Project-specific setting with cmake -> eclipse CDT project generator? - eclipse

Generating eclipse project file from a cmake based projects works really good. We no longer need to commit eclipse project files to the repository.
But what is with the project specific settings like 'code style'. In a fixed eclipse project I could save and commit this setting. Is it possible within a cmake based project with generated project files for eclipse?

I do not see a solution to this as cmake completely regenerates the project. That's the reason why I use Makefile projekts with eclipse. I don't see any drawback of this as eclipse can easily trigger the make command.


Automatically generate .factorypath on project import when using Maven project in Eclipse IDE

The .factorypath file is a generated file, which eclipse requires for annotation-processing. The m2eclipse plugin does generate this file when using "Update Maven Project" (Alt+F5) and checking "Update project configuration from pom.xml".
However, I don't want to check this file into version control. But if not, and someone from the team does a fresh checkout, and imports the project in eclipse, the .factorypath does not get generated until the "Update Maven Project" is performed manually. I don't want this manual step when a project gets imported, this has to happen automatically. Is there an option, that a project has to be updated upon import?
Since this is an IDE related question, and you seem to be using Eclipse IDE:
Menu Window > Preferences > Maven > Automatically update Maven projects configuration .
This will make it for you on project import so you would not need that manual step anymore.
Assuming your real issue is
I don't want to check this file into version control.
Though you have not specified which version control you are using but if you are a GIT or SVN user, you need to add files/directories pattern in GIT ignore file or SVN ignore properties.
Read more on GIT Ignore or SVN Ignore.

FindBugs plugin does not work on projects imported from GitHub

I have always used FindBugs, and it is really useful in many cases. But I couldn't get to find why it does not work on projects imported from GitHub. Projects imported into Eclipse using Git as the source does not have an option to run FindBugs.
Does anyone know why, and a solution to this? I do love to use git extensions on Eclipse, as well as FindBugs.
Is the project that you imported from Git recognised as a Java project (i.e. it has a J under the project folder icon)? If not then FindBugs won't be enabled for the project. If that's the case the remote repository almost certainly hasn't added the .project and .classpath files which are what Eclipse uses to determine if it's a Java project or not.
You should be able to convert it to a Java project by right-clicking and doing 'Configure -> Convert to Java Project'. If that doesn't work, delete the project (but without deleting the files) and then create a File -> New Java project in the same location.

eclipse intellij can use Github for same project

Is it possible to create one project in GitHub, and two teams who are using different IDE like Eclipse and Intellij can configure project with github and can work simultaneously on same project?
I have searched it but not able to find proper solution for it.
Yes, you even can version:
your .project and .classpath (eclipse)
and your .idea folder (intellij)
And both set of IDE-specific files would ignore each others: one could use the Eclipse settings without realizing there is an IntelliJ IDEA project, and vice-versa.
Yes this is possible.
Most IDE's do create some specific project folders, where the IDE does store Data for your project. As example local build paths and so on.
Git provides the .gitignore file.
In this file you can specify which folders and files git will ignore. As example IDE Based files and folders. Due that every developer can his favourite IDE and no local IDE based files will be in the Git Porject itself.
Most IDE's will update or crate the .gitignore File automatic when they do find an git folder in the project.
What files you have to add to the .gitignore file is differs from IDE to IDE. It also depends on what Programm language your Project is written in.
Here you can find more about the gitignore file:
How do I ignore files in a directory in Git?
Yes you can, there no limits on IDEs and number of team members, check this for Eclipse
and this for IntelliJ

Eclipses code analysis doesn't work with git project

I have imported a git project into Eclipse
and I want to enable PyDev\Code Analysis\Pep8
but it doesn't seem to work...
I suppose it is because its a git project and not a project in the eclipse's workspace..
How can I make Pep8 code analysis work?
Try right click on the folder of cloned folder in Eclipse
PyDev -> Set as source Folder
Is becomes real eclipse project.
The reason for that is that PyDev will only do code-analysis on files which are under source folders (i.e.: in the project PYTHONPATH).
Please, read the Getting Started manual: which has a step-by-step on how to properly configure PyDev so that it works properly for you.

Unable to launch java application in eclipse after mercurial clone

I guess this is a Eclipse question.
I have a mercurial repository with a source folder (src/main/java/) and some source code. The repository also contains a build.xml. After cloning the project into Eclipse using the Mercurial plugin I'm unable to configure a launch configuration for my project. Eclipse is unable to identify the newly cloned project as a project when setting up the launch configuration. What am I missing?
What kind of launch configuration are you using?
an External Tools Configuration (in which case you defnie and Ant Build with a direct link to your build.xml)
or a "Run Configuration", meaning your repository must include a .eclipse and a .classpath for eclipse to list your project as one being able to Run.
As discussed before in Which eclipse files belong under Version Control, those two files can be versioned, provided they only use relative path.
Do you have a .project file?
If you do, you should be able to use File->Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace.
If you don't, try File->New->Project and there are various different options to create a project from existing source.