Eclipse warning: "problems during content assist" - eclipse

Every time I start Eclipse and press Ctrl + Space I get the following 3 warning popups.
They are only appearing the first time I press Ctrl + Space.
I get these warnings since i reinstalled the jdk.
I already tried to re-install eclipse, but as soon as I import my old projects the warnings seems to reappear. I currently have the following java versions installed:
JVE 7_u7 32bit;
JVE 7_u7 64bit;
JDK 7_u7 64bit;
JDK 7_u7 32bit.
I added all of them in the PATH variable in the same order as listed above.
I also have eclipse set to use the JDK 7_u7 64bit (btw I'm using eclipse 64bit).
I hope somebody knows a solution for my problem and excuse me for my bad english, I am not an native English speaker. ;)

You can resolve this issue by turning off Subwords-Completion in:
Window > Preferences > Code Recommenders > Completions: ==> incheck(Subwords-Completion)

I got the similar type of warning is eclipse spring tool suite(sts) .I unchecked CodeRecommendors Proposals(addons) which is present 2 times in the above list and below list and it worked.To do it go to window-->preferences-->java-->editor-->Content Assist-->advanced.see the screenshot.

You can configure content assist and disable the triggers in content assist. This link provides information on setting content assist preference.

I would like to share my experience for those who have this problem in the future. If you changed the theme of your editor recently, first change it back to the classic theme and then restart Eclipse. Then switch back to the theme(maybe dark theme) you want to use and restart Eclipse again. This is how my problem was solved.


Eclipse code error marks does not auto-refresh

I am working with Eclipse Photon 4.8.0 and I'm facing a weird behaviour when I'm working with Java files.
When I make a change in a file, usually Eclipse refresh the code reviewer automatically, marking errors and warnings on the fly in the code. This is not happening to me. The code marks appears or disappears only when I save the file.
I suppose there is some preference option to allow auto-refresh for this code checks, but I can't find it.
In Window > Preferences: Java > Editor check the checkbox Report problems as you type.
I think that actually it's not a fix for the problem, but I delete this Eclipse and downloaded Eclipse Oxygen. Now it works. I suppose it's a bug for the new Eclipse Photon.

Zend Debugger Eclipse Startup Error: eclipse.php.debug.core was unable to load class debug.core.model.PHPConditionalBreakpoint

