How can I step into a core java class method in Eclipse? - eclipse

Hi I am going to dig a little more in Java so I would like to see how the program executed in the core class. For example, I would like to know how String.chatAt() is implemented, so I set breakpoint and tried to step into with debug mode. But I failed, I set bp at the second line when the program hit it, I used step into it still continue to the third line.
String a = "1231231241241";
char b = a.charAt(0);
I think it should go into the source and show "no source found" and then give me a chance to attach the source file, right? But why it cannot get in? I can only use ctrl+right click on a method to get into source and attach.

It might be that your Eclipse is not setup to run with JDK, it might run with JRE instead.
Check this link.
Also, I might suggest you to try and use Maven for your Java projects management, it makes the life so much easier, when you get a grasp of it.

Most likely, you have the "Step filtering" functionality activated.
When debugging, it can sometimes be a bit annoying when the debugger steps into trivial classes whose internals you were not really interested in. Because of this, you can configure "Step filters". Classes or packages that are added as step filters will be ignored by the "Step into" operation.
If you want to configure which classes/packages should be included in the step filter, you can go to: Window --> Preferences --> Java --> Debug --> Step Filtering
My guess is that you have a java.* package filter defined there, meaning that the debugger will never step into any class within a package which starts with "java". Uncheck this package filter if you want to be able to step into java.lang.String
Alternatively, if you want to activate/deactivate step filtering completely, you can do this by clicking the Use step filtering button in the debug view, as shown below:

To be able to look at the code of libriaries you are using in your project you should configure your build path by attaching the soruces and JavaDoc.
Source Lookup

Seems like you dont have the "Source Attachment" set. Go to Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs. Select the JRE you use and click "Edit", then set the Source Attachment to the that comes with the jdk by selecting the jars and clicking "Source Attachment" :).
You can do this with all of the jars at the same time by selecting them via shift-click.

for example in this System.out.println("test") piece of code if you want to step into System class just click on System and click F3 you will be redirected to attach the source code if you haven't already attached.Just attached the src folder of the jdk


How do I prevent superDevMode from appearing in my arguments?

I'm using Eclipse (Kepler) for a GWT application and for some reason, superDevMode keeps appearing in my arguments. We are stuck with GWT 2.4 which does not know what superDevMode is. I remove the argument, hit Apply and Debug to start the app, but when I look at the arguments again, -superDevMode is in there again. I am assuming there is some property that belongs to 2.6 (the version that was installed with the Eclipse plugin), but I can't seem to find it.
Update: Below, Adam recommended that I go to the GWT tab and take it out of superdevmode. Here is a screenshot of that tab:
There isn't a way to do that. The large area at the top of the tab (above the Super Dev Mode group) suggested that something was supposed to be there, so I set the project's GWT to 2.6. Sure enough, there was a Super/Classic dev mode selection. I set it to classic, saved the settings, and then put the project back to 2.4. The GWT tab looked exactly as it does above and the arguments now has "-nosuperDevMode" in it, which is also not recognized by 2.4.
Any help would be appreciated.
I found a temporary workaround that comes with a caveat: I made the Eclipse Run Configuration file read-only.
Example path:
Then whenever you bring up the Dev Mode Run Configuration in Eclipse it still shows the -superDevMode flag, but when you click the Close button it now asks you if you want to save and you can press No.
The big caveat: if you actually do want to change the Run Configuration Eclipse will ask if you want to save, you press Yes, the dialog closes, but it didn't actually save.
Easiest fix is to shutdown Eclipse, manually edit the .launch file to remove -superDevMode, make the file read-only, then start Eclipse again.
Here's the bug report.
Go to GWT tab (3rd from left) and switch from Super Development Mode to Classic Development Mode

How to debug Eclipse source code

I am having tough time to figure out debugging UI parts of Eclipse. I couldn't find any information on google (or) Eclipse web site.
All I wanted to do is to find out the code that gets executed when we double-click a file in project explorer to open the file in Editor.
I tried to bring up Eclipse source code from Plug-ins view -> right click on the plugins -> import as Source Project. But, I am unsure what are all the components that constitutes to the UI part. I get some weird errors when I try to import everything that's found in plug-ins view.
Where can I find the information related to debugging Eclipse source code?
Instead of using Plug-ins->Import as Source Project, I would recommend opening the Plug-ins view, selecting all plug-ins, right click, and Add to Java Search.
Then you can use Open Type Ctrl-Shift-t to search for class names and the source will be attached so you can read it, set breakpoints, and debug.
In your case, I think you want to investigate IWorkbench, IWorkbenchWindow, and IWorkbenchPage. The openEditor(*) methods on IWorkbenchPage will be of particular interest.
You may also want to take a look at the org.eclipse.ui.editors and org.eclipse.core.contenttype.contentTypes extension points.

