Element wise multiplication of iterators and calculating sum - scala

Using two Lists, element wise multiplication of these lists and sum of resultant list can be calculated in following way.
(List1 , List2).zipped.foldLeft(0.0) { case (a, (b, c)) => a + b * c }
How can I preform this operation for two iterators in Scala in an optimal and fast way?

(iterator1 zip iterator2).foldLeft(0.0) { case (a, (b, c)) => a + b * c }
is okay I suppose. If you want to squeeze the last bit of performance out of it, use arrays and a while loop.

You can use this piece of code that should work with any collection and any numeric type.
It tries to be efficient by doing everything in one traversal. However, as #Martijn said, if you need it to be the most efficient solution then just use plain Arrays of a primitive type like Int or Double and a while.
def dotProduct[N : Numeric](l1: IterableOnce[N], l2: IterableOnce[N]): N =
l1.iterator.zip(l2).map {
case (x, y) => Numeric[N].times(x, y)
(note: this code is intended for 2.13+, for 2.12- you may use Iterable instead of IterableOnce)


Flatten value in paired RDD in spark

I have a paired RDD that looks like
(a1, (a2, a3))
(b1, (b2, b3))
I want to flatten the values to obtain
(a1, a2, a3)
(b1, b2, b3)
Currently I'm doing
rddData.map(x => (x._1, x._2._1, x._2._2))
Is there a better way of performing the conversion? The above solution gets ugly if value contains many elements instead of just 2.
When I'm trying to avoid all the ugly underscore number stuff that comes with tuple manipulation I like to use case notation:
rddData.map { case (a, (b, c)) => (a, b, c) }
You can also give your variables meaningful names to make your code self documenting and the use of curly braces means you have fewer nested parentheses.
The map { case ... } pattern is pretty compact and can be used for surprisingly deep nested tuples as long as the structure is known at compile time. If you absolutely, positively cannot know the structure of the tuple at compile time, then here is some hacky, slow code that, probably, can flatten any arbitrarily nested tuple... as long as there are no more than 23 elements in total. It works by recursivly converting each element of the tuple to a list, flatmap-ing it to a single list, then using scary reflection to convert the list back into a tuple as seen here.
def flatten(b:Product): List[Any] = {
b.productIterator.toList.flatMap {
case x: Product => flatten(x)
case y: Any => List(y)
def toTuple[Any](as:List[Any]):Product = {
val tupleClass = Class.forName("scala.Tuple" + as.size)
rddData.map(t => toTuple(flatten(t)))
There is no better way. The 1st answer is equivalent to:
val abc2 = xyz.map{ case (k, v) => (k, v._1, v._2) }
which is equivalent to your own example.

