Eclipses code analysis doesn't work with git project - eclipse

I have imported a git project into Eclipse
and I want to enable PyDev\Code Analysis\Pep8
but it doesn't seem to work...
I suppose it is because its a git project and not a project in the eclipse's workspace..
How can I make Pep8 code analysis work?

Try right click on the folder of cloned folder in Eclipse
PyDev -> Set as source Folder
Is becomes real eclipse project.

The reason for that is that PyDev will only do code-analysis on files which are under source folders (i.e.: in the project PYTHONPATH).
Please, read the Getting Started manual: which has a step-by-step on how to properly configure PyDev so that it works properly for you.


FindBugs plugin does not work on projects imported from GitHub

I have always used FindBugs, and it is really useful in many cases. But I couldn't get to find why it does not work on projects imported from GitHub. Projects imported into Eclipse using Git as the source does not have an option to run FindBugs.
Does anyone know why, and a solution to this? I do love to use git extensions on Eclipse, as well as FindBugs.
Is the project that you imported from Git recognised as a Java project (i.e. it has a J under the project folder icon)? If not then FindBugs won't be enabled for the project. If that's the case the remote repository almost certainly hasn't added the .project and .classpath files which are what Eclipse uses to determine if it's a Java project or not.
You should be able to convert it to a Java project by right-clicking and doing 'Configure -> Convert to Java Project'. If that doesn't work, delete the project (but without deleting the files) and then create a File -> New Java project in the same location.

Make Eclipse reference maven projects and not jars

I'm trying to have the projects within my workspace to reference each other directly, instead of the jar files from the maven repo. That used to work perfectly fine when having all the projects in the same folder (eclipse workspace) and using mvn install and mvn eclipse:eclipse. However, now it's not working and I believe it's due to the fact that the projects are not located in the workspace folder, but in my local GIT repo, from where I import them into Eclipse. I assume that I need to set some variable somewhere, but couldn't find anything on this on the interwebs. I've also tried using the eclipse maven plugin, but I got into other problems that completely broke my setup. Using -Declipse.useProjectReferences=true doesn't help either. I'm grateful for any hint!
I suddenly began having this problem after a reboot (??).
What worked for me was:
on my project's context menu, open "Properties"
Java Build Path tab: add the projects which need to be referenced
Order and Export tab: move these projects to the top of the list
There's a setting on each Project to control this behavior. Right-click to open the project Properties, then select the Maven section; there you'll find the option Resolve dependencies from Workspace projects.

Project-specific setting with cmake -> eclipse CDT project generator?

Generating eclipse project file from a cmake based projects works really good. We no longer need to commit eclipse project files to the repository.
But what is with the project specific settings like 'code style'. In a fixed eclipse project I could save and commit this setting. Is it possible within a cmake based project with generated project files for eclipse?
I do not see a solution to this as cmake completely regenerates the project. That's the reason why I use Makefile projekts with eclipse. I don't see any drawback of this as eclipse can easily trigger the make command.

Setting up a eclipse project for learning gcc

I cloned git repository for gcc from
Now I want to navigate the code from eclipse. I have indigo eclipse in windows.
How to setup the project(like setting the include paths), so that issues like:
"GC_NOT_ALPHA not resolved" doesnot come up.
Got the answer. Just add the include paths to the C/C++ Include paths in Project/Properties in Eclipse. Then right click Project-> Index -> Rebuild. The indexer of eclipse ran for around 20 mins. It built the index for the project. And now I am able to navigate the project efficiently. And even the "Symbol could not be resolved" errors disappeared.

pydev and the src directory vs. scm

I'm trying to transition to eclipse+pydev but am having a problem importing projects under scm. My old projects (and also projects on github) don't have the "src" parent directory that pydev seems to really like.
If I use egit or subclipse to import/check out the project, the pydev environment is incomplete. If I externally check out the source and move it into place, I don't seem to be able to tell eclipse it's SCM'd.
I would think this is a FAQ, but I can't figure it out. What is the best practice to use SCM'd projects under eclipse that aren't SCM'd as eclipse projects.
Thanks. Kent
Choose the properties for the project. Then change the pydev-PYTHONPATH - remove the src entry and then add the directory of your project that contains the source.