Disable Auto load of JBoss News Blogs info in Eclipse - eclipse

I am using Eclipse JUNO SR1 and installed JBoss Tools from official site.
Everything is fine except some annoying features which's causing my eclipse to perform slow
When I open Eclipse, it's showing up JBoss start up page where it's loading JBoss blog information and News and some JBoss tutorials.
They keep on progressing may be due to some firewall settings or whatever reason.
I want to disable all such useless loadings at startup of Eclipse or at any point of time.
I am aware of Eclipse startup settings. However lot of Jboss features are turned on there. What should i do to disable all such useless external informations/fetching of data.

Ok, I found it.
Go to Menu > Window > Preferences > JBoss Tools > JBoss Central and uncheck Show JBoss Central On Startup

There is an easier way to do it. On the JBoss tab, there is a wheel icon on the top right corner. Clicking on it, it shows a checkbox to disable showing this tab on start up.


Eclipse stuck at plugin installation (marketplace)

I am using an Eclipse IDE for Java Developers version 2019-12 (4.14.0). As there were no JSP support, I went to Eclipse site and drag and drop the install button to my eclipse. It started the installation but even after hours it stuck around 80%.
I restarted the Eclipse and even my machine but as an when I click on the Marketplace, the dialog shown in the image comes up and stuck there. The cancel button also doesn't work.
Please help..
For JSPs, you actually want https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/eclipse-enterprise-java-developer-tools, but if you keep running into this issue, it sounds more like a problem with your network.
To rule out any issue with it being on the client, you can add https://download.eclipse.org/releases/latest into your Available Software Sites preference page, Check for Updates from the Help menu, and then try the directions at https://wiki.eclipse.org/WTP_FAQ#How_do_I_install_WTP.3F. If everything else fails, the downloadable package at https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/release/2020-12/r/eclipse-ide-enterprise-java-developers is an option (for the next week, after which 2021-03 will have been Released).

PyDev cause duplicated show of project in Eclipse J2EE perspecitve

I just installed the latest PyDev 4.4.0 plugin to my Eclipse Mars.1. I created a new Java project in a new workspace. And I add the project to a workingset. In the Eclipse JavaEE perspective, the project has duplicated show in the Project Explorer view when I show workingset as the top level element:
I uninstalled PyDev, now the project show is OK.
Anyone knows the root cause? Or a workaround?
A possibly related link: Projects appearing twice in working sets - eclipse
A related Eclipse bug: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=373031
A related J2EE tooling bug: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=351764
Well, given that the original report on J2EE is still open: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=351764 I don't think this can be fixed at the PyDev side (although it makes the problem appear, it should be fixed on the J2EE side).
As a note, if anyone wants to take a look, on the PyDev side, this happens at: https://github.com/fabioz/Pydev/blob/development/plugins/org.python.pydev/src_navigator/org/python/pydev/navigator/PythonModelProvider.java, but it's done with the proper APIs (using IPipelinedTreeContentProvider), and I'm currently convinced the issue doesn't lie on the PyDev side (although if I'm proved wrong, I'd be happy to fix it).
A workaround would be disabling PyDev or J2EE (depending on which kind of content you use more) just at the explorer level (i.e.: in the explorer do Ctrl+F10, Customize View, Content, disable the PyDev Navigator Content or the Content related to J2EE).

"Visual Page Editor has experimental support for Windows 64-bit"

I am using Eclipse Luna and JBoss AS 7. When I create a JSP page in Eclipse, then I get the below error:
I changed my server to Tomcat 7, still I am getting the same error.
How is this caused and how can I solve it?
That visual page editor is part of JBoss Tools plugin which you installed in order to be able to integrate and use JBoss AS server in Eclipse.
You don't need it. It's not only experimental, but generally visual page editors just doesn't work when you want to end up with quality code. Just click the red cross at the right bottom corner and then click the Source tab and finally close the Palette tab. This is fortunately an one-time thing. It will stay away when you create new JSP pages.
It's just the worst part of otherwise very great JBoss Tools plugin.
If you want to use a visual editor, I would recommend the XULRunner JBoss tool.
Link to the eclipse update site:

Cannot find Explore option in Servers tab (Eclipse Juno SR2)

I downloaded the new Eclipse Juno SR2. After creating a server in the Servers tab, I cannot find the 'Explore' option (when you click on the server name and use your right mouse button). It is a JBoss 7.1 server by the way. Does any one know if the 'Explore' option has been removed or is there a different way of getting to it?
I cannot find Explore but I can use 'Show In' > 'File Browser' to achieve the same thing.

Eclipse Plugins not appearing in Preferences, Views, or Perspective

I'm using Eclipse 3.7 Indigo, Java Developer IDE. I've installed Maven, RESTClient, e4HTTP. But, I do not see them in the Preferences, Views, Perspective. I've looked everywhere to figure out why and am completely lost. Is there something I'm missing? Is there a trick? Thanks... Thoroughly frustrated.
When you say you installed these products I assume you meant that you installed the plugins for those products in Eclipse and not just on your machine.
Try these troubleshooting steps:
Open the plugin registry view (Window -> Show View...) and make sure the plugins you installed are listed.
Invoke Eclipse with the -clean park. This will force Eclipse to refresh several chaches and this often fixes similar problems.
Open the Error Log view (Window -> Show View...) and click on the red X to clear the messages. Stop and start Eclipse to see if any informative or otherwise helpful messages appear in the log.