Scala: Sort a ListBuffer of (Int, Int, Int) by the third value most efficiently

I am looking to sort a ListBuffer(Int, Int, Int) by the third value most efficiently. This is what I currently have. I am using sortBy. Note y and z are both ListBuffer[(Int, Int, Int)], which I am taking the difference first. My goal is to optimize this and do this operation (taking the difference between the two lists and sorting by the third element) most efficiently. I am assuming the diff part cannot be optimized but the sortBy can, so I am looking for a efficient way to do to the sorting part. I found posts on sorting Arrays but I am working with ListBuffer and converting to an Array adds overhead, so I rather not to convert my ListBuffer.
val x = (y diff z).sortBy(i => i._3)
1) If you want to use Scala libraries then you can't do much better than that. Scala already tries to sort your collection in the most efficient way possible.
SeqLike defines def sortBy[B](f: A => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Repr = sorted(ord on f) which calls this implementation:
def sorted[B >: A](implicit ord: Ordering[B]): Repr = {
val len = this.length
val arr = new ArraySeq[A](len)
var i = 0
for (x <- this.seq) {
arr(i) = x
i += 1
java.util.Arrays.sort(arr.array, ord.asInstanceOf[Ordering[Object]])
val b = newBuilder
for (x <- arr) b += x
This is what your code will be calling. As you can see it already uses arrays to sort data in place. According to the javadoc of public static void sort(Object[] a):
Implementation note: This implementation is a stable, adaptive,
iterative mergesort that requires far fewer than n lg(n) comparisons
when the input array is partially sorted, while offering the
performance of a traditional mergesort when the input array is
randomly ordered. If the input array is nearly sorted, the
implementation requires approximately n comparisons.
2) If you try to optimize by inserting results of your diff directly into a sorted structure like a binary tree as you produce them element by element, you'll still be paying the same price: average cost of insertion is log(n) times n elements = n log(n) - same as any fast sorting algorithm like merge sort.
3) Thus you can't optimize this case generically unless you optimize to your particular use-case.
3a) For instance, ListBuffer might be replaced with a Set and diff should be much faster. In fact it's implemented as:
def diff(that: GenSet[A]): This = this -- that
which uses - which in turn should be faster than diff on Seq which has to build a map first:
def diff[B >: A](that: GenSeq[B]): Repr = {
val occ = occCounts(that.seq)
val b = newBuilder
for (x <- this)
if (occ(x) == 0) b += x
else occ(x) -= 1
3b) You can also avoid sorting by using _3 as an index in an array. If you insert using that index your array will be sorted. This will only work if your data is dense enough or you are happy to deal with sparse array afterwards. One index might also have multiple values mapping to it, you'll have to deal with it as well. Effectively you are building a sorted map. You can use a Map for that as well, but a HashMap won't be sorted and a TreeMap will require log(n) for add operation again.
Consult Scala Collections Performance Characteristics to understand what you can gain based on your case.
4) Anyhow, sort is really fast on modern computers. Do some benchmarking to make sure you are not prematurely optimizing it.
To summarize complexity for different scenarios...
Your current case:
diff for SeqLike: n to create a map from that + n to iterate over this (map lookup is effectively constant time (C)) = 2n or O(n)
sort - O(n log(n))
total = O(n) + O(n log(n)) = O(n log(n)), more precisely: 2n + nlog(n)
If you use Set instead of SeqLike:
diff for Set: n to iterate (lookup is C) = O(n)
sort - same
total - same: O(n) + O(n log(n)) = O(n log(n)), more precisely: n + nlog(n)
If you use Set and array to insert:
diff - same as for Set
sort - 0 - array is sorted by construction
total: O(n) + O(0) = O(n), more precisely: n. Might not be very practical for sparse data.
Looks like in the grand scheme of things it does not matter that much unless you have a unique case that benefits from last option (array).
If you would have a ListBuffer[Int] rather than ListBuffer[(Int, Int, Int)] I would suggest to sort both collections first and then do a diff by doing a single pass through both of them at the same time. This would be O(nlog(n)). In your case a sort by _3 is not sufficient to guarantee exact order in both collections. You can sort by all three fields of a tuple but that will change the original ordering. If you are fine with that and writing your own diff then it might be the fastest option.

Scala forall to compare two lists?

If I wan't to see if each element in a list corresponds correctly to an element of the same index in another list, could I use forall to do this? For example something like
val p=List(2,4,6)
val q=List(1,2,3)
I understand that the x isn't an index of of q, and thats the problem I'm having, is there any way to make this work?
The most idiomatic way to handle this situation would be to zip the two lists:
scala> p.zip(q).forall { case (x, y) => x == y * 2 }
res0: Boolean = true
You could also use zipped, which can be slightly more efficient in some situations, as well as letting you be a bit more concise (or maybe just obfuscated):
scala> (p, q).zipped.forall(_ == _ * 2)
res1: Boolean = true
Note that both of these solutions will silently ignore extra elements if the lists don't have the same length, which may or may not be what you want.
Your best bet is probably to use zip
p.zip(q).forall{case (fst, snd) => fst == snd * 2}
Sequences from scala collection library have corresponds method which does exactly what you need:
p.corresponds(q)(_ == _ * 2)
It will return false if p and q are of different length.

Using foldleft or some other operator to calculate point distances?

