How to create an Explorer window without Navigation Pane using Shell command Explore - autohotkey

My app Folders Popup is using the command ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Explore(strPath) to create a new Explorer window. I need a way to tell this new instance of Explorer to comply with the Navigation Pane setting decided by the user (to show or not show the pane) in previous Explorer windows.
Actually, this setting is not taken into account by default in the new instance created by the Shell command and users of my app who prefer to use Explorer without this navigation pane are annoyed to see it reappear when my app is opening a new Explorer. Is there any solution to this (except sending keys to the Explorer, what I prefer to avoid)?

Simpler is sometimes better ;)
The Run command isn't just for executables, it can also open non-executable files like images/documents (as long as their file type is associated) and especially folders:
myFolderPath = C:\Path\To\Folder
Run, %myFolderPath%
Generally, it makes sense to use built-in commands or functions if available, before incorporating ActiveX, COM objects or DLL calls; those should provide extra functionality, and not replace what AHK can do out of the box. That, of course, occasionally requires some digging into the docs, but it's worth it! AHK is one of the most well-documented automation scripting languages for Windows.


How can I use the "PowerShell Integrated Console" in VS Code?

I have the PowerShell extension installed under VSCode. When I open up a PowerShell script, VS Code automatically pops open a "PowerShell Integrated Console" window in my terminal. It's different from the normal PowerShell terminal:
It's better than the default one because keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+Backspace to delete a word work. But when I try to open one of these fancy terminals myself, the option isn't there:
How can I get one of these improved terminals without opening a script file, and how can I get VSCode to use them automatically instead of the old PS terminal?
Normally, a PIC (PowerShell Integrated Console) is automatically created the first time you open a PowerShell source-code file for editing in a session.
The instruction below show to how to directly create a PIC, which may also be helpful if you need to restart it after a crash - though you're usually prompted to create a new one when that happens.
Instruction as of v2022.12.1 of the PowerShell extension for VSCode (Visual Studio Code):
Execute the PowerShell: Show Session Menu command from the command palette (Ctrl-Shift-P).
This will create a PIC and show a submenu, which you can simply dismiss with Esc.
Note: If the PowerShell extension was already loaded but the PIC has crashed, choose Restart Current Session from the submenu instead.
Additionally, you may assign a keyboard shortcut to the command, by clicking the cog icon on the right edge of the command palette entry.
Because the PIC doesn't have an external executable entry point you can not define it as a custom shell profile (at least as of VSCode 1.67.1).
GitHub issue #3918 discusses implementing simpler ways to activate / load the PIC on demand as a future enhancement:
Making the PIC show in the list of available shells (as shown in your question, analogous to the extension-contributed JavaScript Debug Terminal entry) is one of the suggestions, but the concern is that there can only be one PIC as of this writing, so such an entry would behave differently from other shells in the list, which create a new session every time.
However, this concern would go away if support for multiple PICs were to be implemented, which is being proposed in GitHub issue #2418.

What is the name of this list tool in visual studio? [duplicate]

Using C# and WinForms in VS2008, I want to create a file browser control that looks and acts like the left pane in Windows Explorer. To my astonishment, such a control does not ship with .NET by default.
Ideally, I would like its contents to be exactly the same as in Explorer. For example, on Windows 7, it should show the Favorites and Libraries pseudo-folders. Of course, I do not want to code specifically for each version of Windows if I can help it.
I have browsed around, and there are some examples of such controls, but they are all hand-rolled and therefore won't work 100% the same as the one in Explorer.
Is there any way I can simply reuse the Explorer control instead? Or, if not, to get access to a tree of the items that it would show?
Microsoft provides a walkthrough for creating a Windows Explorer style interface in C#.
There are also several examples on Code Project and other sites. Immediate examples are Explorer Tree, My Explorer, File Browser and Advanced File Explorer but there are others. Explorer Tree seems to look the best from the brief glance I took.
I used the search term windows explorer tree view C# in Google to find these links.
It's not as easy as it seems to implement a control like that. Explorer works with shell items, not filesystem items (ex: the control panel, the printers folder, and so on). If you need to implement it i suggest to have a look at the Windows shell functions at
Take a look at Shell MegaPack control set. It provides Windows Explorer like folder/file browsing with most of the features and functionality like context menus, renaming, drag-drop, icons, overlay icons, thumbnails, etc

