H.264 Video in MPEG2TS container - ios5

I have a hardware codec that encodes video in H.264 (Baseline profile, level 3) which I package into MPEG2 Transport Stream so that I stream it to iDevices (HTTP Live Streaming).
The problem I have is that the video plays only on the more recent iDevices (iPhone 4S/iPhone 5, iPad 2/3) but not on the older iPhones or iPad 1 (there is activity on the screen but nothing even remotely close to actual video).
Further, when it works, the video plays at exactly 1/2 the framerate (30 fps plays as 15 fps).
Safari on Mac Mini or Macbook Pro exhibit no problem whatsoever. VLC & mplayer don't have any problem with the TS files either.
When I package the same video into a MP4 container, all devices play the video properly.
Any suggestions on how to debug this problem?
Is there any way of getting debug information from iPhone or iPad that would help me figure out what's going on?

Reduce your level? Do older devices support level 3? If not go to level 1.2 and check


web-audio api -- iPad4 safari out of tune?

I have a simple synth that plays a 100hz tone using an OscillatorNode. My synth is about a whole step flat on safari iPad 4 ios 7.1.1, compared to all the other browsers I've tried (chrome iPad 4, safari ipad 2 ios 7.1.1, safari iPhone 5, chrome and safari on my mac). I've verified that the sample rate of the out-of-tune browser, iPad 4 safari, is 44100hz. The in-tune browsers report the same sample rate, 4400hz.
My code is pretty simple and I don't see how this could be a programming error on my part. Especially considering the iPad 2 and iPad 4 are running the same OS (and presumably the same version of safari). It seems like there's something weird, low-level and hardware-dependent going on.
Is this a known issue? If so, is there any way to test for it or work around it?
===== edit ========
Here's an example (safari only) -- dead simple oscillator test. Plays at one pitch on my iPhone 5s, a different pitch on my iPad 4. http://www.morganpackard.com/webaudio_test/OscillatorTest.html
var context = new webkitAudioContext();
var osc = context.createOscillator();
osc.frequency.value = 440;
This is probably due to one device playing at 44.1kHz and the other playing at 48kHz. There is probably a browser bug preventing the change of sample rate, and the subsequent misreporting of sample rate.
Chrome on Android has a similar issue where the record and playback sample rates must be identical. Since this doesn't typically happen when recording from the on-board microphone, for while it would seem that recording audio was always silent.

Video on Android Virtual Devices?

I have installed Android SDK Manager to test web sites on Android Virtual Devices.
I have problem in seeing videos on it:
I hear audio normally but I see only black instead of video (controllbar is OK).
The video is encoded H264/AAC 1Mbs and plays well on browsers and iPhones emulator.
Do I have to add new hardware properties ?
You can see my configuration here
Thanks for your help
No, there are no specific hardware properties that are required for video playback. The emulator will only play a limited subset of video encodings while a real device will support a more comprehensive set. GPU emulation might help if your emulator is too slow to play back the video, but is not required.
Make sure your video is encoded using a baseline profile that can be played back in the Android emulator. This answer might help: What formats of video will play in emulator?

HTTP-Live-Streaming - Loading Issue?

I'm (trying) to use HTTP-Live-Streaming in my app and after weeks of re-encoding it seems to work now without errors by the mediastream validator.
On my latest iPod Touch (iOS 4.0) with WiFi the videostream loads in 1sec and switches to the highest bandwidth stream.
On another test device iPhone 3G (iOS 3.0) with WiFi it takes up to 30 seconds to load the stream - although I see in my log files that it looks for the high quality stream after 1 second. But I get a black screen with audio only in the first 30 seconds. Is this problem to due the better CPU on the latest iPod touch or is it due to the iOS upgrade?
Also I'm fearing another rejection by Apple because the last time they checked my stream they only looked at each videostream for about 3 seconds and then rejected because they didn't see any video.
Take a closer look at the segmented files. Example: can you play the first low-quality MPEG-TS segment in VLC? Is their video there?
I've found iOS devices to be very picky about that they will and won't play. Make sure you are using a lowest common denominator code settings. I'm a big fan of The Complete Guide to iPod, Apple TV and iPhone Video Formats

iPhone HTTP Live Streaming not working on models below 3GS

We are using http live streaming for on demand video from within our iPhone app and on the 3GS models the videos play as they are meant to. However, on the models pre 3GS it gives an error saying this movie format is not supported.
I have seen other threads on this however no solutions or insights.
Does anyone know if this really is a hardware limitation of the pre 3GS phones or does it have something to do with our code?
"iPhone 3G supports H.264 Baseline Profile Level 3.1. If your app runs on older iPhones, however, you should use H.264 Baseline Profile 3.0 for compatibility."
Info taken from this technote.
HTTP Live Streaming is supported on all iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad hardware if you have sufficient network bandwidth for your lowest bit-rate stream and the right level of OS. On an original iPhone 2G running iPhone OS 3.1.3 we are routinely playing HTTP Live Streams over WiFi. It also works in our tests over Edge, but the bandwidth on Edge is usually too low for the rates at which we are encoding. We have seen some issues with bandwidth adaptation on an iPod Touch running 3.1 which we suspect are related to that particular device/OS combination, but are not certain of that.

mp4 stream to iphone/ipod touch via http

is it possible to stream video to iphone/ipod touch over http without a proper streaming server with .net? may be some sort of progressive download?
The best way that I suggest is to use HTML 5. The iDevices (iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad) doesn't support Silverlight or Flash.
I think the mobile devices you are trying to watch the videos from have a 'video size limit' because when i test my website i test everything over wifi for real world scenarios and when i reach a certain video size i am not able to watch the video on that mobile device. videos under 1gb work great, but when i try watching a 2.5gb HD video it will not open the video on my ipod/ipad/iphone/android devices....