Using foldleft or some other operator to calculate point distances? - scala

Ok so I thought this would be a snap, trying to practice Scala's collection operators and my example is a list of points.
The class can calculate and return the distance to another point (as double).
However, fold left doesn't seem to be the right solution - considering elements e1, e2, e3.. I need a moving window to calculate, I need the last element looked at to carry forward in the function - not just the sum
Sum {
Reading the API I noticed a function called "sliding", perhaps that's the correct solution in conjunction with another operator. I know how to do this with loops of course, but trying to learn the scala way.
import scala.math._
case class Point(x:Int, y:Int) {
def dist(p:Point) = sqrt( (p.x-x)^2+(p.y-y)^2 )
object Point {
//Unsure how to define this?
def dist(l:Seq[Point]) =l.foldLeft(0.0)((sum:Double,p:Point)=>)

I'm not quite sure what you want to do, but assuming you want the sum of the distances: { case (x,y) => x.dist(y) }.sum
Or with sliding:
l.sliding(2).map {
case List(fst,snd) => fst.dist(snd)
case _ => 0

If you want to do it as a fold, you can, but you need the accumulator to keep both the total and the previous element:
l.foldLeft(l.head, 0.0){
case ((prev, sum), p) => (p, sum + p.dist(prev))
You finish with a tuple consiting of the last element and sum, so use ._2 to get the sum part.
btw, ^ on Int is bitwise logical XOR, not power. Use math.pow.
The smartest way is probably using zipped, which is a kind of iterator so you don't traverse the list more than once as you would using zip:
(l, l.tail) _ dist _ ).sum


Element wise multiplication of iterators and calculating sum

Using two Lists, element wise multiplication of these lists and sum of resultant list can be calculated in following way.
(List1 , List2).zipped.foldLeft(0.0) { case (a, (b, c)) => a + b * c }
How can I preform this operation for two iterators in Scala in an optimal and fast way?
(iterator1 zip iterator2).foldLeft(0.0) { case (a, (b, c)) => a + b * c }
is okay I suppose. If you want to squeeze the last bit of performance out of it, use arrays and a while loop.
You can use this piece of code that should work with any collection and any numeric type.
It tries to be efficient by doing everything in one traversal. However, as #Martijn said, if you need it to be the most efficient solution then just use plain Arrays of a primitive type like Int or Double and a while.
def dotProduct[N : Numeric](l1: IterableOnce[N], l2: IterableOnce[N]): N = {
case (x, y) => Numeric[N].times(x, y)
(note: this code is intended for 2.13+, for 2.12- you may use Iterable instead of IterableOnce)

Scala: Generate tuple of Ints

I want to generate a Vector of tuple of two Ints. For now, I do as follows:
(0 until 100).map(x => (x+1 until 100).map(y => (x,y))).flatten.filter { ... }
I wondered if there were any more efficient way to do this. I have the feeling that "flatten" slows down the code. Do I have to use "flatten" or can I use something else ?
PS1: If I don't use "flatten", I have: Vector(Vector(a,b),Vector(c,d),...) and not Vector((a,b),(c,d),...).
PS2: I use (x+1 until 100) in the second generator as I'm not interested in having tuples (a,b) and (b,a).
for {
i <- 0 until 100
j <- i+1 until 100
} yield (i,j)
map(f).flatten can be shortened to flatMap(f), so you'll get
(0 until 100).flatMap(x => (x+1 until 100).map(y => (x,y))).filter(...)
This is equivalent to Tzach Zohar's answer, but you can see the relation. It may also be worthwhile to move filter inside flatMap (it will get called more times, but you'll get smaller intermediate collections).

