Building BlackBerry 10 native application package from command line - blackberry-10

I have created a native HelloWorld application for BlackBerry 10 using BB NDK 10.0.9 and running it inside a simulator. I use Momentics IDE and can easily compile and deploy my application.
However, i want to setup an automated build process from the command line. I was able to compile ELF binary using makefile. But i am stuck in creation of .bar file.
I try to build .bar with the command:
blackberry-airpackager.bat -package application.xml
but the target .bar does not contain my native binary.
What am i doing wrong?

There is a special packager for native applications: blackberry-nativepackager
This code did the trick:
blackberry-nativepackager.bat -package bar-descriptor.xml
And yet another configuration was added to bar-descriptor.xml besides the simulator:
<configuration id="com.qnx.qcc.toolChain.2121420202" name="Device-Release">
<asset path="arm/o.le-v7/HelloWorld" entry="true" type="Qnx/Elf">HelloWorld</asset>


Error in Build After InAppPurchase Unity

CommandInvokationFailure: Unable to merge android manifests. See the Console for more details.
C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_161\bin\java.exe -Xmx2048M"C:/Users/Sabasoft Developer/Downloads/tools_r25.2.3-windows\tools" -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -jar "D:\Unity\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer/Tools\sdktools.jar" -
Warning: [Temp\StagingArea\AndroidManifest-main.xml:12, D:\unity projects\Pizza maker\Temp\StagingArea\android-libraries\GooglePlay\AndroidManifest.xml:3] Main manifest has but library uses targetSdkVersion='24'
exit code: 1
Update Java SdK
Update Android SdK
Check target in menifest file and Unity editor. Both should be same.
Remove duplicate .jar under plugins folder if there are any.
You are using a library somewhere in your code (possibly something for GooglePlay?). The library has a manifest.xml file that is likely located in a folder called plugin or one of its subfolders.
The manifest is the file used by android to describe the app: how it starts, what permissions it has, and so on.
Any android project in unity will include a default manifest.xml file. This file is edited by unity with some info relative to you game (the name, and the target version, are part of it).
Now, the libraries you include in your project might need different options and values in the manifest, so Unity libraries for android usually come with another manifest.xml file. This will will be automatically merged with the default one by unity at build time.
Usually, it goes well, the additional line in the manifest from the library get added to the default manifest.
But in your case, there is a conflict between these manifests. The target version is specified both in the library and in your project. So unity can't resolve it.
To fix this, use a target version for your project that is the same or higher than the one of the library. Edit your target version under player settings

Xilinx SDK (Eclipse) project command line build

I have an Xilinx SDK workspace with:
- hardware specification (hw);
- board support package (bsp);
- C-language application.
In other words, it is no need to create an workspace like described here
Provided Xilinx SDK is an Eclipse-based IDE, how can I make Eclipse to run project clean and release|debug|all configurations build from command line/batch file?
This link really helps
about headlessbuild syntax:
script contents
set XILINX_EDK=c:\Xilinx\14.3\ISE_DS\EDK\
set XILINX=c:\Xilinx\14.3\ISE_DS\ISE\
set ECLIPSE=%XILINX_EDK%eclipse\nt\eclipse\eclipsec.exe
set VM=%XILINX%java6\nt\jre\bin\
set BSP=%CD%\TEST_bsp\
set APP=%CD%\TEST\
%ECLIPSE% -vm %VM% -nosplash -application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild -cleanBuild all -data %WSPACE%
If you have the workspace already, can you not just run make clean; make in the project directory?

Eclipse run error

When i try to run my code on Eclipse this error appears:
Usage: javaw [-options] class [args...]
(to execute a class)
or javaw [-options] -jar jarfile [args...]
(to execute a jar file)
where options include:
-d32 use a 32-bit data model if available
-d64 use a 64-bit data model if available
-server to select the "server" VM
-hotspot is a synonym for the "server" VM [deprecated]
The default VM is server.
-cp <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
-classpath <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
A ; separated list of directories, JAR archives,
and ZIP archives to search for class files.
set a system property
enable verbose output
-version print product version and exit
require the specified version to run
-showversion print product version and continue
-jre-restrict-search | -no-jre-restrict-search
include/exclude user private JREs in the version search
-? -help print this help message
-X print help on non-standard options
enable assertions with specified granularity
disable assertions with specified granularity
-esa | -enablesystemassertions
enable system assertions
-dsa | -disablesystemassertions
disable system assertions
load native agent library <libname>, e.g. -agentlib:hprof
see also, -agentlib:jdwp=help and -agentlib:hprof=help
load native agent library by full pathname
load Java programming language agent, see java.lang.instrument
show splash screen with specified image
See for more details.
i try to coment my entired code and this error still appear.
It seems you haven't set your java path correctly.
Setting Up Eclipse with Java 1.6 on Windows
How To Install and Get Started with Java Programming
Run eclipse in clean mode
Edit the eclipse.ini file located in your Eclipse install directory and insert -clean as the first line.
If this is happening to a specific project only and other projects are running fine then your default run configuration might have changed. You may try the following
- Run -> Run As -> 1 Java Application.
I fixed this issue by deleting some of my old runtime configurations. Eclipse then started automatically generating them again.