I work on Mac OSX Lion and ever since I've installed the Zend Debugger and gotten it to be able to debug php web applications, I often encounter this Eclipse startup error:
Error creation extension for extension-point
org.eclipse.php.internal.debug.daemon.communication Plug-in
org.eclipse.php.debug.core was unable to load class
An error occurred while automatically activating bundle
org.eclipse.php.debug.core (258).
The error log contains the following stack trace:
org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugException: Plug-in org.eclipse.php.debug.core was unable to load class org.eclipse.php.internal.debug.core.model.PHPConditionalBreakpoint.
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.BreakpointManager.createBreakpoint(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.BreakpointManager.loadBreakpoints(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.BreakpointManager.initializeBreakpoints(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.BreakpointManager.getBreakpoints0( at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.BreakpointManager.start(
at org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugPlugin.start(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleContextImpl$
... Omitted for brevity ...
This error often goes away when I just restart eclipse a few times. I've googled for solutions and tried reinstalling eclipse a couple of times. This error only seems to occur if I have both ADT (Android Development Tools) and PDT (PHP Development Tools) + Zend Debugger installed.
Please let me know if you have information about how to solve this problem. On a related note, I never really got the PDT + Zend debugger to work (as in debug) PHP apps on Windows.
I have seen this error a few times, even in the Zend Eclipse PHP version. It only seems to happen when two things are true:
1) The "breakpoints" view is visible on eclipse start (that is, you can see where breakpoints would be listed)
2) The file open and active in the editor is NOT a PHP file
For example, I got this repeatably with a CSS file open in the editor on the debug perspective with the breakpoints tab active.
To get around it: Start eclipse and ignore the bug about loading the plugin (for now). Make a PHP file the active document in the editor, and change from the debug perspective to the PHP perspective. Close eclipse and restart. On restart, the error should be gone and debugging should be active again.
I can't guarantee this is the solution everytime, but I can reliably replicate this failure (and solution) with the breakpoint/non-PHP conditions described above.
I had a similar issue (yours came up top of Google when I pasted my error message) after a few similar and different errors I decided to check my Eclipse workspace settings after an alternative workspace of mine worked and debugged fine.
It turns out my PHP executable pathway was empty (after having previously set it), so I added it back in. No problems so far.
(i.e. here...) Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> PHP -> PHP Executables -> Add/replace/reselect here.
sometimes the simplest thing is to select 'Skip all breakpoints' under the 'Breakpoints' view (which opens in debug perspective). Then restart Eclipse. I have had similar error messages since first answering and that usually does the job (of course you can deselect 'Skip all breakpoints' after that from the same place.
This is a workaround instead of a solution, but so far, it's going good:
I downloaded and installed Eclipse for PHP Developers(aka Zend Eclipse PDT) version 3.0.2 from Zend website and I'm now able to debug Wordpress and Joomla, both pretty complicated projects as far as PHP goes.
I will update if I experience a problem.
I am using Eclipse Indigo on Ubuntu 12.04 and I received this error after installing Java 7. My PDT settings which used to work stop working. My solution was to uninstall PDT and reinstall it. I am not sure if this is relevant to your question but it might solve the issue.
Help -> About eclipse platform
click "Installation details" button
click php development tools (PDT) sdk feature
click uninstall
follow prompts
reinstall pdt in the normal way
My previous debug launches were deleted but my old project was left untouched. I re-ran a debug from Run -> Debug Configurations.
I've only ever gotten this after closing down an Eclipse php project that I've enabled various breakpoints in.
My workaround is once the project opens and I get the error message I select skip all breakpoints, close the project and re-open it. I then deselect the skip breakpoints and start working. The error, at least in my case happens randomly and for no other reason than I closed the project with breakpoints enabled.
Wish I had a more technical solution or fix but I decided my time was better spent working on actual work than chasing this deeper.
The problem happened when I closed Eclipse while a project was still running in debug mode.
I did more or less the same as #rahvin_t to fix it.
Run > Skip all breakpoint. Close Eclipse, start eclipse and I could start the project again.
there are a few errors that happen on start-up similar to this one. They seem to occur when there are 'unusual' files open in the editor (e.g. css or javascript)
What usually works for me:
Close all your files in Eclipse (Ctrl+Shift+W)
Restart Eclipse.

Eclipse 3.4.2 - very tender

When I select a folder in the Eclipse Project Explorer, the 'explosion' often will cause a file to 'moved' out of its current folder - sometimes even to another project - causing errors in the re-compilation (thankfully).
Does anyone have a solution to this 'tenderness'? (If relevant, I am using Ganymede under Eclipse 3.4.2 with the Android Plugin.)
My theory is that the OP is accidentally doing a drag-and-drop and moving files. I couldn't see a simple way to turn off drag-and-drop in the preferences editor.
I worked On Eclipse Ganymede in Linux
I think there is problem with your Setting of editor
I work with Eclipse a lot, I've used Ganymede for over a year under Linux and sometimes Windows, and neither I nor any of my colleagues have ever seen such a problem.
My guess is that there are problems between your mouse and display drivers, i.e. you are inadvertently clicking on other things when you are meaning only to explode. Can you try opening folded branches by selecting the item and hitting the + key rather than clicking in the GUI?

