Is it possible to restore a HD that was removed from VirtualBox without a snapshot? - virtualization

I've removed the single Hard Drive (HD) from my VM (Virtual Box 4.0.6) by mistake! :S
I added the HD again, but now it loads with the base configuration (ignoring the state prior HD removal and any snapshot).
I can still see the snapshots tree and they are all there, but I didnt do a snapshot prior to the HD removal..
QUESTION: Is it possible to get the last state up and running again?
I've removed the disk this way (PT language non important):
I'm surprised that Virtual Box didn't even give me any warning about loosing data!!
After adding the disk again it acted like described above. And now (I've tried loading the disk directly from the snapshots system folder) it shows some info like this:
I've just solved the problem by removing the current HD and adding a new HD from the snapshots folder (the most recent one, in my case a file named something like: fb85e8db-d5f4-46a9-b67b-f8fb39a99a1a.vdi.

There is a .prev file that is created at the VM HDD location.
<HardDisk uuid="{21940e73-1596-45a5-b37e-44cca5d5f1e6}" location="Windows 9.vmdk" format="VMDK" type="Normal">
<HardDisk uuid="{df9d8522-cc5d-499c-b974-037d3f8f89fb}" location="Snapshots/{df9d8522-cc5d-499c-b974-037d3f8f89fb}.vmdk" format="VMDK"/>
<HardDisk uuid="{b707fe0a-f50c-4bc6-b03a-d5a4fe6972fd}" location="Snapshots/{b707fe0a-f50c-4bc6-b03a-d5a4fe6972fd}.vmdk" format="VMDK">
You can add your custom snapshots to that. they are in a tree like fashion and the last one would be loaded. You have to remember the structure too if they were in tree like fashion.
Each snapshot is incremental so make sure the parents and children are in proper order.


AppCompleteGenericCore > 1Gb of memory

The monitoring of the Local MDrivenServer (cmd: AppCompleteGenericCore.exe -port=5050 -nohttps) shows that the process eats memory up to 1.2Gb regardless of the Model's size.
If I upload the simplest sample model with Class1 and Class2, no viewmodels, no serverside jobs - AppCompleteGenericCore process memory starts from 60Mb (there is no model) and stabilized at the ~1.2Gb (sample model is uploaded).
Could you please advise is it normal behavior?
FYI, I've tried "System.GC.Server": false, "System.GC.Concurrent": false in the AppCompleteGenericCore.runtimeconfig.json - no results.
Thank you!
I deleted my LocalServers folder and downloaded the latest version of MDrivenServer—and the problem disappeared. The old server had CodeDress assembly, so I guess it was a root cause of the memory leak I had.

ESENT--read a ese database file

The pagesize of the file I read is 32768. When i set the JET_paramDatabasePageSize to 32768,JetInit returns -1213.Then,i set the JET_paramRecovery to "Off",JetInit succeeds.But,when I use JetAttachDatabase,it returns -550.
Here is my code:
err=JetSetSystemParameter(&instance,sesid,JET_paramDatabasePageSize ,32768 ,NULL);
err=JetAttachDatabase(sesid,buffer, JET_bitDbReadOnly );
err=JetOpenDatabase ( sesid, buffer, NULL, &dbid, JET_bitDbReadOnly );
What's wrong with it?I am running a Windows 7 32bit.
The page size is global to the process (NOT just the instance) and is persisted in the log files and the database, so changing the page size can be annoyingly tricky.
Is there information in the database that you're trying to access? Or did you just experience this during development?
If you saw this during development, then the easiest thing to do is to blow everything away (del .edb edb) [Assuming that you kept the prefix as "edb"].
Also, are you sure that the database is 32k pages? You can confirm with esentutl.exe -mh <database-name>.
It will be trickier to recover the data if you do care about, and you switched the page size. (I don't know off the top of my head, and I'd have to try a few things out...)

Why does this code work successfully with Enumerator.fromFile?

