openshift rhc you do not have git installed - openshift-client-tools

I am trying to setup the rhc client for openshift. I followed the tutorial precisely. After installing ruby, git and the rhc gem, the setup went perfect. But it wont clone my app to my computer. When I type rhc git-clone it says that git is not installed, but git --version works fine.

Ok, git installs itself default in users\\appdata\local\Git . I read somewhere that you shouldn't mess with the folder. But older versions installed in program files. So i tried that and rhc found it immediatly.
So just install git in C:\Program Files\Git

Just an additional piece of information to RiverWalker's self answer: run the git install as 'administrator'. Then "C:\Program Files\Git" directory will be used as the default installation dir.


remove git secrets from Ubuntu

I have added git secrets to ubuntu(16.04 LTS) and it was working fine until I was executing these commands,
git secrets --register-aws
git secrets --install ~/.git-templates/git-secrets
git config --global init.templateDir ~/.git-templates/git-secrets
I have removed these files,
from my environment, but still it seems not working fine.
git secrets --scan , gives nothing
How do I remove git-secrets permanently from my PC and re-install or solve this issue.
Currently we need to do this manually.
Delete secrets from .git/config for all local repositories.
Delete secrets from .gitconfig.
Remove commit-msg, pre-commit and prepare-commit-msg hooks from all git repositories.
Change/remove git template so that it does not configure these hooks for newer repos.
Uninstall binary. Following are the multiple places you can look in the Linux based machine.
i. By default all the git core command scripts are available in /usr/lib/git-core/ directory.
ii. Apart from that, you can check in /usr/bin/ and /usr/local/bin/ directories as well.
iii. If you are still NOT able to find the binary, then type which git-secrets to identify the place where actually git-secrets is installed.
There is an issue created for the same in GitHub. You can check the progress in there as well.

Eclipse Egit Failed to commit

I got Eclipse for PHP developers 3.0.2 With Egit 2.2.0 installed, and I am on windows 7
I got my project and repository set up and linked.
Yet i cant commit changes. this is the error i get:
Exception caught during execution of add command
Exception caught during execution of add command
I got Git for windows installed and set that in the Git configuration.
I also got my HOME variable set up with %USERPROFILE%
Also my project location is on a remote server that i mapped to Z:
This includes the git repo as well.
That remote location has Lubuntu 12.10 installed.
It has git installed as well.
I found what was the problem.
Git locked it self witha file in the ./git/index.lock
After i removed that everything worked fine.
Thanks to #NaGeL182.. I got it working now because Git locked
So I need to delete the .git/index.lock file
On Mac just Hit below command On Terminal
rm -f ./.git/index.lock
on Windows
del .git\index.lock
Hope this will help.
My 2 cents...
My git workspace is mapped locally on the dropbox folder (i'm a bit paranoid and prefers double backup options). Sometimes there's a mismatch with the sync process and dropbox keeps the git .lock file.
Since all i care about is my resources and not the git metadata - i've simply unchecked the .git folder from synching online.
give this a try, go to your repository and execute below command !
chmod -R 777 .git
I hit this issue on a Windows 11 machine. The fix was to remove the 'hidden' attribute from all files under the .git directory

Heroku Toolbelt - git: Command not found

I'm working on Mac OSX (10.6.8), and I've just installed the Heroku toolbelt, with hopes of trying to mess around making facebook apps. I've created a facebook app and according to Heroku's instructions, I should just be able to edit it by entering this into my command line:
git clone -o heroku
The Heroku Toolbelt is installed and I am logged in. But when I run the command above I get this error:
-bash: git: command not found
I didn't have git before, and apparently I still do not have it. But I thought it came as part of the Heroku toolbelt? It seems like, for everyone else on the internet, the git part of it "just works," because I'm not able to find references to problems with the git component of the heroku toolbelt. Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?
Just install git on your own. Heroku-toolbelt may or may not come with git, but installing git by itself is a relatively simple task.
Here are some instructions for installing git on OSX:

Install: GitHub gamejs

I started today working with gamejs for a small project. I saw that most project are repository files on github dot com, so I downloaded the github for windows and the git bash.
Then I used git bash to clone gamejs repository. I proceed the same with some repository stuff. However, it seems that I forget to install something... because I cannot start the server, I have or .cmd missing. The bash doesnt recognize the command. What will I do?
Since you cloned the code instead of downloading the release tarball you need to build GameJS first:
Change into the GameJs directory
cd gamejs
Get all needed submodules with git:
git submodule init git submodule update
Compile RingoJs:
ant -f ./server/ringojs/build.xml jar
EDIT: Prior to building you need to install Apache Ant build tool. Since it is a Java application to install it just download the binary distribution from their download page and unzip it.

git push error "fatal: Unable to find remote helper for 'https'"

I've added remote origin like:
git remote add origin
When I push the git repository, I get this error:
git push -u origin master
fatal: Unable to find remote helper for 'https'
I am on git 1.7.1 on Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS
Any ideas, greatly appreciated
If you compiled git from source, be sure to install this package first:
apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
I just got the problem yesterday and solved it today, so am posting in case this might help a Windows user. For me, the problem occurred after I updated to the latest version of Git (because Visual Studio was recommending I do so-- something about things not matching.)
It turns out that I installed in the default directory Program Files, but my old Git was in Program Files (x86). (Hadn't noticed until tried reinstalling.)
Uninstalling the new version and installing the 64-bit Git for Windows Setup listed under Other Git for Windows downloads (which is not the default) overlaying the version in Program Files (x86) worked. (I tried other combinations of version and folders first.)
I did have to delete the local repository already created and restart with git init, git add ., git commit -m "first commit", git remote add origin theGitUrl (all of which worked before), before doing the git push origin master. The weird thing is that a pop-up window appeared to enter my user name and password. I didn't notice it at first and thought the processing on the git push was hung up. So, heads up about that "Other Git for Windows" version.
I did change my Environmental Variables before the fix; I don't know if that helped. I added these 2 to the PATH:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin
C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\libexec\git-core
I did this for both User and System variables.
A note on updating the PATH in Windows 10: you have to add one at a time and not include the ;
After much searching, the answer is you need git version 1.7.7
Can't update RVM - "fatal: Unable to find remote helper for 'http'"
I was working in a chroot jail and thought i had copied everything i needed for git to work but i was missing the git-core files themselves so i just had to copy them:
cp -r /usr/lib/git-core /opt/chroot/myjail/usr/lib/
Add this to git config: (Checked in centos 6.7 and working)
#git config --global url.https://.insteadOf git://
#To see the config added
#git config --list