Ok so I thought this would be a snap, trying to practice Scala's collection operators and my example is a list of points.
The class can calculate and return the distance to another point (as double).
However, fold left doesn't seem to be the right solution - considering elements e1, e2, e3.. I need a moving window to calculate, I need the last element looked at to carry forward in the function - not just the sum
Sum {
Reading the API I noticed a function called "sliding", perhaps that's the correct solution in conjunction with another operator. I know how to do this with loops of course, but trying to learn the scala way.
import scala.math._
case class Point(x:Int, y:Int) {
def dist(p:Point) = sqrt( (p.x-x)^2+(p.y-y)^2 )
object Point {
//Unsure how to define this?
def dist(l:Seq[Point]) =l.foldLeft(0.0)((sum:Double,p:Point)=>)
I'm not quite sure what you want to do, but assuming you want the sum of the distances:
l.zip(l.tail).map { case (x,y) => x.dist(y) }.sum
Or with sliding:
l.sliding(2).map {
case List(fst,snd) => fst.dist(snd)
case _ => 0
If you want to do it as a fold, you can, but you need the accumulator to keep both the total and the previous element:
l.foldLeft(l.head, 0.0){
case ((prev, sum), p) => (p, sum + p.dist(prev))
You finish with a tuple consiting of the last element and sum, so use ._2 to get the sum part.
btw, ^ on Int is bitwise logical XOR, not power. Use math.pow.
The smartest way is probably using zipped, which is a kind of iterator so you don't traverse the list more than once as you would using zip:
(l, l.tail).zipped.map( _ dist _ ).sum