I wrote the file transferring code as follows:
val fileContent: Enumerator[Array[Byte]] = Enumerator.fromFile(file)
val size = file.length.toString
header = ResponseHeader(200, Map(CONTENT_LENGTH -> size, CONTENT_TYPE -> "application/pdf")),
body = fileContent)
This code works successfully, even if the file size is rather large (2.6 MB),
but I'm confused because my understanding about .fromFile() is a wrapper of fromCallBack() and SimpleResult actually reads the file buffred,but the file is deleted before that.
MY easy assumption is that waits until the file gets released after the chunk reading completed, but I have never heard of that process of Java File class,
Or .fromFile() has already loaded all lines to the Enumerator instance, but it's against the fromCallBack() spec, I think.
Does anybody knows about this mechanism?
I'm guessing you are on some kind of a Unix system, OSX or Linux for example.
On a Unix:y system you can actually delete a file that is open, any filesystem entry is just a link to the actual file, and so is a file handle which you get when you open a file. The file contents won't become unreachable /deleted until the last link to it is removed.
So: it will no longer show up in the filesystem after you do file.delete but you can still read it using the InputStream that was created in Enumerator.fromFile(file) since that created a file handle. (On Linux you actually can find it through the special /proc filesystem which, among other things, contains the filehandles of each running process)
On windows I think you will get an error though, so if it is to run on multiple platforms you should probably check test your webapp on windows as well.

Canon EDSDK sample code - help to understand save file to location

I am new to the EDSDK, but so far have been very happy with the results. I have my program working just fine saving to the camera, however when I set to saveTo Host I'm unclear on where it thinks it's supposed to save to.
Everything appears to work. Callback function gets called, progress bar animates but I have no idea where it thinks it's pointing the file to.
the closest I get is finding where the #"download" command is issued, the argument to this call should be getting cast as a (EdsDirectoryItemRef)
This all seems to be coming from the EDSCALLBACK handleObjectEvent but I can't figure out how it gets constructed.
Ideally I'd like to be able to specify where on disk I want the images to go. Can someone provide some aid?
Okay, I see the images are going into the build directory, but perhaps someone could help me to understand why. Or even better how to specify a path for myself.
When you set saveTo_Host, the image is stored on a temporary memory in the camera. The camera then triggers a DirItemRequestTransfer event that would call the callback function 'handleObjectEvent'. The reference to the image, stored in the temporary camera memory, is passed to the callback function.
Within the handleObjectEvent callback function you probably would be creating a file stream and using EdsDownload to download the file to the location on the PC (which is specified by the file stream).
When you create a file stream you need to specify a file name (the first argument). This file name determines where the image would be stored. If you just specify the file name without a path the image gets stored in the build directory. If you would like to save the file in a particular location you need to specify the file name along with its path.
Hope this helps.

the svnpoller is not triggered (warning in the twistd.log)

I am not sure what is going on, but i get this weird issue with buildbot.
The SVNPoller is configured as it should (checked various config example files), when i run the buildbot checkconfig it says that everything is fine....but it won't work at all.
If i trigger a build via the scheduler class it works fine, i can retrieve the source updates and build without problems (tried with a 1h timeframe).
The problem thou is that the poller is not working, so even if i build each hour, the changes column stays empty (i get the changes for the various versions thou, so if i click on the build detail i can see the sourcestamp carrying the right and most recent revision everytime that i modify the codebase); so I have no way to know if the build fails who did the last change.
Another peculiar thing is that in the twistd.log i see this line:
Warning: no ChangeSources specified in c['change_source']
And i am not sure why it wouldn't work since the checkconfig does not raise any error.
The result of this is of course that the only thing built is the hourly one, leaving me without the poller, and without knowing who is putting code in each build.
This is the code for the poller:
c['change source']=SVNPoller
svnbin = '/usr/bin/svn')
So far it looks good, so I am not really sure what is wrong here...why the SVNPoller is not triggering any build.
Anyone that has some suggestions about why is this happening ? Is there any other way to get changes from an SVN server? I am a total newbie at BuildBot and I am not really getting too much out of the manual; that looks much more like a scholastic book instead of being a manual that shows you how you do stuff :)
Ok, silly me :) the problem is the missing underscore on change_source...once added it the problem is solved
c['change_source'] = SVNPoller (svnurl=source_svn_url,
svnbin= '/usr/bin/svn'
this will poll the svn codebase at source_svn_url (just put your svn:// path); and will check every minute to see if anyone has done changes; and will keep 10 changes in the record list (any change after the 10th will not show up so use it carefully if you do a lot of commits).
Hope that this helps who uses buildbot!