FPS Lag scheduler? - iphone

I've been getting FPS lag. I've looked around and people say to use
[self schedule:#selector(gameLoop:) interval: 1/60.0f];
When I use this I get choppy lag. but when I use
[self schedule:#selector(gameLoop:)];
It's a lot smoother. Here is a snippet of my movement code.
- (void)gameLoop :(ccTime)dt
[self manageCannon:dt];
[self manageBullets:dt];
[self manageEnemies:dt];
[self manageAllies:dt];
- (void) manageEnemies :(ccTime)dt
enemyClass *tempEnemy;
for(int i = 0; i < [enemies count]; i++)
tempEnemy = [enemyClass new];
tempEnemy = [enemies objectAtIndex:i];
tempEnemy.position = ccp(tempEnemy.position.x-tempEnemy.speed*dt,tempEnemy.position.y);
if((tempEnemy.position.x - tempEnemy.range) < [wall getwally])
tempEnemy.speed = 0;
if(tempEnemy.health < 1)
tempEnemy.alive = false;
if(tempEnemy.alive == false)
[enemies removeObjectAtIndex:i];
[tempEnemy removeFromParentAndCleanup:true];
I always try to write my own code from scratch, so if you can help me out with other things that i'm doing that is incorrect that would be very helpful towards me.

It's hard to say what is slowing down your app from the information given. As LearnCocos2D suggested, you can use Instruments to figure out where the slow stuff is. Or if you want to get very granular analysis, you can always use the following macros in your code:
#define TIC start = [NSDate date]
#define TOC -[start timeIntervalSinceNow]
#define TOCP NSLog(#"TIME: %f", TOC)
Before using, be sure to declare NSDate *start in scope of use. Then just put a series of TIC/TOC or TIC/TOCP pairs in your code to print out times your code is taking in different places. You can very quickly find the bottlenecks this way.


Crash due to removal of Elements like CCSprite from NSMutableArray

So, here's how it goes.
I am currently working on Cocos2d game, which consists of many Obstacles. One obstacle gets added on the screen at an interval of 10 seconds like this.
ObstacleSprite* newObstacle = [ObstacleSprite spriteWithFile:#"Obstacle.png" rect:CGRectMake(0, 0, 20, 20)];
newObstacle.position = ccp(mainPlayer1.position.x,10);
[self addChild:newObstacle];
[self.arrayForObstacles addObject:newObstacle];
Now, I insert these obstacles into the arrayForObstacles because I also want to keep checking whether the Obstacles and MainPlayer don't collide.
I check it with the help of this function.
- (void) checkCollisionWithObstacle
for(int i = 0; i < [self.arrayForObstacles count]; i++)
ObstacleSprite* newObstacle = [self.arrayForObstacles objectAtIndex:i];
if(newObstacle != nil)
if(CGRectIntersectsRect([mainPlayer1 boundingBox], [newObstacle boundingBox]))
Problem is when I get to certain score, one of the Obstacles gets deleted. Removal of Obstacles works as in First In-First Out (FIFO) mode. So, to delete obstacles, I write the following method :
- (void) keepUpdatingScore
//update new score
//remove obstacle when score increases by 5k
if(mainPlayer1.score > 5000 && mainPlayer1.score > 0)
mainPlayer1.playerActive = NO;
if([self.arrayForObstacles count] > 0)
CCLOG(#"count is %d",[self.arrayForObstacles count]);
ObstacleSprite* newObstacle = [self.arrayForObstacles objectAtIndex:0];
[self.arrayForObstacles removeObjectAtIndex:0];
[self removeChild:newObstacle cleanup:YES];
CCLOG(#"count is %d",[self.arrayForObstacles count]);
mainPlayer1.playerActive = YES;
It crashes when score crosses 5000 mark!
Crash happens when it again goes to the method checkCollisionWithObstacle.
This is the THREAD Look.
THis is the line Which crashes.
you seem to be using mainPlayer1.playerActive as a semaphore to block checking the checkCollisionWithObstacle loop from a delete in the keepUpdatingScore method (are they asynchronous ?). Assuming they are, the way you are blocking the loop access wont work if the code enters keepUpdatingScore AFTER the loop started in checkCollisionWithObstacle ... your mileage will vary.

