how to install Wompt - chat

I'm trying to install Wompt chat service on my web hosting but I couldn't find the correct way. I looked in the internet but failed to find a tutorial which explains how to install it.
Here is the GitHub link for the open source Wompt service:
*Wompt is a web-based muti-rooms chat service. have a look at
Thanks in advance.

The documentation has a very clean installation guide:
Node 0.6
git clone
cd node
git checkout v0.6.5
make install
tar -xzf mongodb-linux-i686-2.0.4.tgz
mv mongodb-linux-i686-2.0.4.tgz /someplace/in/your/path
git clone
git submodule update --init
Wompt authentication server
gem install bundler


How to clone existing ember.js projects from Github repository and run into you local machine?

After installing Git, Node.js, Bower, Ember Cli and Phantoms Js into my local machine. I do the
following steps.
> git clone <repository-url> sample // in this case sample is a new repository in my local machine
> cd sample
> npm install
> bower install
So, after that, when i enter this command: ember server
It says that i am missing some dependencies. Do you know how to generally clone any public ember.js projects from Github account and run into your machine?

openshift rhc you do not have git installed

I am trying to setup the rhc client for openshift. I followed the tutorial precisely. After installing ruby, git and the rhc gem, the setup went perfect. But it wont clone my app to my computer. When I type rhc git-clone it says that git is not installed, but git --version works fine.
Ok, git installs itself default in users\\appdata\local\Git . I read somewhere that you shouldn't mess with the folder. But older versions installed in program files. So i tried that and rhc found it immediatly.
So just install git in C:\Program Files\Git
Just an additional piece of information to RiverWalker's self answer: run the git install as 'administrator'. Then "C:\Program Files\Git" directory will be used as the default installation dir.

Gitzilla: Integration of github-project in Bugzilla

I am working on a Debian server, where I installed bugzilla. According to the suggestions in the gitzilla-installation guidelines, I would like to integrate Gitzilla to a project on, using the as my central repo. Therefore, I am not quite sure, where to do the following steps:
Switch to the hooks directory (/path/to/repository/.git/hooks) and delete the post-receive and update hooks.
Link (or copy) the gitzilla provided hooks:
ln -s $(which gitzilla-post-receive) post-receive
ln -s $(which gitzilla-update) update
Moreover, I tested to choose my to integrate in the /etc/gitzillarc, but without success. PyBugz is installed, and I defined the link to bugzilla, the user_name and PW of the bugzilla-admin.
H.M. will be the path where you should execute the steps.
In case you have a bare repository, then would be the path.

Root privileges to install ruby gems on Openshift

How can I get root privileges in my Openshift app? I need to install additional gems to my Openshift virtual machine and it's impossible to do it without superuser privileges.
For login, I'm using SSH:
I've already entered my to the Openshift web interface and I'm doing SSH with no password.
To install additional gems in openshift see this forum, copied from ramr answer:
So what you would need to do is add a Gemfile + Gemfile.lock to your
app and then do a git push -- see for an example
Steps to do that: 1. Create an appropriate Gemfile -- probably
something like:
source ''
gem 'whois'
gem "minitest"
local_gemfile = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "Gemfile.local")
if File.exists?(local_gemfile)
puts "Loading Gemfile.local ..." if $DEBUG # `ruby -d` or `bundle -v`
On your workstation do a bundler install bundle install (you might
need to gem install bundler before you can use bundler). That should
create a Gemfile.lock - add that and the Gemfile and commit git add
Gemfile Gemfile.lock, git commit Gemfile Gemfile.lock -m 'added deps'
Push changes to your OpenShift App git push HTH

Install: GitHub gamejs

I started today working with gamejs for a small project. I saw that most project are repository files on github dot com, so I downloaded the github for windows and the git bash.
Then I used git bash to clone gamejs repository. I proceed the same with some repository stuff. However, it seems that I forget to install something... because I cannot start the server, I have or .cmd missing. The bash doesnt recognize the command. What will I do?
Since you cloned the code instead of downloading the release tarball you need to build GameJS first:
Change into the GameJs directory
cd gamejs
Get all needed submodules with git:
git submodule init git submodule update
Compile RingoJs:
ant -f ./server/ringojs/build.xml jar
EDIT: Prior to building you need to install Apache Ant build tool. Since it is a Java application to install it just download the binary distribution from their download page and unzip it.