Metro App cannot open package.appxmanifest - microsoft-metro

I have this Metro App project that I just tried building for the Windows Store.
After completing the buildprocess (with no errors) I can't open the appxmanifest xml file in visual studio anymore. If I select "STORE" > "Edit App Manifest" I get the following error message: "Value does not fall within the expected range."
I can't open any manifest file in any project now.
Does anybody know whats happening, do I need to reinstall Visual Studio or whats going on?
I'm pretty desperate, so any suggestions are welcome.

Found the answer here - so i tried deleting the .suo files from the project, and now it seems to work. I have no clue why that would affect newly created/other/checked out projects, weird behavior indeed?
(Since I am both new to SO and to Visual Studio, I don't know if answering my own question is considered bad practice, if it is, please let me know what I should do instead)

It's an XML file, so you could try to open it with a text editor to figure out if there's an invalid value set somewhere. You could always compare to a default Package.appxmanifest from a new project.

Can your fellow coworker open the manifesting file you're having trouble with?
The first thing to check is to make sure you are running Visual Studio as an admin. (Right click, run as administrator)
Try creating a completely new project. Save it without modifications. Build it. See if you can open the manifesting file in that project. If you can't, try a XAML/C# project instead of JS just to see if something is wrong with the specific project type.
And before you try completely reinstalling, you might try resetting your Visual Studio settings. Make sure to take a backup just in case you need to get your environment back to where it was once you find the issue.


Visual Studio Code error: "No project found in root directory. Please create a project file and add it to the configuration."

I am setting up VSCode for Ada. I typed in a known good test program and tried to "Run -> Start Debugging". In the PROBLEMS (Crtl+Shift+M) window, a message appears:
"No project found in root directory. Please create a project file and add it to the configuration."
I have read the documentation and looked around in the VSCode editor and have not found anything to correct this error. Can someone provide suggestions? Thanks.
The language extension is looking for a project file (.gpr file). Here are some instructions to set that up:
I saw some extra procedures inside the extension itself. There were extra steps to complete the setup. I started Ada programming with a simple text editor and the gnat compiler so these additional steps were not anticipated. Sorry for the trouble.

Entrypoint is not a Dart file in flutter

i have been reading more than 10 similiar question for this error and still cant solve my problem
im trying delete .idea and still cant solve it,trying add content root in my project too, but the problem isn`t solved, can you help me?, thanks
Apart from the warning 'Entrypoint is not a dart file' my main.dart was also showing the code in just one plain color (white) with no intellisense whatsoever.
After deleting .ideal/ folder and dart_tools, uninstalling/re-instaling android studio, and other attempts, there was no luck and no solution on google addressing this very error message so i decided to try this:
After saving my work
Go To File in Android Studio Menu at the top
Manage IDE Settings
Restore Default Settings
It will redownload android sdk and setup everything as new.
Paste your codes from previous projects and ride on!

Project Template Not Updating on Build

I've been working on a project template today, first time doing so but it has been going alright. I'm almost finished but have now run into some weird issue I can't figure out.
For some reason which I don't know, whenever I try and debug my project template it is now stuck to using some old version of it. No matter what or how much I change then rebuild and try to debug - it still uses some weird old version stuck in some sort of limbo.
I can't seem to figure out where it's finding this file, I've cleared my temp folder. It doesn't show up as installed when I go to Manage Extensions in Visual Studio.
Any ideas what might have happened? There are no errors or warnings.
I was able to solve this by deleting all files inside %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\16.0_cfa111feExp\Extensions. After doing so, I restarted VS and loaded up my project and rebuild (not build) the solution.
After that, it now shows the up-to-date version of the project template. What caused this and how to potentially prevent it in the future - I still have absolutely no idea.
I use Visual Studio 2019 Version 16.4.2

have to restart the jaspersoft studio if the customized jasper function library get changed

guys. I am using jaspersoft studio 5.6.0 final.
I am having a weird issue that whenever I made new changes to my own functions library. jaspersoft studio DOES NOT recompile it automatically. If I clean and build the project manually, the generated report won't take advantage of the new changes.
It happens to me (using windows7) and my teammates (using mac)
As a result, I have to restart the whole program all the time.
And, even if I do that, my function library sometime works and sometime don't. (no idea why)
Hope anyone can help me. Thanks a lot.
To solve this isuue you should enable build automatically
on the top click on project and check build automatically

Xcode 4 crashes when we run a project at the same time on two machines with Git

We have two developers working on the same project. This project is integrated with Git.
When one developer is working on the project and other developer tries to run the project, Xcode 4 crashes as shown.
What could be wrong and how to rectify it?
I think what has happened is that your project.pbxproj file has gone some merge conflict stuff embedded in it. Open it in a text editor and look for lines like:
If you see that, it means you need to clean up the file.
There's no way for git to be doing anything across systems while both developers are just working, so the issue is something someone checked in...
Another issue is that if a project file is changed by another developer, and someone pulls the changes with the project open, they have to re-open the project to see all of the targets as they are meant to be used in the project. I have not seen that cause a crash though.