How to pick a random value from a collection in Scala

I need a method to pick uniformly a random value from a collection.
Here is my current impl.
implicit class TraversableOnceOps[A, Repr](val elements: TraversableOnce[A]) extends AnyVal {
def pickRandomly : A = elements.toSeq(Random.nextInt(elements.size))
But this code instantiate a new collection, so not ideal in term of memory.
Any way to improve ?
[update] make it work with Iterator
implicit class TraversableOnceOps[A, Repr](val elements: TraversableOnce[A]) extends AnyVal {
def pickRandomly : A = {
val seq = elements.toSeq
It may seem at first glance that you can't do this without counting the elements first, but you can!
Iterate through the sequence f and take each element fi with probability 1/i:
def choose[A](it: Iterator[A], r: util.Random): A = + 1)).reduceLeft((x, y) =>
if (r.nextInt(y._2) == 0) y else x
A quick demonstration of uniformity:
scala> ((1 to 1000000)
| .map(_ => choose("abcdef".iterator, r))
| .groupBy(identity)
res45: Iterable[Int] = List(166971, 166126, 166987, 166257, 166698, 166961)
Here's a discussion of the math I wrote a while back, though I'm afraid it's a bit unnecessarily long-winded. It also generalizes to choosing any fixed number of elements instead of just one.
Simplest way is just to think of the problem as zipping the collection with an equal-sized list of random numbers, and then just extract the maximum element. You can do this without actually realizing the zipped sequence. This does require traversing the entire iterator, though
val maxElement = s.maxBy(_=>Random.nextInt)
Or, for the implicit version
implicit class TraversableOnceOps[A, Repr](val elements: TraversableOnce[A]) extends AnyVal {
def pickRandomly : A = elements.maxBy(_=>Random.nextInt)
It's possible to select an element uniformly at random from a collection, traversing it once without copying the collection.
The following algorithm will do the trick:
def choose[A](elements: TraversableOnce[A]): A = {
var x: A = null.asInstanceOf[A]
var i = 1
for (e <- elements) {
if (Random.nextDouble <= 1.0 / i) {
x = e
i += 1
The algorithm works by at each iteration makes a choice: take the new element with probability 1 / i, or keep the previous one.
To understand why the algorithm choose the element uniformly at random, consider this: Start by considering an element in the collection, for example the first one (in this example the collection only has three elements).
At iteration:
Chosen with probability: 1.
Chosen with probability:
(probability of keeping the element at previous iteration) * (keeping at current iteration)
probability => 1 * 1/2 = 1/2
Chosen with probability: 1/2 * 2/3=1/3 (in other words, uniformly)
If we take another element, for example the second one:
0 (not possible to choose the element at this iteration).
Finally for the third one:
This shows that the algorithm selects an element uniformly at random. This can be proved formally using induction.
If the collection is large enough that you care about about instantiations, here is the constant memory solution (I assume, it contains ints' but that only matters for passing initial param to fold):
collection.fold((0, 0)) {
case ((0, _), x) => (1, x)
case ((n, x), _) if (random.nextDouble() > 1.0/n) => (n+1, x)
case ((n, _), x) => (n+1, x)
I am not sure if this requires a further explanation ... Basically, it does the same thing that #svenslaggare suggested above, but in a functional way, since this is tagged as a scala question.

Idiomatic form of dealing with un-initialized var

I'm coding up my first Scala script to get a feel for the language, and I'm a bit stuck as to the best way to achieve something.
My situation is the following, I have a method which I need to call N times, this method returns an Int on each run (might be different, there's a random component to the execution), and I want to keep the best run (the smallest value returned on these runs).
Now, coming from a Java/Python background, I would simply initialize the variable with null/None, and compare in the if, something like:
best = None
result = executionOfThings()
if(best is None or result < best):
best = result
And that's that (pardon for the semi-python pseudo-code).
Now, on Scala, I'm struggling a bit. I've read about the usage of Option and pattern matching to achieve the same effect, and I guess I could code up something like (this was the best I could come up with):
best match {
case None => best = Some(res)
case Some(x) if x > res => best = Some(res)
case _ =>
I believe this works, but I'm not sure if it's the most idiomatic way of writing it. It's clear enough, but a bit verbose for such a simple "use-case".
Anyone that could shine a functional light on me?
For this particular problem, not in general, I would suggest initializing with Int.MaxValue as long as you're guaranteed that N >= 1. Then you just
if (result < best) best = result
You could also, with best as an option,
best = best.filter(_ >= result).orElse( Some(result) )
if the optionality is important (e.g. it is possible that N == 0, and you don't take a distinct path through the code in that case). This is a more general way to deal with optional values that may get replaced: use filter to keep the non-replaced cases, and orElse to fill in the replacement if needed.
Just use the min function:
(for (... executionOfThings()).min
((1 to 5).map (x => 4 * x * x - (x * x * x))).min
edit: adjusted to #user-unknown's suggestion
I would suggest you to rethink you whole computation to be more functional. You mutate state which should be avoided. I could think of a recursive version of your code:
def calcBest[A](xs: List[A])(f: A => Int): Int = {
def calcBest(xs: List[A], best: Int = Int.MaxValue): Int = xs match {
// will match an empty list
case Nil => best
// x will hold the head of the list and rest the rest ;-)
case x :: rest => calcBest(rest, math.min(f(x), best))
callable with calcBest(List(7,5,3,8,2))(_*2) // => res0: Int = 4
With this you have no mutable state at all.
Another way would be to use foldLeft on the list:
list.foldLeft(Int.MaxValue) { case (best,x) => math.min(calculation(x),best) }
foldLeft takes a B and a PartialFunction of Tuple2[B,A] => B and returns B
Both ways are equivalent. The first one is probably faster, the second is more readable. Both traverse a list call a function on each value and return the smallest. Which from your snippet is what you want, right?
I thought I would offer another idiomatic solution. You can use Iterator.continually to create an infinite-length iterator that's lazily evaluated, take(N) to limit the iterator to N elements, and use min to find the winner.
Iterator.continually { executionOfThings() }.take(N).min

