maven eclipse:eclipse - how to bring certain dependencies as jar files - eclipse

I do have a multi module project out of which one references few others in the workspace. When I do maven eclipse:eclipse, it generates the .classpath with references to dependent projects as folder names (given below).
I understand that to generate all the dependent projects to be available as jar files in the classpath, we have to use 'useProjectReferences'. However, I need the classpath entry for child-project1 to be available as path to the jar file in the m2_repo and leave the classpath entry to child-project2 as reference to the folder.

Do a clean install of your referenced projects. Right click your parent project -> properties->maven, uncheck 'reference projects from workspace'. See if this works.


class test in an existing project j2ee converted to maven project

I'm a beginner in Maven and i have to "mavenize" an existing project for a company.
I opened the project in Eclipse and right click on the project -> Configure -> Convert to Maven Project.
So after that I didn't get the folders : src/main/java, src/main/resources, src/test/java, src/test/resources. I didn't get anything.
I have the m2e plugin and also Maven 3.3.3
I get the lib and Maven Dependency and arrange the pom.xml but i didn't have any test folder and any class Test so when running mvn:test i get no tests to run.
My question is : I have to create all the classTest manually ? Or Maven is supposed to create them automatically ?
Convert to Maven would normally:
configure the Maven Compile Plugin according to the JDK version in use by the original project
configure the build/sourceDirectory element (normally to src) instead of the standard src/main/java
ignore the bin folder used by default by Eclipse (so may see it in the Package Explorer and you can safely delete it)
Some manual steps are required (and suggested):
move the code to a newly created src/main/java folder and remove the build/sourceDirectory customization
remove the bin directory (it will now be target/classes)
Create src/main/resources folder and move any required resource (configuration file, etc.) to this folder
place your test sources under src/test/java, which you also need to create
if not the case, rename any test class to end by the *Test or *TestCase suffix so that by default the Maven Surefire Plugin will pick them up automatically (if not possible, alternatively you would need to configure it as described via official documentation here
If you don't have any test class yet, of course Maven would never create them automatically, you are responsible of writing your test cases, Maven would only run them.

Eclipse adding the project overrides maven dependency

I have a maven project that uses other small projects. And I added them to master's pom file.
So my Eclipse project properties looks like following:
>Master project
>Java Resources
>JRE System Library
>Maven dependencies
The thing is I do not have the all code for smallProj1 and smallProj2 and whenever add them to my workspace Eclipse overrides the maven dependencies and simply calls the two projects instead the jar files from my local maven repository and then I have all over the code those red underlines. Project properties in Eclipse looks as following after I add them to my workspace:
>Master project
>Java Resources
>JRE System Library
>Maven dependencies
>smallProj1 (not jar anymore - folder)
>smallProj2 (not jar anymore - folder)
Since I also want to have a look to smallProj1 and smallProj2 code while I am coding, I want to keep them both in my workspace. But I want my Master project to use the jar files that I provided, not the small projects in the workspace.
Any ideas on that?
You could right click on a project and set "Maven" -> "Disable Workspace Resolution". This will let Maven find the dependencies from Maven and not within the workspace. I don't think it is possible to do this on a dependency basis.
But I think in your case it would be better to fix the broken smallProjX in your workspace (as they exactly contain the code you need), so that the master project could be build correctly.

self-describing project in Eclipse using m2e

I'm using Eclipse and m2e to import a Maven project into Eclipse.
The eclipse documentation states the following about the .project file:
The purpose of this file is to make the project self-describing,
so that a project that is zipped up or released to a server can be
correctly recreated in another workspace.
However, the .project file does not contain no information about the imported Java files nor the pom.xml. It only contains some build commands and natures. Thus, I don't understand how it makes the project self-describing.
It seems that each developer that downloads repository for the first time will need to import the Maven project inside Eclipse again. I'd like to have a meta file that contained at least the pom.xml path so that developers could have a ready environment after downloading the repository content and didn't need to import the Maven project into Eclipse. Is that possible?
Technically speaking, Eclipse doesn't know anything about maven. The .project file is Eclipse's way of storing metadata about the project in a file that's contained within the project (although nowadays some of that metadata has moved to the manifest.MF file). The .project file still contains information about natures (which are used by tools to identify which projects are of interest to the tools) and builders (which describe what tools to invoke as resources in the project are changed). In this way the .project makes the project self describing.
Maven is a relative newcomer (albeit a stable and well-established one) to the Eclipse world. As you point out maven stores all of its project info in a pom.xml file. Maven fits itself into the Eclipse world by providing two actions, "Update Project Configuration" and "Update Project Dependencies", that take the information in the pom.xml file and update the contents of the .project and .classpath files.
So instead of manually editing the .project and .classpath files as you suggest, a developer only has to invoke those two functions after extracting an Eclipse project from a repository.

Eclipse doesn't compile classes in source/main/resources directory in maven project

I have created a maven project in eclipse using the maven2eclipse plugin.
I then convert the project to a web module project by going to project facets in the project properties.
The problem is that when I attempt to create a class under the directory src/main/resources, none of my classes compile. I can put any sort of junk in the classes and the compiler doesn't give me any warnings. Also, the package I create doesn't create a "brown package" but a folder instead.
Does anyone know what I have configured wrong?
src/main/resources is intended to hold... resources: properties files, images, etc. that are copied to the classes directory. Java source files must be put in src/main/java.
You can try this : right click on your project > maven > update project configuration. It will configure you .classpath and .settings against your pom.xml configuration.
The problem was that when you switch to this web module in project facets, the "exclude *.java" files is entered under java build path > source by default. This must be removed.

eclipse, export multiple projects (using a shared binary directory) in one runnable jar

I have three projects which are build to the same /bin directory and anoher projects (let's call it A) where this is not necessary. A requires all the other projects. When I export A as a runnable JAR, then only one of the three projects makes it into the JAR.
I can add other projects (build to different directories) which are copied into the JAR. When I remove the (alphabetic) first of the three project's from the buildpath then the next is included.
Has somebody an idea how to let eclipse copy ALL projects in the JAR without giving up that the three projects are build to the same /bin directory?
Each Eclipse project should have their own bin/ directory; otherwise you will get strange errors. To solve your problem, open the project properties and add the other three projects to A in "Build Path" -> "Projects".
Eclipse will then merge the classpaths of all projects.
To export all the classes in a single JAR file, simply select the source folders of all projects in the JAR exporter.
A workaround would be to create a JAR from each project and include these into A.