Showing markers programmatically - eclipse

Is there a way to (programmatically) make a certain IMarker be shown in the problem view, similar to what happens when the user selects "View in..." from the context menu? I have a wizard which may cause markers to appear, and I would like to make these markers visible in the problem view when the wizard is complete.

You will just have to make your markers to be problems. However there are separate Markers view that shows all the markers.
To show marker you can use MarkerViewUtil.showMarker(..)

Ignoring all good API rules, you could look into the internals of FiltersConfigurationDialog to create a new resource filter in the problems view programmatically. But I repeat: there is no API for creating problems filters and this might then break at any time.


mapbox with markers and checkboxes - disable all from showing on initial load?

I have a page I built to display wind direction/velocity in various locations along a bike trail:
I have several markers in a legend, with check boxes to enable/disable them from showing up on the map.
My goal is to have NONE of the checkable markers show up on the initial load. However, when the page is loaded for the first time, ALL show up-- even though they're not checked. If I select 1, they all go away except for the one I selected, which will then disappear if I un-check that box.
Is there a way to make them all be invisible at first, and only show up if they're selected?
(You can view the source of the link above to see the code. I wasn't sure if I should post that all, since it's kinda long with all the points I've added.)
Resolved. The 'var map' needed to be defined earlier in the code. Working properly now.

Opening a popup on layer option click in leafletjs

I will be trying to show a set of options using the layerGroup functionality to filter out the markers. I need to show a popup when an option is selected from a layer which will prompt the user to enter a number based on which i will be showing the markers. Is there a possible way?
In the above sketch, there' s a sample filter at the top right which i intend to show using the layers but the thing is on selecting the 'Location' option i have to show a popup that will prompt the user to enter a location number and on that basis the markers should be placed on the map.
I guess there would be multiple ways of achieving this, depending on what behaviour exactly you want to get.
E.g. you could use a "dummy" layer (with name "Location" probably?), that you can add in the Layers Control (I guess that is the "sample filter at the top"?). Then listen for this dummy layer for being added to the map, and launch your modal ("popup") at this time. Then when the user enters the necessary information, you can programmatically add the corresponding markers to the map.
If you need further help, please add more details on what behaviour you try to get, or start your implementation and post new questions, so that you already have a start of what you are trying to achieve and people can elaborate on it.

How do I get a chart to redraw itself when the model is paused?

I have a Time Stack Chart whose data set can be changed by clicking on a radio button. While the model is running, the chart instantaneously updates its appearance when a radio button is clicked. When the model is paused, however, the chart's area becomes blank when a radio button is clicked; the legend, in contrast, updates automatically. How do I manually force the chart area to redraw itself?
When you pause a model, only a part of Anylogic is actually paused. The thread that handles the GUI keeps running, which is why you can navigate around in the model while it is paused.
This also means that if you try to update a chart's data while the simulation is paused, the appearance will refresh but -- as your data is being updated in another thread that is currently paused -- it will not have received that data.
If you want to pause the simulation and still be able to switch the data being displayed in a chart, you could take a look at the Airport example model. It provides a good method to switch between different charts by making them visible/invisible and adjusting the width, height, x and y. Essentially, you make all of the charts you need, overlap them perfectly, and then make visible the one that is currently of interest to you.
If you want to create the charts programmatically, on top of creating the chart with, e.g., new TimeStackChart(...), you also have to add it to the top level presentation group with main.presenation.add(...). If you don't do this, the chart will never appear in the model as the model won't have anything to display! To find more information on how to create a chart programmatically, make a chart in Main and then open Main in the Java editor. Find the chart you created, take a look at it's constructor (there are a lot of arguments!), and use it as rough template for the charts you wish to create. The Help documentation will further make sense of the parameters you see.
have you tried the chart.refresh(); method?
Also try to update the embedding agent using agent.onChange().
hope that helps
I encountered the exact same problem, and came up with workaround.
Try this, which I know works in AnyLogic v7:
if (getEngine.getState() == getEngine().PAUSED ){
dynChart.setSelectedItemIndices( new int[]{0} );
dynChart.setSelectedItemIndices( null );
I was able to get the chart to refresh manually when paused or finished by selecting/deselecting one of the legend items. I spent a few hours try out API variations to no avail, so I just emulated what was actually working in the UI and it worked.
I am dynamically generating a text item as the chart title, but I have not had the same luck getting the text to refresh when paused like the chart. Any ideas on that one?

How to Programmatically Add Items to Eclipse's Problems View

I'm developing an Eclipse plugin where I need to add custom items to Eclipse's problems view. Custom items under maybe custom categories (for example list a bunch of problems under a category named "security").
I have looked into marker, but these are for file editors. I want to add custom items to the problems view without having to do anything with a source editor. Is that possible? Or do I have to create my own view?
I think you just need to add the problem view to your plug-in.
You can create markers on Folders/Projects. You don't need to have a File to create a marker. The markers can be grouped via the type of Marker in the Problems View
The Problems view only supports displaying markers.
Markers are associated with resources (usually files) but any plugin can create them, they don't have to done by editors.

JavaFX 2 custom popup pane

The JavaFX 2 colour picker has a button that pops up a colour chooser pane like so:
I'd like to do something similar, in that I'd like a custom pane to pop up when the button is clicked on and disappear when something else is clicked (in my case, a few image thumbnails). What would be the best way of achieving this? Should I use a ContextMenu and add a pane to a MenuItem somehow, or is there something else I should look at?
It's kind of difficult to do well with the current JavaFX 2.2 API.
Here are some options.
Use a MenuButton with a graphic set in it's MenuItem
This is the approach taken in Button with popup showed below's executable sample code.
Use a PopupControl
Take a look at how the ColorPicker does this in it's code.
ColorPicker extends PopupControl. You could do this, but not all of the API required to build your own PopupControl is currently public. So, for JavaFX 2.2, you would have to rely on internal com.sun classes which are deprecated and will be replaced by public javafx.scene.control classes in JDK8.
Use a ContextMenu
So, I think your idea to "use a ContextMenu and add a pane to a MenuItem" is probably the best approach for now. You should be able to do this by using a CustomMenuItem or setting a graphic on a normal MenuItem. The ContextMenu has nice relative positioning logic. A ContextMenu can also be triggered by a MenuButton.
Use a Custom Dialog
To do this, display a transparent stage at a location relative to the node.
There is some sample code to get you started which I have temporarily linked here.
The sample code does relative positioning to the sides of the main window, but you could update it to perform positioning relative to the sides of a given node (like the ContextMenu's show method).
Use a Glass Pane
To do this, create a StackPane as your root of your main window. Place your main content pane as the first node in the StackPane and then create a Group as the second node in the stackpane, so that it will layer over the top of the main content. Normally, the top group contains nothing, but when you want to show your popup, place it in the top group and translate it to a location relative to the appropriate node in your main content.
You could look at how the anchor nodes in this demo are used to see how this might be adaptable to your context.
Is there a relevant update for this for JavaFX8?
There is not much difference of relevance for Java 8, in general the options are as outlined in this post based on Java 2.2 functionality. Java 8 does add Dialog and Alert functionality, but those are more targeted at use of dialogs with borders, titles and buttons rather than the kind of functionality desired in the question. Perhaps you might be able to start from the Dialog class and heavily customize it to get something close to what is needed, but you are probably better off starting from a blank stage or PopupControl instead.
