mapbox with markers and checkboxes - disable all from showing on initial load? - mapbox

I have a page I built to display wind direction/velocity in various locations along a bike trail:
I have several markers in a legend, with check boxes to enable/disable them from showing up on the map.
My goal is to have NONE of the checkable markers show up on the initial load. However, when the page is loaded for the first time, ALL show up-- even though they're not checked. If I select 1, they all go away except for the one I selected, which will then disappear if I un-check that box.
Is there a way to make them all be invisible at first, and only show up if they're selected?
(You can view the source of the link above to see the code. I wasn't sure if I should post that all, since it's kinda long with all the points I've added.)

Resolved. The 'var map' needed to be defined earlier in the code. Working properly now.


Echarts 5 line graph click to change colour not working

I'm trying to make a line graph change color on mouse click by using the select.lineStyle.color attribute.
I'm able to trigger a colour change for the points upon mouse click using select.itemStyle.color and I'm expecting the select.lineStyle.color attribute to change the color of the graph but , it doesn't seem to work despite the documentation saying that select should work for all series.
I even programmatically fired the "select" event (not in the sandbox) but no changes were observed in my line graph.
My code sandbox
Extract from the docs
In addition, we've added click to select to all series, an interaction that was previously only available in a few series such as pie charts and maps, allowing developers to set it to single or multiple selection mode, and to listen to the selectchanged event to get all the selected shapes for further processing. As with emphasis and blur, the selection style can also be configured in select.
Please help me. I've been working on this for a week and found no solutions here. Is there something I'm missing?
Got my answer directly via posting an issue on their Github page.
Apparently, select is only applicable for data object, not series objects(or whatever you call it). So this feature is not available.
What I did, like most people, is to listen to the mouseclick event and update the series-line.lineStyle.opacity property in options directly to blur out other lines. Set triggerLineEvent:true so that clicking any part of the line will fire the mouseclick event, instead of just the data points.

SAP UI5 : MultiCombobox selected values should appear in vertical fashion

For my multicombobox, I need all the selected values to appear vertically rather than horizontally as it is hard to see all the selected values at once if there are more than 3-4 selections.
With one of the latest releases of UI5, a "n-more" feature was introduced in the MultiComboBox. It could be seen here. Add several items from the MCB and focus out.
I guess that this should be fine for you to see the selection no matter how much items you have at all. On the mobile view you can toggle the button next to the input field in the dialog in order to see all selected items.

Mark Labels Not Displaying In Tableau 2018

Others have asked this question before, but no one has provided an actual answer to it. I can't get all of the marks/labels to display in my Tableau visualizations.
Selecting "allow labels to overlap" does not fix the problem. That displays several hidden labels for the smallest of the areas, and it places those labels at the top of the bars, ignoring the formatting that sets the labels to the bottom. However, whether or not that option is checked, the empty areas in the screen shot stay empty. And those areas are clearly large enough to display the missing labels without encroaching on any other label.
I'm guessing this is a bug in Tableau because there's no reasonable explanation as to why this is happening, but I'm new to Tableau and unsure how to address this.
While I can offer no explanation, this has been a reported problem for several years. Tableau's own documentation states to check the Allow marks to overlap checkbox, yet that doesn't always work.
I don't know if it's a bug so much as it is a complicated calculation for the rendering engine to determine what will and won't fit into a space. To the human eye it will fit but it's possible the underlying calculations inside Tableau don't see it that way. I find that particularly on dual-axis charts (like yours) this happens more frequently. I've done two things to get around it when it comes up:
Change font family or font size
Put more info into the tooltips so the end user sees the data when they hover.
If you wish to pursue this as a bug, you will need to contact Tableau Support and file a case. They will ask you to submit a twbx file to reproduce the issue.
I hope that helps.
Label -> Font -> Automatic solved the problem for me
You can select individual marks, right click to pop up a menu, and specify whether to always hide or always show the labels for the selected marks (overriding the default behavior)

Regions in Croogo

I'm having some problems in displaying elements in different regions.
After installing and using Croogo for a while, I made several trials
adding custom elements and custom menus. If I choose region
'right' (being the default region for elements used by Croogo once
installed) everything is fine and I'm able to add anything I want
without any problem.
Anyhow when I choose any other region to display my element (header,
footer, left) nothing is displayed (looking at the source of the page
I noticed the element is not even rendered).
Am I missing something? How can I actually use different regions to
display elements/blocks?
I'm also a bit confused about the 9 regions (named regionX with
X=[1,..,9]) available along with header, footer, left, right. What's
their purpose? Do they actually represent a region on the screen or
they have been left not configured?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
You probably need to adjust your theme.json so that the desired regions is loaded.

Showing markers programmatically

Is there a way to (programmatically) make a certain IMarker be shown in the problem view, similar to what happens when the user selects "View in..." from the context menu? I have a wizard which may cause markers to appear, and I would like to make these markers visible in the problem view when the wizard is complete.
You will just have to make your markers to be problems. However there are separate Markers view that shows all the markers.
To show marker you can use MarkerViewUtil.showMarker(..)
Ignoring all good API rules, you could look into the internals of FiltersConfigurationDialog to create a new resource filter in the problems view programmatically. But I repeat: there is no API for creating problems filters and this might then break at any time.