Is it possible to to use sandbox without having paypal account? - paypal

I am beginner php Programmer, i am creating a shopping cart application, I have already created Sandbox Seller and buyer A/c I jst want to know is it possible to show the demo of "payment" to client without creating (having paypal credentials of client's A/c) paypal A/c.

You can show demo up to the page redirects to PayPal sandbox, but you have to have PayPal buyer account to do some transaction.
You can keep logged into PayPal sandbox account earlier and while the page redirecting to PayPal page then it will automatically show the payment section by skipping login pages.


Payment via Braintree in flutter application

I am building a marketplace app and want to include payment via PayPal with Braintree (see documentation: flutter_braintree). Right now I am working with a braintree sandbox trial account.
As far as I am understanding it correctly, I have to save the braintree tokenizationKey for every company to enable payments directly to them and not to the marketplace. Due to test reasons I included the tokenizationKey of my braintree sandbox account.
I am successfully directed to the PayPal checkout page where I can't login since it's in sandbox mode. When I select "proceed with sandbox purchase" I am then redirected to the application and do receive a BraintreePaymentMethodNonce.
Here you can find the screen where I can't login.
But somehow I can't see any transactions in the dashboard of my sandbox account.
Am I mistaken with the way tokenization works or where is the problem?
I am successfully directed to the PayPal checkout where I can't login since it's in sandbox mode.
Use a sandbox buyer (personal) account from
If the companies only have PayPal accounts rather than Braintree accounts, you can use PayPal via Braintree and a braintree access_token from PayPal for authentication to get the client token on your server (no tokenizationKey)
I was also having the same issue. Now I found the solution. All you have to do is link you braintree sandbox to your paypal sandbox. Here is the process of linking your sandbox accounts.

I need to transfer money from user to user using PayPal, from within my site

I need to transfer money from user to user using PayPal, from within my site.
The scenario is:
The user can sigup with paypal in my site. The signuped user can able to transfer the money to another paypal user within my site without redirect to paypal login.
Currently i done with user sigup with paypal. its worked fine but when user trying to send amount to another paypal user its redirecting to paypal site to send it.
I have gone through the paypal api Implicit Payment. But its working when the app email and sender email was same means transaction is done without redirect to paypal. but if the sender email was different means its redirecting to paypal to relogin and get confirmation to send amount .
User who signup with paypal. Should not be redirect to paypal again for tranfer money. how we can do this. is it possible ? please suggest me
You may integrate seamless checkout feature on your website, which gives customers the ability to directly checkout using their PayPal account. Once logged in to your website through Log In with PayPal, the buyer can seamlessly checkout with PayPal without the need to log in to PayPal again. [Seamless checkout]
If your website works as a marketplace, you could refer Parallel payments using Express Checkout.

Paypal Express Checkout for PayPal Buttons

I have created some paypal buttons using paypal button manager (My Saved Button Page). All works good so far.
I however want the paypal payment page to open the credit card tab by default. (the tab that says 'Don't have paypal account?').
From other stackoverflow answers I can see I need to use express checkout, and in the API call I need to set SOLUTIONTYPE=Sole and LANDINGPAGE=Billing.
But how do I set this on my normal Paypal payment buttons (the ones I created using Button manager)?
My account on paypal is a business account, and does support Paypal payment pro and Express checkout.
Did you know that paypal will default to the "don't have a paypal account" for customers who don't have accounts.
PayPal automatically checks if your customers cookies to see if they have ever logged into paypal. If so, it will default to log in, if not then the pay with debit or credit card.
This is why you always see log in. Try clearing your cache and cookies on your browsers and then go to your payments page, you will see.

OpenCart: Paypal Session Time-Out

I am using the standard paypal payment method with my opencart website. When I go through the checkout process and get redirected to the PayPal website, I get to login and choose my payment source on the paypal site. However, when it starts processing, it just returns "Your session has timed out, please log in again." and logs me out of Paypal.
Any help would be appreciated.
I had facing this problem also. If you are using sandbox mode, You should be gave test account for buyer(buyer account must be business account) and also seller account must be individual account(personal). for example is buyer account you should put it in admin panel paypal extension,then you should login in E-store website with seller account( and proceed to paypal it will works well.
Some times the cookies that Paypal sets are really annoying, try cleaning all of them, it helped me with other Paypal related errors.

Paypal integration with

I have created paypal account on paypal site for testing(buyer and seller account). I developed a site and created a page that redirects me on paypal site to buy the product. Now login is required there for buyer. Can i login there for my test account? that is, (as i given my #live id and they returned me paypal with
help me plz as soon as posible...
You'll need to set tests accounts through (signup required, separate from your Live PayPal account).
In here, create one buyer/seller account. Change the "action" for your to point to, as opposed to
Don't forget to modify 'business' of your button to match the Sandbox seller account you just created.