Measure the time a query takes on iPad

I'm trying to see where my expensive queries are and want to measure if it's the query that's the bottleneck, or something else. And also measure if certain queries are faster than others within our app. I was wondering how I could do this with Instruments. I see that there's a time profiler tool and was wondering if I could use this.
I tried running Time Profiler, clicking on the button that presents my viewController that accesses the database. I don't see my sql call itself and was wondering what the best way to measure the time a method takes from start to finish. Thanks.
Why you don't print in console the time when it starts and when it finish. I do that in many languages like iOS/Java[Android]/PHP. To debug plugins times
I hope it helps
For finding time differences between calls, I usually use a StopWatch class that uses the machine time (at least milliseconds, maybe microseconds accuracy).
This version is designed specifically for autorelease and objective-c. It has a method, stopWithContext:, which will also log a message with the time. This is handy for start/stop measurements in multiple functions. Tailor it as you see fit.
I have a c++ version as well if needed. [You can find the c++ version here][1].
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface StopWatch : NSObject
uint64_t _start;
uint64_t _stop;
uint64_t _elapsed;
-(void) Start;
-(void) Stop;
-(void) StopWithContext:(NSString*) context;
-(double) seconds;
-(NSString*) description;
+(StopWatch*) stopWatch;
-(StopWatch*) init;
#import "StopWatch.h"
#include <mach/mach_time.h>
#implementation StopWatch
-(void) Start
_stop = 0;
_elapsed = 0;
_start = mach_absolute_time();
-(void) Stop
_stop = mach_absolute_time();
if(_stop > _start)
_elapsed = _stop - _start;
_elapsed = 0;
_start = mach_absolute_time();
-(void) StopWithContext:(NSString*) context
_stop = mach_absolute_time();
if(_stop > _start)
_elapsed = _stop - _start;
_elapsed = 0;
NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:#"[%#] Stopped at %f",context,[self seconds]]);
_start = mach_absolute_time();
-(double) seconds
if(_elapsed > 0)
uint64_t elapsedTimeNano = 0;
mach_timebase_info_data_t timeBaseInfo;
elapsedTimeNano = _elapsed * timeBaseInfo.numer / timeBaseInfo.denom;
double elapsedSeconds = elapsedTimeNano * 1.0E-9;
return elapsedSeconds;
return 0.0;
-(NSString*) description
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%f secs.",[self seconds]];
+(StopWatch*) stopWatch
StopWatch* obj = [[[StopWatch alloc] init] autorelease];
return obj;
-(StopWatch*) init
[super init];
return self;
The class has a static stopWatch method that returns an autoreleased object.
Once you call start, use the seconds method to get the elapsed time. Call start again to restart it. Or stop to stop it. You can still read the time (call seconds) anytime after calling stop.
Example In A Function (Timing call of execution)
StopWatch* stopWatch = [StopWatch stopWatch];
[stopWatch Start];
... do stuff
[stopWatch StopWithContext:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Created %d Records",[records count]]];

