Japid or Scala which one is better? [closed] - scala

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Closed 10 years ago.
Japid is a fast template engine (probably 2x to 20x faster) supported by play framework, But is it better enough or stable enough to be used in production environment ? And if japid is better than why play shipped examples projects in scala?

Japid is not faster because it is written in Java. It's faster because the people who wrote it decided to spend the effort to make it faster. Scala can be just as fast.
It's also newer, and a plugin, which explains why it isn't used for the core examples for Play.


RDF libraries for Scala [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'm looking for a simple RDF library for Scala. So far I've found three, which all seem to have issues:
scardf (https://code.google.com/p/scardf/) doesn't seem to be currently maintained, although it has documentation and positive comments
banana-rdf (https://github.com/w3c/banana-rdf) seems to be actively maintained, but has no docs
FeDeRate (https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/FeDeRate/summary) seems unmaintained and undocumented
Does anyone have any recommendations? I'm using Scala 2.10, and would like something light, fast and clean. I'm mostly going to be carrying out simple queries and storing stuff, but I'd like the option to work with external endpoints as well.

Why there is lack of momentum in Amazon SimpleDB? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am working on a project and as I want it to be hassle free so I am considering using Amazon SimpleDB for the sake of simplicity. At least I can cross out DB administration.
But why there is so little info about SimpleDB on the net? As if nobody cares about it and I feel like I might be on the wrong track. Is it so unpopular? The other major NoSQL databases have a lot more coverage. What could be the reason? Is it because it is hosted? Does it lack major important features which I don't notice? Is it horrible performance-wise? Is it not durable? Why people are not very interested? Are there better alternatives for hosted NoSQL?

New or Old Non-MVC PHP Frameworks [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I know this has been asked way too many times... But I am in search of a non-mvc-based PHP framework. My only requirements are that it be stable enough, and not one that can be easily found (meaning that if it can be easily found, then I've probably already found it, and don't like it)
Any help is appreciated
Check out Fat Free - can be used in an MVC way or not - super flexible, but needs PHP 5.3+ to run.

What is the best tool for Version Control in OS 400 Environment for RPG and COBOL [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
What is the best tool (best feature, best price, best support) for RPG / COBOL Version Control under OS 400 development?
I heard about ARCAD and ALDON. Which one is better? Or is there another better tool?
MKS Implementer is another solution I've used and it's decent. I can't speak for ARCAD or ALDON.
Aldon is ok. Haven't worked with ARCAD. I prefer Turnover.

Scala 2D Animation library [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Can anyone recommend a good 2D animation package for Scala? I prefer something which already have some basic events handling, more like JavaFX than like processing.org.
I used piccolo2d with Scala, and it worked out nicely. Here's another thread along those lines, or visit www.piccolo2d.org for a more general introduction.
Have you look at Wiggle?
Instead of looking for something like processing, you can use processing directly. It's called SPDE and you can get it here. It's really nice.
Here are a couple of applets written in Scala using SPDE (Rosetta Clock, Starlings).
There's a nice scala api wrapper for JavaFX: http://code.google.com/p/scalafx/