Shell script invocation error xcode 4.5.1 - iphone

when i am trying to run my app on device i got the following error.
CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 6.0'.
After changing any ios sdk in build settings to iPhone Developer now am getting the following error.
iphoneos/ line 4:
/Library/JailCoder/Entitlements/ No such file or directory
help me solve this error. Reinstalling Xcode is not working

Download Jailcoder again and Unpatch the project.

It looks like the script is using JailCoder, which doesn't appear to be installed (or requires re-installing).

got It! I couldn't get jailcoder to unpatch so what you must do is go into the build phases and remove the part that inserts jailcoder into the build phase pretty easy once you take the time to dig into the guts of the app!


Installing IPA results in error "A signed resource has been added, modified, or deleted"

I've recently stumbled upon a rather odd problem with Xcode which occurs when I build an IPA and attempt to install it, I've tried installing using Xcode, iTunes and iPhone Config Utility, all of which give the same error
A signed resource has been added, modified, or deleted.
I can successfully debug the app on my phone using XCode, it's only when I try to install an IPA I see the error.
I've tried unzipping the IPA and running the codesign validation tool which throws up the following response:
a sealed resource is missing or invalid In architecture: armv7
resource missing:
This led me to look at the Settings.bundle file and ensure that it's being included in the build, which it is. Interestingly though, if I remove the Settings.bundle file, build an IPA and attempt to install it on my iPhone the install succeeds, however this of no use as I need the Settings.bundle file installing with the app.
Further investigations on some of my previous XCode projects has shown that I can build an IPA, with the Settings.bundle file included, and successfully install it. However, if I make a simple change to the Settings.bundle file, such as adding or removing a row, build an IPA and then attempt to install it I get the
"A signed resource has been added, modified, or deleted" error.
I'm at a bit of a loss as to what's causing this error and why the Settings.bundle file is causing the install to fail.
Has anyone seen this error before or potentially shed some light on what's causing it?
I'm using Xcode 4.6.3 and an iPhone 4 running iOS 6.1.3.
Clean Build Folder (⌘⌥⇧-K) has resolved this for me 3 out of 3 times.
I just ran into this issue using Xcode 6 beta 6 installing to my iPhone 5 running iOS 8 beta 5. The app I'm building uses a Today extension (aka widget).
It appears the issue stemmed from my having not set up dependencies properly. I have a third party framework (Alamofire) set up as part of the project as a dependency of the overall project, but not as a dependency of the today widget. I could build fine but when installing to device I would get this "signed resource has been..." error.
By adding Alamofire as a dependency of the Today widget this resolved the issue.
It's a bit late but I ran into the exact same issue today with Xcode 5.0.1.
According to, "the resource missing:*" error could be caused by:
The file prefixed with "._" is considered an AppleDouble file and it can result from copying the uncompressed Xcode project folder onto a non-HFS+ formatted disk. The AppleDouble files must be removed using the 'dot_clean' command. The Xcode project folder is the argument to dot_clean as illustrated below.
Steps I did to resolve this:
Close Xcode
Run "dot_clean /path/to/My_Xcode_Project" in Terminal
Open Xcode again and make a new build
Oddly enough most of these _* files don't seem to cause any issues except those inside Settings.bundle (Nearly every file in my directory had one, but only after I added Settings.bundle, the IPA failed to install).
I also faced the same issue and this post solved my problem:
It turns out that the problem was caused by having special character in the product name – in my case, a ?. Removing the ? from the product name fixed the problem.
In my case, what helped was adding a bash script into build phases (just before "compile sources"):
find ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData -name "YouAppName.appex" | xargs -I % find % -type f -maxdepth 1 | xargs rm
What this script does, is to clean files in project's appex dir (e.g. assets), but leaving sub-directories (e.g. compiled storyboard). In effect, using this script while building is much faster to execute than full project clean.