Scala Code — I fail to understand [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
I've got part of code from friend and I'm trying to understand it and write it in some other way. "gotowe" is a sorted list of ("2011-12-22",-600.00) elements
val wartosci = gotowe.foldLeft (List(initial_ballance)){
case ((h::t), x) => (x._2 + h)::h::t
case _ => Nil
That is quite okay but how with this usage of foldLeft? (I've put all extra necessary lines):
val max = wartosci.max
val min = wartosci.min
val wychylenie = if(math.abs(min)>max){math.abs(min)}else{max}
def scale(x: Double) =
(x / wychylenie) * 500
def point(x: Double) =
{val z:Int = (500 - x).toInt
val (points, _) = wartosci.foldLeft(("", 1)){case ((a, i), h) => (a + " " + (i * 4) + "," + point(scale(h)), i + 1)}
when I print points I've got a list of values, and don't know why not something like pairs of values
There are a couple of concepts at work here, which we'll examine in turn to work out what's going on:
Pattern matching
Let's first look at the definition of foldLeft:
def foldLeft [B] (z: B)(f: (B, A) ⇒ B) : B
Applies a binary operator to a start value and all elements of this list, going left to right.
Returns the result of inserting op between consecutive elements of this list, going left to right with the start value z on the left: op(...op(z, x1), x2, ..., xn) where x1,..., xn are the elements of this list.
So, in your example we're taking a list of Tuple2[String, Float] (or something like that) and folding it into the value z, which in this case is a List containing one element, initial_balance.
Now, our f in this case is the code inside the braces. It uses pattern matching to compose a partial function from the pair (b,a) - where in this case b is the 'cumulative result' and a is the next item in the list. This is the crux of what a fold does - it collapses the list into a value, using specific rules governing how to add each element at a time.
What is pattern matching / a partial function? Pattern matching is a very powerful technique for conditioning on and extracting things from input data. We give it something to look for - the case part of the expression - and tell it how to deal with it following the =>. The power of this is that the case expression doesn't just match, say, numbers or specific strings as might the switch statement in java, but can match, for example, Lists of a certain length, or email addresses, or specific tuples. Even more, you can use it to automatically get certain parts of the match - the domain of the email address, the third element of the list etc.
We'll look at the first pattern:
case ((h::t), x) => (x._2 + h)::h::t
The left hand side (before the =>) is used to match the value we're looking for and extract the specific pieces we care about. In this case, we're looking for a tuple where the first element is a list consisting of a head (h) and a tail(t), and the second element is just the next element of the list. The h::t is an extractor pattern - it's matching the object ::(h,t) which constructs a List by prepending h onto an existing List t.
When we've matched this, we follow the instructions to the right of the => to fold x into the cumulative value. To do this, we take the right hand side of the date/value tuple (the ._2), add it to the last value in the list (the head), and then push itself on to the head of the list. You'll notice this is using the same syntax as we used in the pattern match - using :: to prepend elements to a List.
The effect in this case is to create a running total of what's going on.
The second case doesn't really do much - it's a catch all case, but as this is being used in a fold it should never get called - we're always going to return something that looks like ((h::t), x).
Finally, we reverse the whole thing! So what we're left with is a list of balances after each transaction, running from oldest to youngest.
This is quite simple. It's just the matter of the assignment. You have this:
val (points, _) = wartosci.foldLeft(("", 1)){...}
What is inside {...} is not relevant. The first parameter of foldLeft will determine the type of its result. Since it is ("", 1), it will return a (String, Int) tuple.
Now, you assign it to (points, _). An assignment like this is also a pattern match. It is like you had written this:
var tmp: (String, Int) = _
val tmp: (String, Int) = wartosci.foldLeft(("", 1)){...} match {
case (x, y) => tmp = (x, y)
val points = tmp._1
So, points only gets assigned the String.