Autohotkey - Key loop making shift key combos not work - autohotkey

I made a script meant to be spammed on button down , its working but when I wanto use another key combo with [Shift] while holding down the key [Xbutton2] it doesnt work e.g If I wanto press Shift+q it only sends q and its the same for any other keys.
I have been using this script forever but since the Software updated it doesnt seem to work as intended anymore.
#ifWinActive ***********
SetKeyDelay, 20
if not GetKeyState("XButton2", "P")
Send 3456789
sleep +q
sleep +e
sleep +f
sleep +r
sleep +c
sleep +q
I just dont understand why any key combo with Shift doesnt work.
I tried adding sleep on the shift keys that I use but it made no diffarence.

Adding an asterisk to the front of a hotkey makes it ignore modifier keys (Ctrl, Alt, Shift).
;do stuff


How to allow Win+Alt+x hotkeys when using Win+Alt itself as a hotkey?

I'm using Win+Alt as a hotkey in my script. (Actually, since when they go to whack Win+Alt, either key might be pressed first, I actually use four hotkeys to trigger the same code: LWin+LAlt, LWin+RAlt, RWin+LALt, and RWin+RAlt.) This works fine:
; wait for all four of these keys to be up
KeyWait LAlt
KeyWait RAlt
KeyWait LWin
KeyWait RWin
; ... do the actual stuff here
However, there are some programs that use Win+Alt+something to trigger a function. For example, OneNote uses Win+Alt+N to create a Quick Note. Since I'm waiting for those keys to be up before proceeding, my script blocks them from working.
How can I allow these hotkeys while still allowing Win+Alt to trigger my script?

How to use two keys as trigger AutoHotKey?

I would like to use ctrl + w + x as a hotkey, but of course ^wx:: is an invalid hotkey.
here the ressources I've found, I tried them but they didn't worked for me, (though english isn't my native language so I may have misreaded??)
the AutoHotKey documentation for the list of keys
An AutoHotKey topic named "Press 2 buttons at the same time?" from 2018
Another Autohotkey topic named "Trying to activate a key press using 2 keys" from 2014
thanks in advance for helping me :)
Here is one solution based on the first example from the Input command in the Documentation:
delay := 3.0 ;number of seconds to wait for additional input
Input, SingleKey, L1T%delay%, {LControl}{RControl}{LAlt}{RAlt}{LShift}{RShift}{LWin}{RWin}{AppsKey}{F1}{F2}{F3}{F4}{F5}{F6}{F7}{F8}{F9}{F10}{F11}{F12}{Left}{Right}{Up}{Down}{Home}{End}{PgUp}{PgDn}{Del}{Ins}{BS}{CapsLock}{NumLock}{PrintScreen}{Pause}
if (SingleKey = "x"){
MsgBox Put Hotkey here
Send ctrl + w + x was pressed
Send {Ctrl Down}{w}{Ctrl Up}
Send %SingleKey%
Explanation of Code:
Declare a variable to hold the amount of time you want the hotkey to wait for an 'x' input after Ctrl+w is pressed, called delay
Hotkey Declaration: When Ctrl+w is pressed
Wait delay number of seconds for the user to press another key
If that key was x, then send your custom hotkey
Otherwise, send Ctrl+w, followed by whatever key was pressed by the user.
Other Notes:
Using the $ hotkey modifier to prevent an infinite recursive loop
If it doesn't work properly, feel free to let me know and I can try to help you

