Windows Azure Toolkit - iphone

I'm trying to build and run some of the example apps included in the Windows Azure Toolkit here, but it can't seem to find libwatoolkitios.a which is a required file for build. I have not modified the project in any way and I would assume that this file should be included automatically, so how do I get it? How have you guys been able to compile the apps successfully? Thanks.

The library libwatoolkitios.a is not provided as download instead you would need to build it first, described in the doc as below:
Open the watoolkit-lib Xcode project.
Compile the project for release.
Place the .a file and the header files somewhere that you can reference from your project (for this example lets say lib).


how to add .bundle file to a nativescript plugin

I have some thirdparty code I want to add to my nativescript (iOS) project. The code consists of a .framework file and a .bundle file which contains a .momd file. I was thinking of adding this via a custom plugin, the docs are pretty clear on how to add the .framework file, but am not sure how I add and reference the bundle and underlying .momd file. Does anyone have any experience of this that they can share please?
I spent a lot of time poring over the iOS interop documentation while working on my nativescript-midi plugin, but I don't recall seeing anything specifically on adding bundles or .momd files. If possible, I suggest you create a new "container" iOS framework project in which you can import your desired framework, bundle, and .momd file, and then import that combined framework project into your plugin via a Podfile. That's essentially the approach I took to import a C library in my project (the cocoa-midi-message-parser repo referenced by the Podfile in my plugin).
In case anyone else needs to do this. I ended up using cocoapods xcodeproj gem to inject my file into my workspace file. A gist of the working code is here.


For my Unity-UWP project, I want to interact with iBeacons.
I wanted to add the library to my project, but I can't seem to locate it.
What do I have to do, in order to use it with my Unity project?
You need to compile a dll separately that interacts with Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.dll then include the dll in the in your project under the Assets/Plugins/WSA folder to add it as a plugin. Once you do that you can reference the DLL like you would in any normal .NET project as if you added a reference to the dll.
There are some other requirements beyond that (For example you also need to make a 2nd version of the plugin compiled with the full .NET framework with the same type names and version number to be used in-editor), see the unity documentation "Windows Store Apps: Plugins on .NET Scripting Backend" for the full details.

Compile Adobe Flash Builder project with Flex SDK command line

I have inherited a Flash Builder 4.6 project, but cannot get the Eclipse FB to compile the project, and now my 60 days has lapsed.
I got fed up with being sent in circles by Eclipse/Fb and now I want to try and sanitise/understand the process by building manually using Flex SDK 4.6.
Trouble, is I do not know where to start. There is the MXMLC.exe and CompC.exe, there are projects within the workspace with inter-depedencies.
Simple example using ANt exists where the chap is only compiling from a single source file.
In my workspace I have a main project folder with sub-folders like src containing .as, .mxml, .png files and sub0fodlers like "assets". At the src root folder there is the main mxml which maps to the final compiled exe.
The project also has a "libs", "bin" "bin-release" folder.
The referenced projects are similar.
One of the referenced projects is "flerry".
I want a single Windows Perl/BAT scipts that will compile this for me.
Any ideas on where to look?
mxmlc.exe is used to compile the application, compc.exe is used to compile libraries. If you have code library dependencies, you'll first need to compile these and then compile your application.
The documentation on compiling is pretty good and can be found here:
I would suggest you give this a go and post specific questions if you run into issues.

How to make a project dependent on another project and Check in to SVN in XCode 4

I have an SDK project. I am trying to use the result of the SDK project(i.e the libSDK.a) and related files to become dependency for one of my application. Actually I have two apps. One is SDK and the other is a reference application that uses this SDK. Rather than copying this SDK and .h files to Application project whether it can be done directly by XCode?. If so how can I check in both this as a single project to SVN so that somebody can check out both SDK project and Reference app project in a single check out.
Please help if anybody knows it.
Thank you in advance
An XCode SVN unable to work with externals. Take a look at following tutorial how to bind two projects thru a terminal —

How to use AIDL files in eclipse

I am compiling an app which is a sample app that uses an api. The api contains interface files (java files) and aidl files. Now I have problem in one of the interface file it cannot recognize the one of these aidl files exists in my project.
I have linked the whole api to the build path.
Does anyone has any idea ??
I had the same error, but it was fixed when I cleaned and rebuilded the project.
Projects -> clean project so it can automatically rebuild.
Look closely at your manifest file, check that the package etc are
spelled as you'd expect.
Also dont forget to paste the server's *.aidl and parcelable implementation (java) to your client project. These files has to have the same name and package as they were in the server project.
Here is some similar posts which might help:
ITelephony.aidl not compiling in eclipse
There are basically two possibilities.
(most likely) you need to make the folder that contains aidl files source folder. if you haven't done so, please do it.
You need a clean build.