New to Perl, where to start? [closed] - perl

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Closed 10 years ago.
I moved to a team where they mainly work on perl. The focus is on extending command line tools and fixing some web scripts written in perl. I have never worked on perl before. Could you please guide me where to start learning perl? How to go about it?
Could someone please suggest some books to start with and/or any good online tutorial.
Thanks in advance.

There are very good materials to learn Perl on the web. Some of these are:-
Where and how to start learning Perl
Beginning Perl

2 books I would recommend for developers moving to Perl from other languages are Damian Conway's Perl Best Practices and the Perl Cookbook, both published by O'Reilly. They aren't books for beginners, but in my experience the main challenge faced by experienced programmers coming to Perl from other languages is basically choosing 'the best way' to do things.

Are you an experienced programmer new to perl or new to programming in general?
The "standard" recommendation is the Camel book, which I find unsuitable for novice programmers. But if you already have sufficient programming experience then you may find it useful.
Another recommendation is the Modern Perl book

Learning Perl by Schwartz et. al. is very good.
Also take a look at this and this.


Need heal with learning HTML::Template in perl [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
I would like to learn HTML::Template feature on Perl and the programming language Perl too.
Could some one suggest a good book to me? I was able to get "Perl for Dummies" but one thing it doesn't have HTML::Templates.
Thank you for help.
I don't know of any books that discuss HTML::Template. I suggest that Template Toolkit might be a better choice, and there's even a book specifically about it.
I'd try some tutorials rather than a book, here's a couple of pretty decent ones at a glance:
Good Explanation:
Lots of examples:
And as Jonah Bishop said, this isn't a great question for SO as there is no definitive answer. Good Luck!
The HTML::Template CPAN docs and CPAN FAQ have it pretty much covered, along with the tutorials mentioned in other answers here.
But none of this will make much sense until you have learnt the basics of Perl - check the O'Reilly books. Also Modern Perl, available as a paper book or (free) pdf download.
Note that this question probably isn't a good fit for SO. That said, I don't know of any books off the top of my head that include HTML::Template discussions; you'll have to refer to the module documentation.
The Learning Perl book (one of the O'Reilly series) is a fantastic way to learn Perl. It was actually the textbook we used in the Perl class I took back in my college days. I highly recommend it for an overview of the language.

A step up from perl? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am curious, if I am looking for something that is a "step up" from Perl is terms of difficulty. Where would I go?
Is python higher? Ruby? Java?
Am I getting warmer?
Would adding GUIs to my perl script be a higher level of difficulty?
I love Perl but I am looking to branch out a little bit and try other things.
If you don't know C, learn C. Benefit: you can write extension to Perl making your Perl skill even more powerful. If you have already known C, learn Lisp or other functional programming language. Benefit: get into touch a totally different flavor of language, broaden your view.
You might consider a functional language like, say, Haskell. I don't know that it's harder than Perl, but it's different enough that it should expand your ideas of what programming is about.
Perl is a scripting language, Ruby, Python and PHP are scripting languages too. If it is a new challenge you are after try a common compiled language like any C derivative (C, C++, C#, Java).

Resources for learning Lisp [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
What is a good book or tutorial to learn Lisp?
Practical Common Lisp is an awesome (and free) book for anyone interested in the language.
If you like learning by writing games "Land of Lisp" is now available, see
A good place to start off would be the ANSI Common Lisp by Paul Graham which is what I'm hooked onto right now :)
EDIT: As mentioned by spacemanaki "there a few areas where Graham's coding style should not be considered typical" and are listed here.
Lisp (3rd Ed) by Winston and Horn is actually a pretty good textbook. I picked it up for a steal (plenty of $2 used copies on Amazon) and I've found it to be a decent learning tool. it is sometimes easier to read than ANSI Common Lisp by Paul Graham, although some of the advanced stuff is a bit weird or out-of-date.
Have you ever look for at ?
One of the best books for a beginner to learn Lisp by David S. Touretzky:

Online tutorial on lisp [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Any online tutorial on lisp which can teach the basics (loop, condition and etc) of this language in a short time?
Common Lisp tutorial on Wikibooks,
for beginners,
, bit more advanced,
Not a tutorial but rather a full book (but good and straight forward): Practical Common Lisp,
Steve Yegge's Emergency Elisp is not about Common Lisp, but I still find it quite good to get at feeling for the Lisp family of languages:
If you can make it through it (I wasn't able to the first time I read it), reading Paul Graham's The Roots of Lisp gives a nice overview of the very basics of the language, and how to implement it in itself, with only a few primitives.
On Lisp is another, oft-recomended and not too out of date book, again by Paul Graham, that will definitely teach you what you want to know. It's online, for free.
Personally, though, I'd recommend Clojure to you over CL. It's got a fast-growing, welcoming, smart community making cool things. Not only that, but you've got access to everything that Java does, and you're running on the JVM (it's portable and damn fast).
Good luck! is a good start - read up to chapter 3. Chapter 3 really gets you the feel. The rest of the book is good too, but I recommend reading .... next. From there, you should read ....
I chose these in order of importance and difficulty. SL being the easiest and most important, then Gentle, then PCL

What do you recommend for web development frameworks? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
I am evaluating web frameworks. The criteria is lightweight, secure, easy to learn and deploy. There're plenty, but I come up with the following short list,
web2py - the python version of "ruby on rails"
wt. - desktop version of web application
CGI/Perl - the old buddy
Have you worked with any of the above web frameworks and what's your experience? If not, which one do you recommend instead?
This is a flame war in the making.
why did you rule out django and RoR, they have a lot more developer support.
Evaluation of a framework is subjective. A framework is only as good as how good you are with a language, and best practices of a language. What works for one programmer or team, may not work for another, if the team is full of people new to the language.
Please rephrase your question, or rather think about if you really need a framework in the first place.
I find RoR feels very light and is easy to learn. I've also developed in several Java-based frameworks - though all feel heavier than RoR but certainly are rich in features.
Don't know how to comment on answers. To answer Klochner, both seems quite popular but Ruby is not a language that I am familiar with and Django seems more heavy and complex to me than web2py.