NANT 0.92 SDK 7 not found

Windows 2008 R2 64Bit SDK installed at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1
Framework installed at C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319
Trying to run Nant to compile some .NET 4 classes and we are getting
the following message.
The SDK for the 'net-4.0' framework is not available or not configured.:
NAnt.Core.BuildException: The SDK for the 'net-4.0'
framework is not available or not configured.
at NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.DetermineFilePath()
at NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.get_ProgramFileName()
NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.PrepareProcess(Process process)
at NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.StartProcess()
at NAnt.Core.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.ExecuteTask()
at NAnt.Core.Task.Execute()
at NAnt.Core.Target.Execute()
at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute(String targetName, Boolean
at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute()
at NAnt.Core.Project.Run()
In looking at the NANt.exe.config it would appear that it looks to the
registry to find the applicable path for the SDK.
hive="LocalMachine" />
<locatesdk property="sdkInstallRoot"
minwinsdkver="v7.0A" minnetfxver="4.0" maxnetfxver="4.0.99999"
failonerror="false" />
The key does not exist in the registry nor does our SDK version match the minwinsdkver="v7.0A"
Anyone run into this issue and found a valid work-around?
Simplest solution is to add the key to the registry.
For myself the registry entry was slightly different: at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft.NETFramework set sdkInstallRootv2.0=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A.
After this Nant compiled fine as expected.
I ran into this issue yesterday. Another workaround is to mark the NAnt executable as 32 bit.
Open a Developer Command Prompt
Change to the directory that contains your NAnt executable.
Run the following command: corflags NAnt.exe /32Bit+

Why would Eclipse not be able to include a file when running a PHPUnit test?

I have the following class and unit test in a PHP project in Eclipse:
I know my unit test works as I can run it at the command line:
Now I want to run this test from Eclipse. I set up PHP Unit in Eclipse like this:
However, when I run the PHPUnit tests:
It tells me that it can't include the class file:
/usr/bin/php -c /var/folders/UA/UAv38snBHd0QMgEPMCmM9U+++TM/-Tmp-/zend_debug/session4910937990995915704.tmp -d asp_tags=off /Applications/eclipse/plugins/ --log-junit /var/folders/UA/UAv38snBHd0QMgEPMCmM9U+++TM/-Tmp-/pti_phpunit/phpunit.xml /Volumes/data/domains/et/extjslayout/phpunittest/tests
PHP Warning: include_once(../Product.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Volumes/data/domains/et/extjslayout/phpunittest/tests/ProductTest.php on line 3
PHP Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '../Product.php' for inclusion (include_path='/usr/local/PEAR') in /Volumes/data/domains/et/extjslayout/phpunittest/tests/ProductTest.php on line 3
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Product' not found in /Volumes/data/domains/et/extjslayout/phpunittest/tests/ProductTest.php on line 9
Why would PHPUnit be able to find the class when run from the command line but not when run from Eclipse?
When you start something from the command line, the "current directory" has a well-defined meaning: It's the directory where you started the command.
In Eclipse, what is the "current directory"? It's probably the directory from which you started Eclipse or maybe the folder in which Eclipse is installed.
I haven't used PHP in Eclipse before but for other languages, I can set the current directory in the launch config somewhere. If that doesn't work, define a variable which points to your project and then use absolute paths (using that variable as a starting point).
Have same problem. Found only solution by creating tests with internal PHPUnit wizard like at this screenshot:
Source: HowTo create a Test Case Class from a PHP Class
But following investigate show that your test case file should contain reference to tested code for example like this: require_once 'C:\Apache2\htdocs\jobeet\src\Ibw\JobeetBundle\Utils\Jobeet.php';
Other experiments with plugin config not bringing luck. So in my opinion PHPUnit from PHP Tools not well developed plugin. Consider using MakeGood plugin as better alternative.