Chrome console + text editor - google-chrome-devtools

I find myself typing JavaScript in the console a lot. For example, I quickly want to see the result if I change the property of a certain object. However every time that I refresh the page I have to redefine my variables, etc. I do this by using the up-key, so I do not have to retype, but this costs a lot of time. What is a better way?
The ultimate coolness would be an environment like Sublime Text in which you can write multi line code and from there execute it directly in the browser... And then still have the autocomplete list of all the methods of an object (like in the console). Obviously this is not available, but I am very interesting in the workflow of other when typing JavaScript code in the console.

In Chrome 24's Sources panel, use the Snippets tab. Right-click in the left (blank) tree and choose New from the context menu.


How do I map an external tool to a hotkey in Eclipse?

In Eclipse, I have external tools defined in Eclipse that I execute regularly. I'd like to save me some time by wiring them to a hotkey. I've done some googling on this and most of the information I've found is from last decade. I'm also fully aware that I can wire a hot key to "Last executed external tool", but that last tool isn't always the same.
How do I wire an external tool defined in Eclipse to a hotkey?
I don't know if you can bind a key to this, but the PathTools eclipse plugin lets you register a set of custom command lines, which you can select from a menu. If you can bind a key to selecting it from a menu, then that works.
Maybe this could be helpful to you,
Here you can possible get som help. Coute :" There currently is a command for running the last external tool
See Window>Preferences>Workbench>Keys
It is in the Run/Debug category; Run Last Launched External Tool
By default it is not mapped to a shortcut.
I have it mapped to F9"
I eventually landed on using AutoHotKey to define additional hotkeys to run external tools.
The way I do it:
In the common settings of the external tool, set the combo box of "Display in Favorites Menu - External Tools"
(optional): Organize favorites for a convenient number.
Whenever I want to invoke the tool:
press ALT (for menu bar),
then press r (for run),
then press e (for external tools),
then press the number of the favorite.
This can be done really fast. It's the closest thing to a hotkey. After 3 days you won't notice the difference...

How to create an Explorer window without Navigation Pane using Shell command Explore

My app Folders Popup is using the command ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Explore(strPath) to create a new Explorer window. I need a way to tell this new instance of Explorer to comply with the Navigation Pane setting decided by the user (to show or not show the pane) in previous Explorer windows.
Actually, this setting is not taken into account by default in the new instance created by the Shell command and users of my app who prefer to use Explorer without this navigation pane are annoyed to see it reappear when my app is opening a new Explorer. Is there any solution to this (except sending keys to the Explorer, what I prefer to avoid)?
Simpler is sometimes better ;)
The Run command isn't just for executables, it can also open non-executable files like images/documents (as long as their file type is associated) and especially folders:
myFolderPath = C:\Path\To\Folder
Run, %myFolderPath%
Generally, it makes sense to use built-in commands or functions if available, before incorporating ActiveX, COM objects or DLL calls; those should provide extra functionality, and not replace what AHK can do out of the box. That, of course, occasionally requires some digging into the docs, but it's worth it! AHK is one of the most well-documented automation scripting languages for Windows.

Run eclipse editor action on entire project

Is there a way to run an eclipse action that is available from the context menu in the editor on every file of an project.
Actual Case:
I have to work with the leon3 and my dull mind has trouble enough understanding the code, that I do not want to scan lines to see if there is a semicolon hidden in there to see if there are multiple instructions or if the end if happens to be behind another instruction rather than on a line of its own (I missed an end if, which caused me to think that statements were conditional,...), therefore I would like to format the source nicely. I have access to Sigasi PRO which offers the option to "beautify" code as an operation in the editor. I would like to run this operation on all files in the leon project automatically.
Sigasi indeed only offers formatting in the editor at this time. In the Sigasi editor, you can format a selection or the entire editor's content. But, you can not trigger the formatting action without an editor.
I have not tried this, but I think you can achieve this with the Eclipse EASE project. EASE is a scripting environment for Eclipse.

Eclipse debugger for GEF editor

I have a GEF editor which represent a finite state machine. Editor's input (and output) is XML. What I am looking for is a way to debug my editor visually.
The way editor works is you create a state Start->Email->End, XML that is created is send to the server and there magic happens, of course Email object has properties that you set: from email, to email, subject, etc. What I am looking for is a way I can launch a debugger and step through each step of execution. So for example if I break at Email step I would be able to see what message was, whom it was for and what server returned at the end.
Is this something that is possible to accomplish and if so are there any articles I need to read to familiarize myself with how to create this debugger?
I found some discussion about Eclipse debuggers (1,2) but nothing about what I am interested in doing.
There are two different issues here.
One is writing a debugger engine, that manages the execution of your model, for example steps the execution, allows querying the variables/states, etc., and another one that outputs the result in your editor.
The articles you have linked work with the first issue: creating an engine that executes the model in the background, and integrates the engine into the Eclipse environment using 1) the launch framework to execute it similarly as Java programs, and 2) allows displaying the state in the textual editors.
You want to display the state in graphical editors. Because graphical editors have much less in common, the back-annotation of the debug state has to be done manually (instead of the generic support for text editors). Basically, I would create actions that set up breakpoints, and update the model to be able to store/query the execution state, and then update the GEF views to display it on the GUI. For this you have to change your Figures and your EditParts at least, and possibly other places as well.

Writing a macro-like tool

Recently I've been finding myself doing repetitive tasks. I would click button A, highlight text field A, type in some text, click an APPLY button, click on a drop-down box and select a specific option depending on the item I'm working with, select it and hit APPLY, then repeat this process only a couple hundred to thousand times.
So I thought maybe there's a way I could automate this? Macros then came to mind. However I've never wrote macros before so am not sure of several details such as
-what tools should I even work with?
-how do I determine which button to click?
-ideally, I would want to be able to read input from a text file to specify what should be typed in and which option should be selected from the dropdown list. Is this even possible? It seems like an operation that require some intelligence.
I am not picky on tools nor about cleanliness. I just want to be able to automate the process. It will be for personal use unless I find a convenient way such that others can use it as well.
Some details about the dropdown box: when the box is focused, I can hit the DOWN key to scroll from option to option. The items that I have to associate with these options are named exactly the same, so they appear in the same "index" order (meaning, the first item and first option appear at the top of the list, second item and second option appear after, thid item and third option...etc)
The placement of all of these fields can be fixed, so if I have to manually specify where on the screen I should be clicking, that is also a possibility.
Any idea where I should look?
If you're using Windows, AutoIt is a really nice tool.
It records actions (like a word/excel macro)
It offers a BASIC like language + API which is really easy to program (if you need to)
The API is pretty powerful
Check for Windows with a certain title
Automate klicks
You can "compile" your scripts into exe files so you can share your tools
It comes bundled with Scite (a nice text editor) + AutoIt syntax higlighting
But you can use any editor you want
It's well documented
It's Freeware
On the Mac, there is Automator. Java has the Robot class in the basic library, to help with such automation. No doubt there are other similar tools.