App Crashing When Calling Release on Autorelease Pool - Timing Issue ? iPhone

I have the following method in my app :
- (void) loadModel {
// Runs in a seperate thread so we need to create an additional NSAutoreleasePool
pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSData *getData = [activeModelInfo getFileData];
if (getData) {
if ([activeModel loadFromFileData:daeData]) {
[activeModel reset];
[mainViewController performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(showModelView) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
else {
else {
[pool release];
The loadFromFileData method calls the following code which loads data. :
- (void) loadVerticesFromSource:(NSString*)verticesSourceId meshNode:(TBXMLElement*)meshNode intoMesh: (Mesh3D*) mesh {
NSLog(#"Getting Vertices for Source %#",verticesSourceId);
FloatArray *floatArray = [self getFloatArrayFromSource: verticesSourceId meshNode: meshNode];
if (floatArray) {
[daeFloatArray addObject:floatArray];
if (floatArray) {
if ([floatArray.array count] % 3 != 0) {
NSLog(#"Float array length not divisible by 3!");
else {
mesh->verticesCount = [floatArray.array count] / 3;
mesh->vertices = malloc(sizeof(Vector3D) * mesh->verticesCount);
for (int i=0; i<mesh->verticesCount; i++) {
mesh->vertices[i].x = [[floatArray.array objectAtIndex:(i*3)] floatValue];
mesh->vertices[i].y = [[floatArray.array objectAtIndex:(i*3)+1] floatValue];
mesh->vertices[i].z = [[floatArray.array objectAtIndex:(i*3)+2] floatValue];
// update extents information
if (!extents.pointDefined || mesh->vertices[i].x < extents.minX) extents.minX = mesh->vertices[i].x;
else if (!extents.pointDefined || mesh->vertices[i].x > extents.maxX) extents.maxX = mesh->vertices[i].x;
if (!extents.pointDefined || mesh->vertices[i].y < extents.minY) extents.minY = mesh->vertices[i].y;
else if (!extents.pointDefined || mesh->vertices[i].y > extents.maxY) extents.maxY = mesh->vertices[i].y;
if (!extents.pointDefined || mesh->vertices[i].z < extents.minZ) extents.minZ = mesh->vertices[i].z;
else if (!extents.pointDefined || mesh->vertices[i].z > extents.maxZ) extents.maxZ = mesh->vertices[i].z;
if (!extents.pointDefined) extents.pointDefined = YES;
[pointerStorageArray addObject:[NSValue valueWithPointer:mesh->vertices]];
Since this method is called several times while the data loads, each time mallocing memory for the mesh->vertices struct, I have created a pointerStorage array where I store the pointer to the malloced memory.
The app then displays a 3D object using OpenGL ES. When the user presses a Main Menu button, I then free up the pointerStorageArray as follows :
- (void) freeUpMallocedMemory
for (NSValue * value in pointerStorageArray) {
The problem is that the app then crashes during this process. All I get is the EXC_BAD_ACCESSS error message and a pointer to the following line of code in the loadModel method above :
[pool release];
Nothing in the stack trace. I have also tried turning on NSZombie, NSAutoreleaseTrackFreedObjectCheck and NSDebugEnabled, but I still don't get any additional information.
The odd thing is that if I put a delay on the button of 2 seconds (i.e only trigger the freeUpMallocedMemory method after 2 seconds), the app no longer crashes and works fine.
Can anyone suggest what might be causing this - really confused and have already spent a few days troubleshooting.
Thank you !
You are over-releasing... the values in pointerStorageArray are created via a convenience method and as such don't need releasing, simply removing them from the array will dispose of them.