Eclipse Europa search references feature stopped working

I'm working with Eclipse Version 3.2.1 Build M20060921-0945 on a MS-Windows 2000 SP4 using a JDK 1.5.0-12.
I takes my locale that is es-AR and sets all menu and context in Spanish which I don't like. So I had included in eclipse.ini file one parameter "-nl en".
Since that, "References..." feature in both "Search" and contextual menu stopped working. I removed parameter and ran eclipse with "-clean" but still not working. I don't have any other clue about what is happening. Thank you all in advance.
Delete all the files in you eclipse data, eg:
This should force eclipse to rebuild its index
Had the same trouble with the latest Indigo release of Eclipse, searching for references of a method or class I selected invariably gave 0 results.
Stopping Eclipse, deleting all files in folder <WORKSPACE>/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core, and restarting Eclipse afterwards has solved it.
I see a similar problem where search for references (Ctrl + Shift + G) stops working. It works again if I restart Eclipse, but it's still pretty annoying. I'm thinking maybe there's some keyboard shortcut that I hit sometimes by accident that messes up the search.
Go to {workspace}.metadata.plugins\ and clear the History section of dialog_settings.xml , worked for me.
After trying all of the above and nothing working, I took another look at the file name pattern I was using for file search:
*.java *.properties, *.vm, *.xml, *.xsd
I was missing the comma after .java, so Eclipse wasn't searching my .java files, it was looking for files that matched the pattern ".java *.properties".
Wow did I feel dumb dumb dumb... adding the comma fixed it! Passing along my simplistic solution in case it does anybody else some good...
Strange as it sounds, it does seem that the keyboard mapping affects this. I had mapped -H to Search in Files, and the Java search started bringing up everything, rather then actual references to the method I was searching for. ~Nothing~ fix this, including the solution above. But remapping the key to Open Search Dialog DID fix it.
I've just come to experience this behaviour with Eclipse Mars 1 Release 4.5.1.
In an specific class only. Clean and build entire workspace does not work but I've updated Maven Project containing that class [Right-click on project -> Maven -> Update Project ...] and it works now.
Hope it helps someone.
I've just come to experience this behavior with Eclipse Mars 1 Release 4.5.1.
I tried everything mentioned above but it did not help.
So I created new workspace, and imported the project and search started working again.
I was facing a similar issue in Eclipse 2019-09 R (4.13.0) on Linux Mint
One thing that worked for me (besides closing and opening Eclipse again) was to click on the search icon and then in the Show Previous Search icon on the tab and then Open in New :
Trash your install.
Then reinstall it.

In Eclipse, why does "Build Automatically" get mysteriously disabled?

I'm running Eclipse Europa (3.3). I leave the "Build Automatically" setting, under the Project menu, on all the time. Once in awhile my code isn't compiling, and I puzzle over it and then pull down the Project menu ... lo and behold, it's not set anymore. What gives? Is this a bug, or is there something else I'm doing that could cause it?
Edit: I am running the regular Java developer installation, plus Subversive and its connectors, Jetty Launcher, and I believe no other plugins. Other people at my workplace have had the same problem.
Edit: I am still having this problem once in a blue moon, only now I'm using Eclipse Galileo (3.5) for Windows. I haven't had this problem in Galileo for OS X, neither in Cocoa nor Carbon, but I have not used that for as long.
With Eclipise Mars.1 (4.5.1), Oomph may be the culprit. Eclipse Oomph supports automatically disabling Build Automatically with entries in
On Windows
If you want to disable this Oomph behavior try deleting the following setting
"Eclipse->Navigate Menu-> Open Setup menu entry-> Open User menu entry", a Preference Task under "User Preferences -> org.eclipse.core.resources -> description.autobuilding"
I learned about this setting by posting to the Oomph Eclipse Community Forum on Feb 8th, 2016. I posted a question titled "Oomph Defect? Build Automatically Keeps Getting Disabled". Ed Marks replied the same day with details about Oomph's support for managing the Eclipse "Build Automatically" setting.
I don't have eclipse right here to test and make sure but here is an idea.
Is any of the project or even workspace file in SVN ? if they are and they were uploaded with auto build disabled that might explain it
You update and overwrite your settings. This doesn't become apparent until you restart eclipse. this would also explain why other people at your workplace experienc this. it would even explain why some don't : thay are the ones who are careful what they update and don't allow eclipse to overwrite their own settings plus the ones who actually prefer to have autobuild disabled :)
I had the same problem and when I looked at the Source tab under Java Build Path (under the menu Project > Properties ) there were some source directories that didn't exist anymore (marked with a red X). After I deleted them, compilation worked fine and all new .class files are under the bin folder.
Strange. Is there perhaps a plugin installed that turns this off without your knowledge?
Maybe there is some conflicting shortcut. For example, some duplicated shortcut may be toggling it.
I am running 3.4 and I also have this mysterious behavior. I had it in 3.3 as well. I use CVS not SVN. Does not seem to follow a pattern just once in a while it gets switched off and then weird confusing stuff happens until I remember to check it and switch it back on. I am almost to the point where I want to write a plugin to always turn it on when eclipse loads.
When installing Google Plugin for Eclipse, 'Google App Engine for Android' is also installed.
For me, I uninstalled 'Google App Engine for Android', which I didn't need, and solved this problem.