Eclipse PDT Builder - What is it? How can I disable it?

I have a custom build-script for my site. I want to invoke this script whenever I press ctrl+b in eclipse.
I have configured a new builder seen at the top. While my own builder runs fine, eclipse also invokes "Validation" and "Script Builder". As far as I can tell these two do absolutely nothing, but take ages to complete.
I have tried to simply disable them, but eclipse just creates them again as another instance. (hence the duplicates)
I have tried to add an exclusion to * for the PHP Build Path, but that didn't do anything.
What do "Validation" and "Script Builder" do exactly? Why do they take so long and above all: how can I disable them?
The fact that these two builders are re-added after you disable them is a bug. Please file bug reports at You will need to file separate bug reports as these two builders are maintained by different groups of people.
The Validation builder performs a variety of validation on artifacts in your project. You can see all validation that's performed under Validation property page in the same dialog. In that page, you can selectively disable the categories of validation that you don't want.
The Script Builder comes from PDT and presumably performs validation on the actual PHP artifacts. Outside of what you've already tried, I don't know of a way to disable it.
2 years later and I have the exact same problem with latest PDT.
This is what I did:
Right-click project
Click checkbox "Enable project specific settings"
Click checkbox "Suspend all validators"
Script Builder:
Right-click project
PHP Build Path
remove all folders from "Source folders on build path:"
or remove all but the ones you really want to be checked for syntax errors
Now "build" phase of PHP project is way shorter (like a half a second :)))
However, if you want to be able to navigate PHP source using Eclipse (like right-click on function and select "Open declaration" or pressing F3 on function name) then you need to leave folders in Script Builder with source you want to navigate. I had project with huge folders containing source of various frameworks and I removed those from "Source folders on build path:" and only left folder(s) with project source. That cut down build time to second or so.

Speeding up PDE edit-compile-debug cycle

Are there any low-hanging fruit regarding some more efficient way to run and test Eclipse-plugins (within the PDE)? Besides slimming down the Eclipse-configuration, which has already been done.
I usually minimize my launch configuration itself (not sure if that is what you are doing). Here's how I do it:
Create a new launch configuration
Go to the "Plug-ins" tab
Select "Launch With:" -> "Plug-ins selected below only"
Click on "Deselect All"
Select only the plug-ins you are debugging from your workspace
Optional: You can uncheck "Include optional dependencies..."
Click on "Add Required Plug-ins"
Save the configuration and launch
Now, this might not work in the first shot. This probably means you have an issue with the defined dependencies. This is also a good test for that as well. Fix it, relaunch, and it should run much smoother.
I use Launch As: Eclipse Application and I don't find it to be too bad. I've found that changing the plugin.xml (or fragment.xml) always requires you to quit and respawn to pick up the changes, but changing Java doesn't always as the changes can often be hot-swapped in. (PDE is good at warning you when it can't.)
I'd like it if Eclipse could dynamically insert my plug-ins into the running environment -- it can do this with regular plug-ins. As for speeding up the edit-compile-debug cycle, I normally prototype my work in small SWT / Swing applications before integrating them into the full product, but this might not work in a lot of cases.

