Facebook Warning for entering the credentials is not coming on real device IOS6 - iphone

When we test IOS6 Facebook sharing feature in real device its not showing the Alert view with Setting and cancel button but working fine in the IOS6 simulator. We tested in iphone 4s and Iphone5 , In both phones its not showing and alert view for entering the credentials in settings page .
Did any one found the same isssue ?

With the new Social.Framework, If the user does not setup his account for Facebook, Twitter or Weebo in Settings , The App will not recognize that you have Facebook available.
Go to settings and then to the Twitter or Facebook tabs where you can setup your account credentials. After this is setup it will work correctly.
This works fine in the simulator but not on a phone if the relevant accounts are not setup.


How to open device Settings to login in to Twitter and Facebook from Social.Framework?

Im using Social.Framework for sharing app specific info to Facebook as well as Twitter everything is working except, if user is not already logged in to Facebook and Twitter in his device that time I want to show a message like login to these sites in device settings and I need to navigate user to Device Settings on tap of this button, my apps minimum deployment target is iOS 6.0 and above, How to take user to Apps Settings Screen from my app?
I heard that openURL is not allowed by Apple from iOS5.0 and above, so that I cant even use the below snippet,
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"prefs:root=TWITTER"]];

mobile ad optimisation for app installs not available

I've set up a new fb app for an IOS app we've launched. When setting up a mobile ad in FB I can't choose the "optimize for app installs" option, only clicks or impressions.
It works fine for another app and can't see any difference in the fb app and ad setup.
I'm guessing the difference must be in the IOS code, but it seems strange the fb app and ad setup would detect that?
So, essentially the question is, what is the reason I can't choose the "optimize for app installs" when creating a mobile app?

HelloFacebookSample project, strange behaviour on iPhone 3GS

I'm running through the sample project provided with the Facebook SDK and I'm encountering something that's a little weird.
The general idea for the sample project is: You can post via the Facebook app on your phone
if that's not available but iOS 6 integration is, you can post via that.
If that's not available the last resort is to post via the Facebook website.
Now, on the simulator, which doesn't have the Facebook app, but is iOS 6.1, it allows the Facebook integration via iOS6. The modal view controller pops up, but because I'm not logged in, it asks me to do so via the iPhone settings. That's the response I want.
However, on my development 3GS, running 6.1.3, the [FBDialogs canPresentOSIntegratedShareDialogWithSession:nil]; doesn't seem to detect that the iPhone has iOS 6 Facebook integration, but just isn't logged in. Therefore the popup window for Facebook doesn't appear and doesn't ask me to log in.
Any one know why?

App request doesn't work in iPhone browser but works in Facebook application

I'm sending an application request from my iPhone application and want the user to be redirected to the App Store page when he accepts the request.
In the application settings I've added the "App on Facebook" item with fake Canvas URLs besides "Native iOS App" in order to see the requests (they don't appear with no Canvas URL). Everything works fine in Facebook application on iPhone/iPad but doesn't work in the Safari browser on the device.
The request doesn't bring the appstore but open the error page:
Sorry, the application you were using is experiencing a problem. Please try again later.
I've seen some other apps which works fine: request being clicked in the browser brings appstore. So guess something is missing in app settings or similar. Any clues?
Have you tried using your app store link as a URL?

How to go to my new Facebook App

I'm testing out writing mobile web app that connects to Facebook.
I follow this guide here and created a app on facebook, and uploaded the code to my own server.
But then, I got to the point where it tells me to search for my own app in facebook.com. My app won't show up, and I found out they won't until you have some users and then it'll be indexed.
So how do I get to my app?
You might have your app settings (on the advanced screen: https://developers.facebook.com/apps/APPID/advanced) set to either sandbox mode enabled or Social discover disabled.