EF with only a subset of existing tables - entity-framework

I got an existing database with many tables which are accessed using stored procedures only (no O/RM). I'd like to create new tables in this database using Entity Framework and the Code First approach.
Do all the tables in my existing database need to be modelized in my Entity Framework classes? Will I be able to hand-code only the new classes I need in my DbContext? Other tables really need to stay untouched and away from O/RM for the moment.
Note: I'm going to be using the latest EF5.

As for now the Power Tools only allow you to reverse engineer all tables and views in the DB, which can be a problem if you have a big DB, with hundreds of objects, you do not want to reverse engineer.
However, I found an easy workaround for that:
Create a new technical user for the reverse engineering. To this user you only grant permission to the tables and views, that you want to be reverse engineered.
Have fun!

You are under no obligation to map any given table with EF. If you already have a database, you may want to consider reverse-engineering your database with the EF Power Tools available from Microsoft. I did this recently with a MySQL database that I had for testing purposes and it worked quite well!
If you are new to EF an advantage is that the PowerTools write a ton of code for you, which will help you get a grasp on the syntax of Code First. You will need to modify the output but it is a great start. I really believe that this approach will give you the least headache.
The EF PowerTools can be found here: http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/72a60b14-1581-4b9b-89f2-846072eff19d/


Model-First View

Is there a more elegant way to maintain a view in Model-First Entity Framework? There's plenty of discussion regarding how to do this using Migrations in Code-First, but of course Migrations are not available when using Model-First.
My current approach:
Run "Generate Database from Model..."
Run the created script
Delete the table EF generates for the view
Create the view manually
The last two steps are done in a post-script, of course.
I'm not expecting an integrated view-designer (although I think that's what MS was originally intending for future releases, before they fell in love with Code-First). For example, if it's possible simply to tell EF not to create that table, it would be a small improvement.

How to manage Entity Framework model first schema updates?

I'm using Entity Framework 5 model first. Say I've deployed the application and I'd like to upgrade an EF entity with new columns, basically adding columns to the table.
What is the best way to upgrade the existing database without losing data? For example I have a User table that I add two new columns to. If I try to script a schema change the tables will need to be dropped in order to add the new columns. Is there a way to update the tables without needing to recreate them? Thanks!
This may be a late answer but I have had the same problem and could just find one solution, there is an application that can update the model-first generated databases without losing the data.
It can directly open the model file and update the database tables.
It also installs some extensions on Visual Studio that I have not personally used but may be usable.
The name is Entity Developer and there are some editions of the application listed here:
Entity Developer Editions
The free edition is usable only for 10 entities or less that may not suit your needs but the Professional edition is usable for 30 day as a trial that may help you do the job. The only solution I could find on the net was this one.
Hope it helps you with the problem.

No relationships when generating Entities from Advantage database

I am trying to add tables from an existing Advantage Database (recently upgraded from v8 to v10) to a .NET project via the Entity Framework. However, no matter what I do, the relationships between the tables are not being imported from the database. Obviously, I can just recreate them in Visual Studio, but I'd prefer to keep the data structure primarily in the database.
This link describes the problem, but the solution (permissions issues) doesn't work for me. We're using the IGNORERIGHTS security mode in connections, and user permissions are not enabled on the database.
Based on this chapter, I've made sure that the tables in question are ADT tables, and have Primary keys which are non-nullable. I've also verified that the RI constraints exist and show up in Advantage's visual designer.
Despite all that, when I "Update Model from Database" in the EDMX and select the tables which have a reference between them, no reference is created.
Is there anything else I can try? Some step I'm missing? A setting that needs to change?
I ended up deleting the EDMX for entirely unrelated reasons, and when I recreated it, relationships worked just fine. It's quite possible that Mark's suggestion was the answer, but for new ones only. I didn't do any extensive testing to try and confirm that, though.

EF4: For a new app, is it better to generate db scripts for an empty db, or generate class from an db with tables in already in place?

For my first app I created the db and the tables it used. I was not impressed that I had to use buddy classes for validation, but at least I know what I am doing now.
For my next app, is it worth learning instead how to create db scripts to populate an empty db, and do it that way round? I suspect it is, but let me know what you think.
I find it quicker to design using the EF Designer and then generate the database from that. It's less key strokes overall. Sometimes I'll then make changes in the database and bring them back into the model, but for that first pass, EF designer works great.

Changing database structure at runtime with Entity Framework?

I have to write a solution that uses different databases with different structure from the same code. So, when a user logs to the application I determine to which database he/she is connected to at runtime. The user can create tables and columns at any time and they have to see the change on the fly. The reason that I use one and the same code the information is manipulates the same way for the different databases. How can I accomplish this at runtime? Actually is the Entity Framework a good solution for my problem?
Thanks in advance.
You can do this with EF 4 using a code-first model. That said, I tend to avoid changing DB metadata on the fly, with or without EF. Rather, I'd choose a schema which fits the user's changing needs.