Core-plot configuration error - iphone

I am trying to use core-plot and I followed the instruction from the following project page to use it., which is
You can install the SDK with a standard Mac installer package, or by hand. Here is how you install by hand.
Copy the CorePlotSDK directory to ~/Library/SDKs/
Add to your project's .PCH file:
#import < CorePlot/CorePlot.h >
Open Project -> Edit Project Settings and for All Configurations:
3a. Add to Additional SDKS:
3b. Add to Other Linker Flags:
-ObjC -all_load -lCorePlot
Add the QuartzCore framework to the project.
Add a CPGraph to your application.
I went with the SDK install options: I installed it with Mac installer Package, it got installed in the following location /Library/SDKs/iphoneos.sdk and /Library/SDKs/iphonesimulator.sdk
Then i did step 2 as mentioned.
For 3a i added /Library/SDKs/iphonesimulator.sdk
Then i did 3b and then 4.
After that I tried to do a build and see how does it works and i get the following errors:
:1:0 :1:1: warning: "__IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED" redefined
:1:0 :1:1: warning: this is the location of the previous definition
/var/folders/+r/+rBG+BziF1OqK12XNyw1ak+++TM/-Caches-/ /var/folders/+r/+rBG+BziF1OqK12XNyw1ak+++TM/-Caches-/ error: syntax error before '^' token
/var/folders/+r/+rBG+BziF1OqK12XNyw1ak+++TM/-Caches-/ /var/folders/+r/+rBG+BziF1OqK12XNyw1ak+++TM/-Caches-/ error: 'type name' declared as function returning a function
This appears 20 times. and it points all to UIView.h
There are same question in the stackoverflow and people suggested to change the compiler to 4.2 and for lot of people it worked, but for me the compiler was always set to 4.2 and still I get the same error.
On 3a if do /Library/SDKs/iphoneos.sdk
I get the following error
error: Composite SDK failed: The base SDK uses platform 'iphonesimulator', but an additional SDK uses platform 'iphoneos'. All SDKs must use the same platform (PLATFORM_NAME).
Please help

Finally, I have figured out the solution for this error:
Thanks to the developer on core-plot project and sebastien.leduc a google code user for their help.
I am using, and one important steps that is missing on the installation guide is you have to use LLVM GCC 4.2 and not GCC 4.2.
The other important steps which was little confused me was 3a.
Add to Additional SDKS: $HOME/Library/SDKs/CorePlotSDK/${PLATFORM_NAME}.sdk
Here you have to literally add the above line, I was changing the ${PLATFORM_NAME} with iphoneos or iphonesimulator, but no we don't have to do that.
One last thing if you don't find the sdk on the following path $HOME/Library/SDKs/CorePlotSDK
Check out /Library/SDKs/CorePlotSDK.
I hope this will help people, it took me about a week to figure out with the help of all the people who came forward to help.

I just posted a new version of the Core Plot installer that should resolve this issue. You can download it from
You can choose to install Core Plot for all users or just your account. If you install for all users, change the Additional SDKs path from $HOME/Library/SDKs/CorePlotSDK/${PLATFORM_NAME}.sdk to /Library/SDKs/CorePlotSDK/${PLATFORM_NAME}.sdk.

I integrated core-plot into my application yesterday so it's fresh on my mind. I tried installing the SDK the same way you are and hit the same error. Comments in the google-group recommended NOT going this route, so I went back and installed the source code.
I ended up using the tutorial HERE for the basic steps and sample code. The code doesn't work anymore, but all the broken parts are answered in the comments (including a complete reposting of the code which works on the latest version).
Some stumbling points were that the "-ObjC" and "-all_load" flags were both needed, and when I added the header path the "search recursively" option wasn't checked off. Both these questions and many more are answered in the comments.


XCode 8.0, Building for Store Submission, Errors

Getting the following errors with XCODE 8.0. This was working fine with Xcode 7.x as far as we can remember.
ERROR ITMS-90087: "Unsupported Architectures. The executable for xxx.framework contains unsupported architectures '[x86_64, i386]'."
Does this mean that Apple is not smart enough not to include the simulator slice? We have to provide an SDK that has the simulator and does not?
ERROR ITMS-90209: "Invalid Segment Alignment. The app binary at 'XXX' does not have proper segment alignment. Try rebuilding the app with the latest Xcode version."
But we are using the latest XCODE 8.0 version? What gives here?
ERROR ITMS-90125: "The binary is invalid. The encryption info in the LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO load command is either missing or invalid, or the binary is already encrypted. This binary does not seem to have been built with Apple's linker."
Not sure what this is. All Signing stuff is set correctly in all of the builds. Again, this was working fine before. We did use LIPO to make the universals. So maybe stripping the universals would do it????
WARNING ITMS-90080: "The executable 'Payload/' is not a Position Independent Executable. Please ensure that your build settings are configured to create PIE executables. For more information refer to Technical Q&A QA1788 - Building a Position Independent Executable in the iOS Developer Library."
All PIE stuff was working find, no changes, etc. All are set to NO for Position Dependent. Have been doing some reading on this and some have solved by flipping bits? hmmmm.....
ERROR ITMS-90087: "Unsupported Architectures. The executable for xxx.framework contains unsupported architectures '[x86_64, i386]'."
This is a known Apple bug.
Your other errors are resulting of manipulating an already signed product, so you have to code sign your product again after you sliced out the unsupported architectures.
The Carthage installer comes with a handy script, which I am using as an easy workaround.
1) Install Carthage
2) Add Build Phase Script
From Carthage site:
On your application targets’ “Build Phases” settings tab, click the “+” icon and choose “New Run Script Phase”. Create a Run Script in which you specify your shell (ex: bin/sh), add the following contents to the script area below the shell:
/usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks
and add the paths to the frameworks you want to use under “Input Files”, e.g.:
Turns out we were providing a Universal Framework by mistake. Once this was solved all of the errors were solved.