Using AutoHotKey to temporarily disable stuck modifier keys

I want to temporarily disable all modifier keys if it seems like one or more of them has become 'stuck' - basically, I need the opposite of Windows' StickyKeys.
I'm working with a Windows tablet (ie. no physical keyboard) with a faulty input device, and it sometimes just jams a bunch of modifier keys, with no predictable trigger. Until I have time to actually troubleshoot the (potentially hardware-level) bug, this script will be a stopgap.
I just need a few seconds to sleep and unsleep the system, since that usually smacks input back into order - unfortunately, the stuck modifier keys interfere with the machine's normal sleep button behavior.
I'm trying to work with the ctrl key first, just to get the concept working, then test for the other modifiers later.
TimerVar := 0
CtrlIsStuck := False
Loop {
CtrlKeyPhysicallyDown := GetKeyState("Ctrl", "P")
If CtrlKeyPhysicallyDown
TimerVar := 0
If TimerVar > 1 ; TODO: make sane before deploy
CtrlIsStuck := True
Sleep, 500 ; TODO: make sane before deploy
#If CtrlIsStuck
ToolTip, Stuck keys detected; jamming for 15 seconds. Use Sleep button now.
SetTimer, DoReload, 15100
Hotkey, Ctrl, DoNothing
Send, {Ctrl Up}
Sleep 15000
I expect this to check in a loop to see if the ctrl key has been held for a span of time, and if it has, bind ctrl to something that does nothing, claim ctrl has been physically released, then wait for a bit.
The 'check if it's held' logic is working, but once it gets past that #If line, things start behaving in a way that, after reading the manual for a while, I still don't understand. While it definitely runs, the Hotkey statement doesn't seem to do anything useful, and the SetTimer line effectively behaves redundantly; I suspect I'm missing something obvious about AutoHotKey's script flow, but I'm unsure what.

Autohotkey. Hold two buttons and tap another to increase volume

I got stuck building an ahk shortcut script to increase / decrease Volume. The idea was to hold down LAlt+LShift and tap F12 to increase one step per tap.
The order in which LAlt and LShift are pressed shouldn't matter.
I came up with this so far:
While (GetKeyState("LShift","P")) and (GetKeyState("LAlt","P"))
F12::Send {Volume_Up}
But somehow it increases the volume on holding LAlt and taping F12. LShift gets igronred..
What's wrong with that...
F12::Send {Volume_Up}
isn't a command, it's a hotkey assignment. You cannot use it within executable context. It is actually the short form for:
send {volume_up}
You wouldn't wanna have a return somewhere in between the lines which should be executed, would you.
As can be read in the documentation, you can only combine two Hotkeys for an action easily, like a & b::msgbox, you pressed a and b. E.g. for a,b AND c, you'd need some workaround like the crossed out, old answer below.
BUT you can add as many modifiers to your hotkey as you want. Modifiers are ! alt, + shift, # win and so on (please have a look #
So you can simply use
<!+F12::send {volume_up}
So, your aim is simply to have volume_up be fired when three Hotkeys are being pressed. You can achieve it like this:
#if getKeyState("LShift", "P")
*<!F12::send {volume_up}
send {volume_up}
For the meaning of * and < and other possible modifiers, see
Your approach wasn't too bad. It would have worked if you had used the Hotkey command instead of an actual hotkey assignment. Still that would have been unneeded work

How to remap key in certain case and not remap in other case with autohotkey?

I want to remap alt+e when caps is on in autocad.
And when capslock is not on, alt+e should open menu edit.
I use script like this
if(GetKeyState( "CAPSLOCK", "T" ))
SendInput erase{space}wp{space}
Send !e
When I turn on capslock, remap key is OK.
When I turn off capslockand alt+e, menu edit opened, but closed immediately.
You will want a $ at the beginning of your hotkey to prevent the endless loop that the !e in your else block will trigger. You will also want to add a Return at the end of the hotkey to prevent the script from continuing into what is below this hotkey.
if GetKeyState( "CapsLock", "T" )
Sendinput, erase{space}wp{space}
Sendinput, !e
(Brackets are only required when if/else blocks are more than one line.)
Beyond that, the likely issue is that it's an alt hotkey that is also set to send alt.
I say this is an issue because if you press and hold alt, it activates menus,
and then the script sends alt, which will be in conflict with that.
As Ricardo said, the ideal way to script this is with the #IF command (only included with AHK_L).
#If GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T") and WinActive("AutoCAD")
!e:: SendInput, erase{space}wp{space}
Notice that you can add the WinActive() function to the #If command's expression.
Try it without that first, and also realize that the application's title needs to be exactly "AutoCAD" at all times for that to work. I would recommend finding AutoCad's ahk_class,
with AHK's window spy, instead of using the title.
If it still does not work, it is likely that AHK is sending faster than AutoCAD would like to receive.
Info on how to deal with that can be found here.
Try to change your else block to this:
I do not rely on these symbols to send keystrokes in AutoHotKey.