Example of the Scala aggregate function

I have been looking and I cannot find an example or discussion of the aggregate function in Scala that I can understand. It seems pretty powerful.
Can this function be used to reduce the values of tuples to make a multimap-type collection? For example:
val list = Seq(("one", "i"), ("two", "2"), ("two", "ii"), ("one", "1"), ("four", "iv"))
After applying aggregate:
Seq(("one" -> Seq("i","1")), ("two" -> Seq("2", "ii")), ("four" -> Seq("iv"))
Also, can you give example of parameters z, segop, and combop? I'm unclear on what these parameters do.
Let's see if some ascii art doesn't help. Consider the type signature of aggregate:
def aggregate [B] (z: B)(seqop: (B, A) ⇒ B, combop: (B, B) ⇒ B): B
Also, note that A refers to the type of the collection. So, let's say we have 4 elements in this collection, then aggregate might work like this:
z A z A z A z A
\ / \ /seqop\ / \ /
\ / combop \ /
B _ _ B
\ combop /
Let's see a practical example of that. Say I have a GenSeq("This", "is", "an", "example"), and I want to know how many characters there are in it. I can write the following:
Note the use of par in the below snippet of code. The second function passed to aggregate is what is called after the individual sequences are computed. Scala is only able to do this for sets that can be parallelized.
import scala.collection.GenSeq
val seq = GenSeq("This", "is", "an", "example")
val chars = seq.par.aggregate(0)(_ + _.length, _ + _)
So, first it would compute this:
0 + "This".length // 4
0 + "is".length // 2
0 + "an".length // 2
0 + "example".length // 7
What it does next cannot be predicted (there are more than one way of combining the results), but it might do this (like in the ascii art above):
4 + 2 // 6
2 + 7 // 9
At which point it concludes with
6 + 9 // 15
which gives the final result. Now, this is a bit similar in structure to foldLeft, but it has an additional function (B, B) => B, which fold doesn't have. This function, however, enables it to work in parallel!
Consider, for example, that each of the four computations initial computations are independent of each other, and can be done in parallel. The next two (resulting in 6 and 9) can be started once their computations on which they depend are finished, but these two can also run in parallel.
The 7 computations, parallelized as above, could take as little as the same time 3 serial computations.
Actually, with such a small collection the cost in synchronizing computation would be big enough to wipe out any gains. Furthermore, if you folded this, it would only take 4 computations total. Once your collections get larger, however, you start to see some real gains.
Consider, on the other hand, foldLeft. Because it doesn't have the additional function, it cannot parallelize any computation:
(((0 + "This".length) + "is".length) + "an".length) + "example".length
Each of the inner parenthesis must be computed before the outer one can proceed.
The aggregate function does not do that (except that it is a very general function, and it could be used to do that). You want groupBy. Close to at least. As you start with a Seq[(String, String)], and you group by taking the first item in the tuple (which is (String, String) => String), it would return a Map[String, Seq[(String, String)]). You then have to discard the first parameter in the Seq[String, String)] values.
There you get a Map[String, Seq[(String, String)]. If you want a Seq instead of Map, call toSeq on the result. I don't think you have a guarantee on the order in the resulting Seq though
Aggregate is a more difficult function.
Consider first reduceLeft and reduceRight.
Let as be a non empty sequence as = Seq(a1, ... an) of elements of type A, and f: (A,A) => A be some way to combine two elements of type A into one. I will note it as a binary operator #, a1 # a2 rather than f(a1, a2). as.reduceLeft(#) will compute (((a1 # a2) # a3)... # an). reduceRight will put the parentheses the other way, (a1 # (a2 #... # an)))). If # happens to be associative, one does not care about the parentheses. One could compute it as (a1 #... # ap) # (ap+1 #...#an) (there would be parantheses inside the 2 big parantheses too, but let's not care about that). Then one could do the two parts in parallel, while the nested bracketing in reduceLeft or reduceRight force a fully sequential computation. But parallel computation is only possible when # is known to be associative, and the reduceLeft method cannot know that.
Still, there could be method reduce, whose caller would be responsible for ensuring that the operation is associative. Then reduce would order the calls as it sees fit, possibly doing them in parallel. Indeed, there is such a method.
There is a limitation with the various reduce methods however. The elements of the Seq can only be combined to a result of the same type: # has to be (A,A) => A. But one could have the more general problem of combining them into a B. One starts with a value b of type B, and combine it with every elements of the sequence. The operator # is (B,A) => B, and one computes (((b # a1) # a2) ... # an). foldLeft does that. foldRight does the same thing but starting with an. There, the # operation has no chance to be associative. When one writes b # a1 # a2, it must mean (b # a1) # a2, as (a1 # a2) would be ill-typed. So foldLeft and foldRight have to be sequential.
Suppose however, that each A can be turned into a B, let's write it with !, a! is of type B. Suppose moreover that there is a + operation (B,B) => B, and that # is such that b # a is in fact b + a!. Rather than combining elements with #, one could first transform all of them to B with !, then combine them with +. That would be as.map(!).reduceLeft(+). And if + is associative, then that can be done with reduce, and not be sequential: as.map(!).reduce(+). There could be an hypothetical method as.associativeFold(b, !, +).
Aggregate is very close to that. It may be however, that there is a more efficient way to implement b#a than b+a! For instance, if type B is List[A], and b#a is a::b, then a! will be a::Nil, and b1 + b2 will be b2 ::: b1. a::b is way better than (a::Nil):::b. To benefit from associativity, but still use #, one first splits b + a1! + ... + an!, into (b + a1! + ap!) + (ap+1! + ..+ an!), then go back to using # with (b # a1 # an) + (ap+1! # # an). One still needs the ! on ap+1, because one must start with some b. And the + is still necessary too, appearing between the parantheses. To do that, as.associativeFold(!, +) could be changed to as.optimizedAssociativeFold(b, !, #, +).
