Adding SoundTouch to Xcode/iPhone - iphone

I've downloaded the SoundTouch folder from their website and now I don't know what to do with it. I'm trying to integrate the pitch-manipulation feature into an iOS app that allows the user to select a song from their library and change the pitch.
What do I need to include in the Xcode project from the SoundTouch folder, and where do I go from there? Any help is appreciated.

If you still need it to use SoundTouch in your iOS project, I have share a GitHub repository with that libraries compiled for armv7, armv7s, arm64, i386 and x86_64
To implement that compiled library in your project, you have to add SoundTouch directory (which includes libSoundTouch.a and the directory with headers) in your Xcode project and then include
#include "SoundTouch.h"
in your controller file.

I found this question googling "building soundtouch in Xcode"
It seems there is a project on github that has completed this successfully,
I was able to clone the repository, build the project, and include the libSoundTouch.a file in my project.
So you will need to include the soundtouch.h in the objective c file you want to access it from. From there create an instance of soundtouch, i.e. SoundTouch audioEngine = SoundTouch.createInstance();, and go from there.


Windows Azure Toolkit

I'm trying to build and run some of the example apps included in the Windows Azure Toolkit here, but it can't seem to find libwatoolkitios.a which is a required file for build. I have not modified the project in any way and I would assume that this file should be included automatically, so how do I get it? How have you guys been able to compile the apps successfully? Thanks.
The library libwatoolkitios.a is not provided as download instead you would need to build it first, described in the doc as below:
Open the watoolkit-lib Xcode project.
Compile the project for release.
Place the .a file and the header files somewhere that you can reference from your project (for this example lets say lib).

How to build ZBar SDK with the project instead of using the static library?

I am building an iOS, code scanner project using ZBar SDK. I am trying to build my project directly from the source of ZBar, rather than including the libzbar.a static library.
I have downloaded the ZBar source which includes the XCode project to build libzbar.a. I tried copying all source files from the project but it didn't work. I keep on getting undefined symbol errors.
What source files should be included, considering that I need to support only iOS?
Should the folder structure be strictly followed to build the project?
Would there be any need of build settings if I direcly include the source files?
I followed the same folder structure and build settings used in the XCode project of libzbar. I have managed to build the library but it's still failing while linking. I get the error: ld: duplicate symbol _OBJC_METACLASS for all the source files. I have double checked, there are no references to the original libzbar.a static library in the project or more than one occurrence of these source files. If I remove the references for them, the project builds fine, but then fails whenever any symbol from the library is referenced. I think I am still missing something!!
I have solved this problem finally. Here are the steps that I did:
1) Copied the source files of the project to my project.
2) Removed the dependency of libzbar.a from my project.
3) Added the path to the folder containing the source and headers to the Header Search Paths build setting of the project.
4)Added the following user defined build setting to the project:
You should create the static library your self from the source code then add the output static library to your project, or link the projects together and force a build of the static library before your project is build.
After downloading the zip file from the default Mercurial repository and opening the file in xCode, click on the "EmbedReader" part of the target selection drop down box and switch to "zBarSDK"
Once you switch to the zBarSDK, just build from the product menu and you should have your static library file....
I used ZXing lib before and it integrated well. It was included as a project and main project has target dependency to build it before main project. I edited it's sources for my needs and have no problems working with it.
I used this tutorial. It can be helpful for your needs too.

Is it a good practice to have more than one *.xcodeproj file in an xCode project?

I want to know what's the best practice to use when integrating external SDK to my project, specifically how to handle the *.a file and the *.xcodeproj file.
Examples of external SDK packages: PhoneGap, Facebook, Google-Analytic.
Is there a reason to copy the *.xcodeproj to my existing project or is it enough to just use the *.a file?
Are there pros and cons for having more than one *.xcodeproj file in a single project?
You would never copy the .xcodeproj into your app.
Typically you would add the library (./a) or any headers and implementation files required (.h & .m).
Often you would compile the 3rd party SDK xcode project to a library file and include that compiled library file.

How to run cpp file in Xcode?

I am trying to run the code from below link which contains C++ codes.
This link contains the BeatDetektor app for iPhone. But this is developed using C++. How can i run this project?? There are no xcode project file. Also i am trying to run main.cpp file but there are lots of package files error...
below is link for BeatDetektor app
Can anyone tell me how to run C++ file in Xcode or on terminal???
Xcode is an IDE, not a compiler. It builds targets of various types by using a compiler like GCC internally. If there is no Xcode project file, you can create one yourself and add the source files to it. As far as I know Xcode will not compile source files on their own.
Using CMake software i am able to convert my cpp project to Xcode project... As github code contains .make extension file...

Reconfiguring a dynamic library

I'm working with an open source library that's made available as a git repository (XML-RPC) and I'd like to use it in an iPad application. As I understand it, iOS applications should use static libraries for their linking.
Since this comes as a dynamic library, how can I convert it to something I can link with my app and use?
Maybe naive answer but why not just add all the relevent files in the repository to your app and just build it?
Put the files in a seperate folder obviously so you can update them to a newer version if you need to etc. Lots of projects I've done have an 'external' folder that just contains codethat I use from 3rd party sources. I've usually got the source so just compile it into my app and don't bother with making it a library.
Or are there tricky conditions that need to be met to compile this code?
I ended up doing this in several steps:
First, I opened the library project in Xcode and created a new target for the static library. I then made a directory in the project folder called "XMLRPC" and moved all the header files to it. I deleted the now-red invalid references to the header files, and re-added them (but kept the box for copying them to the current folder unchecked).
I added this Xcode project to my main project with a relative reference. I opened my main app's target and added the library project as a direct dependency, and checked the "Always search user paths" option on my main app's target settings.
Lastly, I modified the general Xcode preferences to use a shared build directory. I haven't tried it without that since it was something I wanted anyways; it might not be necessary.
My revision control has two folders in it: one's my project, and the other's the library. The library is still under git control within mercurial; I'm hoping this doesn't cause any issues.