Xcode upgrade: PBXContainerItemProxy missing containerPortal key

I just upgraded my Xcode, now when I try to open my project, I get this error:
Project /Users/xxx/xxxx/xxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxxx.xcodeproj cannot be opened: PBXContainerItemProxy (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) is missing a containerPortal key
I have searched the web and stackoverflow, but cannot get anything relevent to come up at all regarding this.
I do have Three20 as part of my project, I don't know if that matters. I just upgraded to xcode 4.4.1
Thanks for any insight.
the project icon which we see i.e projectname.xcodeproj, is actually a directory, you do this
1. in terminal do cd yourproject.xcodeproj project.pbxproj
4. scroll down till /* Begin PBXContainerItemProxy section */
5.there you will see all sections check for the section which is missing a portal key edit it and save it :wq it will work
in image if you see the first section is missing container portal key.just pic it from other section and replace it..
it will work :D see this link
Now I should start with that I do not know the actual error, never seen it before, but I did find a reference to a "PBXContainerProxy"-error in this post (As soon as I add a project to XCode 4.0.2 it crashes) and thought you might try the solutions from there?
"Apparently this is due to the new version of XCodeProjects. I found a
work around by pre-compiling the library that was causing the issue
and then using the linker to link to the .a file. I also had to copy
the .a library into the DerivedData path.
The real solution was to remove the project and replace it with an
updated project for the new version of XCode."
Hope that helps somewhat :)
Never saw that error either, but if you're upgrading directly from XCode 3.X I'd suggest you to go to
and download/install a previous version of Xcode somewhere else. (You can have several different copies installed on your machine, just google it if you don't know how but just remember to use xcode-select to pick the one you want to use). Repeat with all the versions back to 4.0.1 until (hopefully) it works. I know it's tedious but it might help.
If it does, validate the project settings and try to open it with 4.4.1. That should work.
Good luck

pjsip build for iOS 5, won't make

I retrieved the latest build from the SVN trunk on Friday and attempted to build following the directions on the getting started wiki.
make dep seems to execute without any problems, but make fails on Samples.mak. It appears there are no rules to make any of the samples when the platform is "arm-apple-darwin9".
If I open the Xcode project at this point, libavcodec and all it's related libraries are missing as well as LibSDL. There's not mention of a requirement to install SDL and ffmpeg beforehand, so not sure what to do there.
Please add some framework is required for run pjsip and also checked config_site.h this file available or not if not found then add this file. some code also may to write in config_site.h file .

Creating a sample app with Ogre

I installed the OgreSDK for iOS. I Installed Cmake, I downloaded the Ogre SDK, and I downloaded the iPhone dependencies.
I have placed the iPhone dependencies in the OgreSDK. Then I tried to run ogre.Xcodeproject, but I got the following error: some config files are missing. I have added the files in the bin, then it ran successfully. I installed the Ogre template for XCode.
I started of creating my first application, but when I try to run, I get an
error like ogreCamera.h not found.
I have checked in the header search path, whether it contains the root of OgreSDK. It is correct, and I have added them manually.
Then I got this error ld: library not found for -lOIS
Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/clang++ failed with exit code 1
Please help me, I have been struggling with this for one day.
Thanks in advance.
There are some tutorial maybe useful to you
Good Luck

XCode linker error : library not found for -lAdMobDevice

I am trying to build lite version of my iPhone application using AdMob. I followed the guidelines here and created two different targets. In the lite version I added a macro called LITEVERSION which I am checking using #ifdef and doing the appropriate things.
But when I build the lite version of the app, I get a linker error
ld: library not found for -lAdMobDevice
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
However I am able to build the full version without any issues and also noticed that build is working fine (for the fullversion) even if I remove the #ifdef macros. This suggests that the libAdMobSimulator.a library is linking properly for the full version however it fails on the lite version.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!
When I had this problem, the cause was that I'd added the library into Xcode by dragging it in like a regular source file.
The fix was to remove it, and then add it properly using the "Add->Existing Frameworks..." dialogue.
I got similar error as I was using CocoaPods libraries
library not found for -lPods-MyApp
I got the error because I opened xcode project instead of workspace.
I was using CocoaPods, and ran pod install, and that fixed it.
I figured out what he problem was. I just removed all frameworks and libraries and added them back in for both the targets and it worked!
I cause this because of a libray libMobClickLibrary.a which is used in youmeng sdk missed. I fix the issued after copy libMobClickLibrary.a to the project floder.
I had the same problem with Google Analytics library. My problem was that I forgot to add the path to the Library Search Paths in my target's build settings. (Target -> Build Settings -> Library Search Paths)