Problem with Objective-C for loop

I have two methods, the generateRandomCard method gets called within the testMethod, where there is a for loop that runs 100 times. That way it works perfect, but if I set the for loop limit to 1000 or any other number greater than 100 it crashes. Can you see what's wrong??
- (void)testMethod {
Globals *myGlobals = [Globals sharedInstance];
int rankOfFirst = 0;
int rankOfSecond = 0;
int playerOneWin = 0;
int playerTwoWin = 0;
int ties = 0;
float firstPercent = 0;
float secondPercent = 0;
float tiePercent = 0;
FiveEval *evaluator = [FiveEval theEvaluator];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
short fPF = [self generateRandomCard];
short fPS = [self generateRandomCard];
short sPF = [self generateRandomCard];
short sPS = [self generateRandomCard];
short fFlop = [self generateRandomCard];
short sFlop = [self generateRandomCard];
short tFlop = [self generateRandomCard];
short tur = [self generateRandomCard];
short riv = [self generateRandomCard];
rankOfFirst = [evaluator getRankOfSeven:fFlop
rankOfSecond = [evaluator getRankOfSeven:fFlop
if (rankOfFirst > rankOfSecond) {
} else if (rankOfSecond > rankOfFirst) {
} else {
[myGlobals.alreadyPickedCards removeAllObjects];
firstPercent = ((float)playerOneWin/(float)10000)*100;
secondPercent = ((float)playerTwoWin/(float)10000)*100;
tiePercent = ((float)ties/(float)10000)*100;
NSLog(#"First Player Equity: %f", firstPercent);
NSLog(#"Second Player Equity: %f", secondPercent);
NSLog(#"Tie Equity: %f", tiePercent);
- (short)generateRandomCard {
Globals *myGlobals = [Globals sharedInstance];
short i = arc4random()%51;
for (int j = 0; j < [myGlobals.alreadyPickedCards count]; j++) {
if (i == [[myGlobals.alreadyPickedCards objectAtIndex:j] shortValue]) {
[self generateRandomCard];
[myGlobals.alreadyPickedCards addObject:[NSNumber numberWithShort:i]];
return i;
You're probably overflowing your stack in the recursive call to -generateRandomCard. If you generate a card that's already been picked, you call yourself recursively (and ignore the result, which is a different bug). So, if your random number stream gave you an unlucky sequence that kept returning cards you've already picked, then you'll recurse infinitely until the stack overflows.
Change your card selection algorithm so that instead of using rejection sampling with the potential for infinite looping/recursion, it uses an algorithm with a bounded runtime such as the Fisher-Yates shuffle.
Not sure if this could in any way lead to the crash - It may be unrelated. However, it does look like you have a bug in the way you recursively call generateRandomCard when a card is found in the alreadyPickedCards array. Instead of
[self generateRandomCard];
I think you should have
return [self generateRandomCard];
You have in -testMethod:
[myGlobals.alreadyPickedCards removeAllObjects];
and in -generateRandomCard you have:
for (int j = 0; j < [myGlobals.alreadyPickedCards count]; j++) {
if (i == [[myGlobals.alreadyPickedCards objectAtIndex:j] shortValue]) {
[self generateRandomCard];
I can't bet for sure, but this looks like a situation where you removeAllObjects in 1 loop and access an out of bound index in another loop.
If you wanna play like this with arrays, I suggest you make copies of arrays and remove items from those copied arrays.

