often exist).
You are confusing two terms here( I think). delivery is from the sender to the queue. consuming is from the queue to the consumer. Those two action can't be put in the same transaction. They are totally separate action ( this is one of the points of queuing )
More to the point: from "Microsoft Message Queuing Services (MSMQ) Tips"
That these messages will either be sent together, in the order they were sent, or not at all. In addition, consecutive transactions initiated from the same machine to the same queue will arrive in the order they were committed relative to each other.
This is the only case of order in msmq.
Sadly you won't find anything about ordered consuming because its not relevant. You can consume messages from msmq any way you want.
Update: If you must have ordered processing, than I don't see the reason to use many consumers. You will have to implement the order in your code.
Do your messages need to be processed in order because:
1) They are different steps of a workflow? If so, you should create different queues to handle the different steps. Process 1 reads Queue 1, does its thing, then writes to Queue 2, and so forth.
2) They have different priorities? If the priority levels are fairly coarse (and the order of messages within priorities doesn't matter), you should create high-priority and low-priority queues. Consumers read from the higher priority queues first.
3) A business rule specifies it. For example, "customer orders must be processed in the order they are received." Message queues are not appropriate for this kind of sequencing since they only convey the order in which messages are received. A process that periodically polls a database for an ordered list of tasks would be more suitable.