Chrome console + text editor

I find myself typing JavaScript in the console a lot. For example, I quickly want to see the result if I change the property of a certain object. However every time that I refresh the page I have to redefine my variables, etc. I do this by using the up-key, so I do not have to retype, but this costs a lot of time. What is a better way?
The ultimate coolness would be an environment like Sublime Text in which you can write multi line code and from there execute it directly in the browser... And then still have the autocomplete list of all the methods of an object (like in the console). Obviously this is not available, but I am very interesting in the workflow of other when typing JavaScript code in the console.
In Chrome 24's Sources panel, use the Snippets tab. Right-click in the left (blank) tree and choose New from the context menu.

Where do I specify the text of a Pocket PC app's shortcut?

I'm unfamiliar with Pocket PC development, but I have to make a few minor changes to an VS2005, Pocket PC 2003 Device application. One of the changes (which I thought would be trivial) is changing the text of app's shortcut, but I can't figure out where this text is set. The solution includes a setup project, so I'm looking for it in there, but I can't find it. I know it's got to be in there somewhere because building the setup project generates an AppSetup.inf file that contains the shortcut information.
This can't be that difficult. Surly I'm suffering from what my wife refers to as "male vision" when I can't find the bottle of mustard in the refrigerator that's right in front of my face. Where do I specify this text?
It depends on exactly how the shortcut is generated. There are generally 3 mechanisms that are used.
Via the CEShortcuts section of the INF. For this, it's the text before the first comma
Via copying an LNK file via the CopyFiles section of the INF. With this mechanism, you create a physical LNK file on the desktop that gets rolled into the CAB and it's copied like any other file. The name on the device is again the first string before the comma.
Via a programmatic call (usually to SHCreateShortcut) in a custom CE Setup DLL.
You'll have to figure out which is being used in your deployment scenario to know exactly what needs to be changed.
Thinking more about this, are you trying to simply find where in the Studio UI of the installer project to change the shortcut? If so, this MSDN article may help. What is very non-intuitive is that there are little icons at the top of the Solution Explorer that change the view of the installer, allowing you to see things like files, registry entries, etc. It may be that you simply aren't looking at the right view and you need to select a different icon. There are no menu items that do what these icons do, and they are hard to notice the first time you start using an installer project.
Well, as I suspected, it was right in front of my face. We'll call this project PDAProject. In the solution explorer, under the PDAProjectSetup project is an item labeled Primary output from PDAProject (Active). If I double-click on this item two panes appear in the code editor window. The one on the far left shows a folder tree labeled File System on Target Machine. Under this are three folders labeled Application Folder, Program Files Folder, and Programs Folder. When I click on the Programs Folder, the application shortcut appears in the pane on the right and I can modify its text.
I don't know why I was never compelled to double click on that Primary output from PDAProject (Active) project item even though that's how you open any class or form for editing. I kept right-clicking and opening the Properties. Maybe it's time to give up programming and take up basket weaving.

Can I script FlexBuilder without writing an extension?

I'd like to script FlexBuilder so that I can run debug or profile without having to switch to FlexBuilder and manually clicking the button (or using the key combo). Is this possible without writing an extension?
To be more specific, this is exactly what I want to do: I want to create a TextMate command that talks to FlexBuilder and makes it run the debug target for the currently selected project. TextMate already has support for interacting with Xcode in this way, and it would be great to be able to do the same with FlexBuilder.
When compiling I use Ant and have full control over that from TextMate, what I want is to be able to launch the debugger and the profiler. The command line debugger is unusable and there is no other profiler available than the one in FlexBuilder.
Since FlexBuilder essentially is an extended version of Eclipse, any tools/scripts for doing the same in Eclipse should work for FlexBuilder aswell. I couldn't find any tools like this googling it, have you considered doing away with FlexBuilder completely, there are plenty of guides for using the mxmlc (or fcsh) compilers directly from your editor.
I do not know if there is a plugin like this for Eclipse however if not you can write one as it should be easy.
If the specific command that you want to call shows up in Windows/Preferences - General/Keys, you can create a plugin that takes commands from TextMate (I do not know what protocol TextMate uses, socket or something else) and executed the specific action that is associated with the command that also appears in preferences.