Need help with a memory management problem in my game model

I'm a beginner level programmer trying to make a game app for the iphone and I've encountered a possible issue with the memory management (exc_bad_access) of my program so far. I've searched and read dozens of articles regarding memory management (including apple's docs) but I still can't figure out what exactly is wrong with my codes. So I would really appreciate it if someone can help clear up the mess I made for myself.
//in the .h file
#property(nonatomic,retain) NSMutableArray *fencePoleArray;
#property(nonatomic,retain) NSMutableArray *fencePoleImageArray;
#property(nonatomic,retain) NSMutableArray *fenceImageArray;
//in the .m file
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
self.gameState = gameStatePaused;
fencePoleArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
fencePoleImageArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
fenceImageArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
mainField = CGRectMake(10, 35, 310, 340);
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.05 target:self selector:#selector(gameLoop) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
So basically, the player touches the screen to set up the fences/poles
-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
if(.......) {
else {
UITouch *touch = [[event allTouches] anyObject];
currentTapLoc = [touch locationInView:touch.view];
NSLog(#"%i, %i", (int)currentTapLoc.x, (int)currentTapLoc.y);
if(CGRectContainsPoint(mainField, currentTapLoc)) {
if([self checkFence]) {
//this 3 set functions adds their respective objects into the 3 NSMutableArrays using addObject:
[self setFencePole];
[self setFenceImage];
[self setFencePoleImage];
else {
The setFence function (setFenceImage and setFencePoleImage is similar to this)
-(void)setFencePole {
Fence *fencePole;
if (!elecFence) {
fencePole = [[Fence alloc] initFence:onFencePole fenceType:1 fencePos:currentTapLoc];
else {
fencePole = [[Fence alloc] initFence:onFencePole fenceType:2 fencePos:currentTapLoc];
[fencePoleArray addObject:fencePole];
[fencePole release];
and whenever I press a button in the game, endOpenState is called to clear away all the extra images(fence/poles) on the screen and also to remove all existing objects in the 3 NSMutableArray. Point is to remove all the objects in the NSMutableArrays but keep the array itself so it can be reused later.
-(void)endOpenState {
int xMax = [fencePoleArray count];
int yMax = [fenceImageArray count];
for (int x = 0; x < xMax; x++) {
[[fencePoleImageArray objectAtIndex:x] removeFromSuperview];
for (int y = 0; y < yMax; y++) {
[[fenceImageArray objectAtIndex:y] removeFromSuperview];
[fencePoleArray removeAllObjects];
[fencePoleImageArray removeAllObjects];
[fenceImageArray removeAllObjects];
The crash happens here at the checkFence function.
-(BOOL)checkFence {
if (onFencePole == 0) {
return YES;
else if (onFencePole >= 1 && onFencePole < currentMaxFencePole - 1) {
CGPoint tempPoint1 = currentTapLoc;
CGPoint tempPoint2 = [[fencePoleArray objectAtIndex:onFencePole-1] returnPos]; // the crash happens at this line
if ([self checkDistance:tempPoint1 point2:tempPoint2]) {
return YES;
else {
return NO;
else if (onFencePole == currentMaxFencePole - 1) {
else {
return NO;
So the problem here is, everything works fine until checkFence is called the 2nd time after endOpenState is called. So its like tap_screen -> tap_screen -> press_button_to_call_endOpenState -> tap screen -> tap_screen -> crash
What I'm thinking of is that fencePoleArray got messed up when I used [fencePoleArray removeAllObjects] because it doesn't crash when I comment it out. It would really be great if someone can explain to me what went wrong. And thanks in advance.
First, a couple of suggestions:
if (!elecFence) {
fencePole = [[Fence alloc] initFence:onFencePole
fenceType:1 fencePos:currentTapLoc];
else {
fencePole = [[Fence alloc] initFence:onFencePole
fenceType:2 fencePos:currentTapLoc];
You’re making this too hard, how about this:
const int fenceType = elecFence ? 2 : 1;
Fence *fencePole = [[Fence alloc] initFence:onFencePole
fenceType:fenceType fencePos:currentTapLoc];
And this:
int xMax = [fencePoleArray count];
int yMax = [fenceImageArray count];
for (int x = 0; x < xMax; x++) {
[[fencePoleImageArray objectAtIndex:x] removeFromSuperview];
for (int y = 0; y < yMax; y++) {
[[fenceImageArray objectAtIndex:y] removeFromSuperview];
Could be shortened using makeObjectsPerformSelector:
const SEL remove = #selector(removeFromSuperview);
[fencePoleImageArray makeObjectsPerformSelector:remove];
[fenceImageArray makeObjectsPerformSelector:remove];
This is shorter and safer, as the xMax bound in your code is computed from fencePoleArray and used to iterate over fencePoleImageArray. (Could be right, could be wrong.)
Now to the objectAtIndex: call. If the array is still in memory and you tried to access an object beyond the array bounds, you would get an exception. So that I guess that either the array or some of the objects in it got released without you knowing it. You could try to NSLog the array and the object on given index and try to log their retainCount. If the logging line crashes, you have found the object that’s been released and can start looking for the cause.
(And one more thing: You should split the game logic into a separate model class. This simplifies the code and makes it easier to reason about.)
If you want to use properties, you should use self.propertyName = ... instead of propertyName = ....
Hope this will help.