Back to +. + is associative, or equivalently, (B, +) is a semigroup. In practice, most of the semigroups used in programming happen to be monoids too, i.e they contain a neutral element z (for zero) in B, so that for each b, z + b = b + z = b. In that case, the ! operation that make sense is likely to be be a! = z # a. Moreover, as z is a neutral element b # a1 ..# an = (b + z) # a1 # an which is b + (z + a1 # an). So is is always possible to start the aggregation with z. If b is wanted instead, you do b + result at the end. With all those hypotheses, we can do as.aggregate(z, #, +). That is what aggregate does. # is the seqop argument (applied in a sequence z # a1 # a2 # ap), and + is combop (applied to already partially combined results, as in (z + a1#...#ap) + (z + ap+1#...#an)).
To sum it up, as.aggregate(z)(seqop, combop) computes the same thing as as.foldLeft(z)( seqop) provided that
(B, combop, z) is a monoid
seqop(b,a) = combop(b, seqop(z,a))
aggregate implementation may use the associativity of combop to group the computations as it likes (not swapping elements however, + has not to be commutative, ::: is not). It may run them in parallel.
Finally, solving the initial problem using aggregate is left as an exercise to the reader. A hint: implement using foldLeft, then find z and combo that will satisfy the conditions stated above.
The signature for a collection with elements of type A is:
def aggregate [B] (z: B)(seqop: (B, A) ⇒ B, combop: (B, B) ⇒ B): B
z is an object of type B acting as a neutral element. If you want to count something, you can use 0, if you want to build a list, start with an empty list, etc.
segop is analoguous to the function you pass to fold methods. It takes two argument, the first one is the same type as the neutral element you passed and represent the stuff which was already aggregated on previous iteration, the second one is the next element of your collection. The result must also by of type B.
combop: is a function combining two results in one.
In most collections, aggregate is implemented in TraversableOnce as:
def aggregate[B](z: B)(seqop: (B, A) => B, combop: (B, B) => B): B
= foldLeft(z)(seqop)
Thus combop is ignored. However, it makes sense for parallel collections, becauseseqop will first be applied locally in parallel, and then combopis called to finish the aggregation.
So for your example, you can try with a fold first:
val seqOp =
(map:Map[String,Set[String]],tuple: (String,String)) =>
map + ( tuple._1 -> ( map.getOrElse( tuple._1, Set[String]() ) + tuple._2 ) )
list.foldLeft( Map[String,Set[String]]() )( seqOp )
// returns: Map(one -> Set(i, 1), two -> Set(2, ii), four -> Set(iv))
Then you have to find a way of collapsing two multimaps:
val combOp = (map1: Map[String,Set[String]], map2: Map[String,Set[String]]) =>
(map1.keySet ++ map2.keySet).foldLeft( Map[String,Set[String]]() ) {
(result,k) =>
result + ( k -> ( map1.getOrElse(k,Set[String]() ) ++ map2.getOrElse(k,Set[String]() ) ) )
Now, you can use aggregate in parallel:
list.par.aggregate( Map[String,Set[String]]() )( seqOp, combOp )
//Returns: Map(one -> Set(i, 1), two -> Set(2, ii), four -> Set(iv))
Applying the method "par" to list, thus using the parallel collection(scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParSeq) of the list to really take advantage of the multi core processors. Without "par", there won't be any performance gain since the aggregate is not done on the parallel collection.
aggregate is like foldLeft but may executed in parallel.
As missingfactor says, the linear version of aggregate(z)(seqop, combop) is equivalent to foldleft(z)(seqop). This is however impractical in the parallel case, where we would need to combine not only the next element with the previous result (as in a normal fold) but we want to split the iterable into sub-iterables on which we call aggregate and need to combine those again. (In left-to-right order but not associative as we might have combined the last parts before the fist parts of the iterable.) This re-combining in in general non-trivial, and therefore, one needs a method (S, S) => S to accomplish that.
The definition in ParIterableLike is:
def aggregate[S](z: S)(seqop: (S, T) => S, combop: (S, S) => S): S = {
executeAndWaitResult(new Aggregate(z, seqop, combop, splitter))
which indeed uses combop.
For reference, Aggregate is defined as:
protected[this] class Aggregate[S](z: S, seqop: (S, T) => S, combop: (S, S) => S, protected[this] val pit: IterableSplitter[T])
extends Accessor[S, Aggregate[S]] {
#volatile var result: S = null.asInstanceOf[S]
def leaf(prevr: Option[S]) = result = pit.foldLeft(z)(seqop)
protected[this] def newSubtask(p: IterableSplitter[T]) = new Aggregate(z, seqop, combop, p)
override def merge(that: Aggregate[S]) = result = combop(result, that.result)
The important part is merge where combop is applied with two sub-results.
Here is the blog on how aggregate enable performance on the multi cores processor with bench mark.
Here is video on "Scala parallel collections" talk from "Scala Days 2011".
The description on the video
Scala Parallel Collections
Aleksandar Prokopec
Parallel programming abstractions become increasingly important as the number of processor cores grows. A high-level programming model enables the programmer to focus more on the program and less on low-level details such as synchronization and load-balancing. Scala parallel collections extend the programming model of the Scala collection framework, providing parallel operations on datasets.
The talk will describe the architecture of the parallel collection framework, explaining their implementation and design decisions. Concrete collection implementations such as parallel hash maps and parallel hash tries will be described. Finally, several example applications will be shown, demonstrating the programming model in practice.
The definition of aggregate in TraversableOnce source is:
def aggregate[B](z: B)(seqop: (B, A) => B, combop: (B, B) => B): B =
which is no different than a simple foldLeft. combop doesn't seem to be used anywhere. I am myself confused as to what the purpose of this method is.
Just to clarify explanations of those before me, in theory the idea is that
aggregate should work like this, (I have changed the names of the parameters to make them clearer):
addToPrev = (prev,curr) => prev + curr,
combineSums = (sumA,sumB) => sumA + sumB)
Should logically translate to
.grouped(2) // split into groups of 2 members each
.map(prevAndCurrList => prevAndCurrList(0) + prevAndCurrList(1))
.foldLeft(0)(sumA,sumB => sumA + sumB)
Because the aggregation and mapping are separate, the original list could theoretically be split into different groups of different sizes and run in parallel or even on different machine.
In practice scala current implementation does not support this feature by default but you can do this in your own code.