Excluding/Disabling Validation in Eclipse

I have the (mis)fortune of having a large project source-base in which I am working primarily on PHP and JavaScript. I have to have the full project area as the project root in Eclipse, but unfortunately this includes several directories that drive the validation built into WST/DLTK/etc. nuts.
I have tried disabling all validators in the project properties. I have gone into the validators one at a time and added rules to the "Exclude Group" set to exclude the specific folders. I have removed the folders from the PHP build path in the project properties. And yet, my Problems view/tab is still littered with thousands of red flags that stem mostly from a folder that we use to keep copies of external elements (Apache, PHP, etc.). You know, typical "have a copy of the specific versions we currently use" sort of thing.
The signal-to-noise ratio is so bad that I'm unable to use the view at all, which is a shame. If I'm not going to have the benefits of the IDE, I might as well be using vim for this (I use it for other stuff, but for this codebase a good IDE is a better choice, providing I can get it to work). It seems to me that it would be an obvious feature to be able to right-click a folder in a project and select "Exclude from Validation", but alas there is no such feature. Is there another way to get the validators (PHP, HTML, etc.) to ignore the folders I need ignored?
Tried solution;
Right click project
Select properties
Select validation
Check Enable Project specific settings
On the XML Validator row, click the '...' button
Select Exclude Gruop
Click Add rule
Select 'Folder or file name'
Click Next
Select files or folder which are not validated.
Click Finish
Click OK
Click OK
This solved my problem. Because eclipse validation gives error for generated GWT files.
Best regards.
I came upon this question while looking for the same answer. I will list the steps I did here and hopefully it will help someone in the future.
I am using Eclipse 4.1 and I do the following to exclude validation for specific xml files. I am sure if you configure the different validators it will work for other files as well.
Go to Preferences -> Validation
Find the Validator you wish to change and select settings (not all of the validators have settings, hopefully yours do).
In the settings you can add an Exclude Group where you can add a rule to specify to exclude the validator for specific extensions, folder or file name, project nature, facet or content type.
I have Eclipse for PHP Developers and I was dealing with the same issue.
In addition tot he excellent answers above, I have one more suggestion.
My first recommendation is not to use Aptana unless you actually want those validators (as they are nearly impossible to turn off from my experience).
Beyond that, go to File -> Properties -> Builders, and deselect "Validation" and "Script Builder" and "JavaScript Validator".
So far it's helped speed up some operations tremendously.
I also recommend disabling "Automatic Build". Because you're using PHP, the odds that you actually need it to build anything if you don't want validation is slim.
In the main menu, go to Project and uncheck "Build Automatically". You will want to build your project every now and then by right clicking on the project and selecting "Build Project".
All the above steps have helped me get the basic editor, which is exactly what I wanted.
I used to exclude resources from validation via project specific Exclude Group (as the most answer here suggests). But in case anyone is still having problems with disabling validation for a specified folder in 2014 - just mark the folder resource as Derived:
This should disable validation for that folder.
If you are using EGIT you might also want to disable automatic inclusion of derived resources in .gitignore:
It is not really possible to select a directory, at least under Windows.
After having pressed Preferences->Validation->Settings->Add Exclude Group->Add Rule->Folder or filename->Browse Folder->(selecting some directory)->[OK]
The "Browse for folder" dialog is being closed, with the "File or folder" field staying empty.
I had the same problem with the web app i'm developping.
I ended up disabling automatic build, and building once a day (Project->Build automatically), that way i still get the benefits of code completion from libraries, while speeding up the program on older computers.
I found in the project properties there is a Builders category. In the list of builders I had a JavaScript Builder. I deselected this builder and all my annoying javascript validation woes went away.
this worked for me:
Properties > Builders section and unchecking the corresponding box.
seems to be a bug in some versions of eclipse.
There are more gloabal validation parameters. You can suspend all validation (or only the ones you don't need) by going to:
Window > Preferences > Validation.
Here, check the box "Suspend all validators".
Alternatively, uncheck the validators you don't need from the list below.
A full build will be requested which might take some time. But Eclipse will run a lot faster afterwards [But without validation of course]
Go configure what's displayed in the Problems View like lothar proposed, create new custom filter and in "Scope" area choose "On working set". Now press the button right below this option to configure what working set would it be: in working set selection pop-up hit the "New" button and mark all your project files EXCEPT those you want to exclude from validation. You might want to save this working set under convenient name, like "No_Validation_Set".
1) working set excluding problematic files.
2) custom Problems View filter to operate on this set.
when adding new files to project you need to update your working set, so they are validated too.
When I excluded files from validation for the project, my setting didn't seem to be recognised until I restarted Eclipse and cleaned the project.