libCordova.a file missing in PhoneGap 2.9

Can you plz help me?
I am using XCode version 4.6.3 and phonegap version 2.9.
The project is running fine in Simulator but when I want to make a IPA file, it always build failed.
The message is showing like below:
file not found: /Users/admin/.../libCordova.a
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
I have found some discussion on this issue. Most of the solution is like (1) to change the BUILD ACTIVE ARCHITECTURE ONLY to YES, (2) to change the ARCHITECTURE only to armv7, (3) update the project after creating it...etc. But none of those working for me.
Plz help anyway.
Thanks in advance.
Follow these steps to fix this problem:
Go to project settings and Build Tab. Search for "Other Linker Flags"
Double click on the linker flags for Release and Change ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libCordova.a to ${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/libCordova.a
Do the same for Debug
Clean and build archive again
If Prems answer doesn't fix the issue, try building your CordovaLib project first. After doing that I was able to build my project.
In addition to several other suggestions & post, I found that I was experiencing this problem on my AdHoc builds only.
The problem for me was the the CordovaLib subproject did not have an AdHoc configuration. Once I added an "AdHoc" configuration to the CordovaLib subproject, this started working.
Please note that I figured this out during debugging because if I set the Edit Scheme > Archive build configuration to "release" it would work OK, but if set to AdHoc it would give me a link error, telling me that this file could not be found:
If you check the linker suggestion above and still not working. Make sure that Cordova project has the same configuration name. If your main project has "Debug, Release, and Production" configurations. Add same configurations in the Cordova project. Build Cordova and then build your project.
I you are using Xcode 5.0, do exactly the opposite and it works.

SQLCipher runs successfully with simulator but doesnt build

SQLCipher runs successfully with simulator but doesnt build with device; instead I get the following errors:
cp: libssl.a: No such file or directory
sqlite3.c:91838: internal compiler error: in find_src_set_src, at var-tracking.c:1922
I have followed the entire procedure given at SQLCIPHER website. And it runs successfully on simulator but when i change it to iOSDevice the above errors appears.
Kindly help me asap
Please make sure you are using the official 2.0 release from this repository,, It addresses an issue building for armv6.
Open openssl.xcodeproj and follow instructions form this site:
You need to setup a new target then bring libssl.a in your project.
If you still have problems:
As XCode 4.3(2) complains in release and test on device (not in simulator) about arm 6, better is to compile your own openssl libraries [see]. You just need to adjust some paths [like /Applications/ and /Applications/, if you're familiar with scripting]. I managed to build libs for last version of OpenSSL [2012 openssl-1.0.1c], then include in my project and able to build release and archive for distribution, with encrypted db.

Xcode: Build error: tried to link DWARF for unsupported file:

I've changed something in my project settings and now when I run this project to build and debug I get build error:
GenerateDSYMFile error: tried to link DWARF for unsupported file: "correct path to my application executable here"
but! when I press RUN once more it works like a charm and my app starts in Simulator.
so I need press cmd-R twice every time to debug my app.
it was normal in previous version of my project so I don't know what changes I've made %)
all my other projects works fine and I can just recreate this project, but I want to figured it out - what trigger this error. I tried to ask this question on Apple devforums but without any success.
any help here? thx )
ps this error shows as Xcode3 as Xcode4
There is same file name as your project name in bundle so get rid of that file by renaming it and use accordingly.
Clean the project and run the project. Good to go.
not sure if you figured out what the problem was, had the same thing happen to me. I had made a text file called the same name as my project - when I got rid of that it fixed it.
Try changing under Build Options > Debug Information Format. See if that helps.
I got it when I tried to run my app in the simulator.
Xcode said ATTACHING TO PROCESS but hung.
So had to kill XCode and restart.
When I ran project again it built ok but when I said RUN it got that link error.
I fixed it by deleting the app in the Simulator and hit run again and it worked.
In my case It was a plist file causing the error.
I renamed the file and updated Info.plist File in Target Build Settings and that fixed it.
I got the same error: "error: tried to link DWARF for unsupported file: /Volumes/..."
This error wasn't shown before up until I changed to Xcode 6 in my Jenkins server. Before we had the same setting of the App and was building without any problem.
I was building the app as Realase version via Jenkins and I had the setting to build with the following configuration "-configuration Release" and the parameter "Debug Information Format" in Build Setting of the app was set to DWARF-with-dSYM.
In order to solve this error I changed in the targets in Xcode in Build Settings in the parameter "Debug Information Format" to DWARF only and I didn't get any error from Jenkins.
The apple developer documentation says this regarding the different values of this parameter:
DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT (Debug Information Format)
Description: Identifier. Identifies the format used to store the binary’s debug information.
stabs: Use the Stabs format and place the debug information in the binary.
dwarf: Use the DWARF format and place the debug information in the binary.
dwarf-with-dsym: Use the DWARF format and place the debug information in a dSYM file.
Default value:
Prerequisite for:

Core-plot configuration error

I am trying to use core-plot and I followed the instruction from the following project page to use it., which is
You can install the SDK with a standard Mac installer package, or by hand. Here is how you install by hand.
Copy the CorePlotSDK directory to ~/Library/SDKs/
Add to your project's .PCH file:
#import < CorePlot/CorePlot.h >
Open Project -> Edit Project Settings and for All Configurations:
3a. Add to Additional SDKS:
3b. Add to Other Linker Flags:
-ObjC -all_load -lCorePlot
Add the QuartzCore framework to the project.
Add a CPGraph to your application.
I went with the SDK install options: I installed it with Mac installer Package, it got installed in the following location /Library/SDKs/iphoneos.sdk and /Library/SDKs/iphonesimulator.sdk
Then i did step 2 as mentioned.
For 3a i added /Library/SDKs/iphonesimulator.sdk
Then i did 3b and then 4.
After that I tried to do a build and see how does it works and i get the following errors:
:1:0 :1:1: warning: "__IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED" redefined
:1:0 :1:1: warning: this is the location of the previous definition
/var/folders/+r/+rBG+BziF1OqK12XNyw1ak+++TM/-Caches-/ /var/folders/+r/+rBG+BziF1OqK12XNyw1ak+++TM/-Caches-/ error: syntax error before '^' token
/var/folders/+r/+rBG+BziF1OqK12XNyw1ak+++TM/-Caches-/ /var/folders/+r/+rBG+BziF1OqK12XNyw1ak+++TM/-Caches-/ error: 'type name' declared as function returning a function
This appears 20 times. and it points all to UIView.h
There are same question in the stackoverflow and people suggested to change the compiler to 4.2 and for lot of people it worked, but for me the compiler was always set to 4.2 and still I get the same error.
On 3a if do /Library/SDKs/iphoneos.sdk
I get the following error
error: Composite SDK failed: The base SDK uses platform 'iphonesimulator', but an additional SDK uses platform 'iphoneos'. All SDKs must use the same platform (PLATFORM_NAME).
Please help
Finally, I have figured out the solution for this error:
Thanks to the developer on core-plot project and sebastien.leduc a google code user for their help.
I am using, and one important steps that is missing on the installation guide is you have to use LLVM GCC 4.2 and not GCC 4.2.
The other important steps which was little confused me was 3a.
Add to Additional SDKS: $HOME/Library/SDKs/CorePlotSDK/${PLATFORM_NAME}.sdk
Here you have to literally add the above line, I was changing the ${PLATFORM_NAME} with iphoneos or iphonesimulator, but no we don't have to do that.
One last thing if you don't find the sdk on the following path $HOME/Library/SDKs/CorePlotSDK
Check out /Library/SDKs/CorePlotSDK.
I hope this will help people, it took me about a week to figure out with the help of all the people who came forward to help.
I just posted a new version of the Core Plot installer that should resolve this issue. You can download it from
You can choose to install Core Plot for all users or just your account. If you install for all users, change the Additional SDKs path from $HOME/Library/SDKs/CorePlotSDK/${PLATFORM_NAME}.sdk to /Library/SDKs/CorePlotSDK/${PLATFORM_NAME}.sdk.
I integrated core-plot into my application yesterday so it's fresh on my mind. I tried installing the SDK the same way you are and hit the same error. Comments in the google-group recommended NOT going this route, so I went back and installed the source code.
I ended up using the tutorial HERE for the basic steps and sample code. The code doesn't work anymore, but all the broken parts are answered in the comments (including a complete reposting of the code which works on the latest version).
Some stumbling points were that the "-ObjC" and "-all_load" flags were both needed, and when I added the header path the "search recursively" option wasn't checked off. Both these questions and many more are answered in the comments.