The right sequence in Filtering and Validating in Zend Framework - zend-validate

I'm a little bit confused about Filtering and Validation, particularly the sequence that should be used.
When you are processing user generated data to be stored in Database, do you filter first, then validate, or the other way around?
Filtering may correct the error that would make data valid, so if you filter first, the invalid data may become valid but it differs from the original user input.
If you validate first, and you know data is valid for sure, then why even bother filtering it?

First you have to use validate all data and then save it to your database.


Firestore Security rule always returns null for resource

I am trying to create some firestore security rules. However, every rule that I write that involves something other than the users database pulling the document of the current user results in an error. There is some difference I am missing.
Here is the query and the data. The resource object is always null. Any get function that involves pulling from the design database using the designId variable also results in null.
You're putting a pattern into the form, which is not valid. You need to provide the specific document that you want to simulate a read or write. This means you need to copy the ID of the document into that field. It should be something like "/designs/j8R...Lkh", except you provide the actual value.

Where to handle errors on database in mongoDB?

When user is registering on website, e-mail needs to be provided which is unique. I've made unique index on schema's email attribute, so if I try to save the document in database, error with code 11000 will be returned. My question is, regarding to business layer and data layer, should I just pass the document to database and catch/check error codes which it returns or should I check if the user with that e-mail exists before? I've being told that data integrity should be checked before passing it to the database by the business layer, but I don't see the reason why should I do that since I believe that mongo would be much faster raising the exception itself since it has that index provided. The only disadvantage I see in error code checking is that error codes might change (but I could abstract them) and the syntax might be changed.
There is the practical matter of speed and the fragility of "check-then-set" systems. If you try and check if an email exists before you write the document keyed on email, there is a chance that between the time you check and the time you right the conditions of the unique index are met and your write fails anyhow. This is a classic race condition. Further, it takes 2 queries to do check-then-set but only 1 query to do the insert and handle the failure. In my application I am having success with just letting the failure occur and reacting to the result.
As #JamesWahlin says, it is the difference between dong this all in one or causing mixed results (along with the index check) from potential race conditions by adding the extra client read.
Definitely rely on the response of only insert from MongoDB here.

Mule: after delivering a message, save the current timestamp for later use. What's the correct idiom?

I'm connecting to a third-party web service to retrieve rows from the underlying database. I can optionally pass a parameter like this:[yyyy-MM-dd hh:ss]
to get only the rows created after a given date.
This means I have to store the current timestamp (using #[function:datestamp:...], no problem) in one message scope and then retrieve it in another.
It also implies the timestamp should be preserved in case of an outage.
Obviously, I could use a subflow containing a file endpoint, saving in a designated file on a path. But, intuitively, based on my (very!) limited experience, it feels hackish.
What's the correct idiom to solve this?
The Object Store Module is designed just for that: to allow you to save bits of information from your flows.

Symfony2: Validating Forms/Entitys in different Levels

I allow Users that have nothing more than username/email/password.
But if they want to access certain areas, i need more information and present a form to them.
Now i want to validate this form, but whatever data is sent, it is valid since the entity is allowed to only have three basic attributes.
Simply checking for the desired fields needed to access a certain area is fairly easy, but communicating missing fields to the form is more complicated.
I'd have to match the fields to the form elements, add custom error messages and so forth.
Is there a best practive for my Problem?
Read up on Validation Groups — that's what you need.

REST parameters vs URI

I'm just learning REST and trying to figure out how to apply it in practice. I have a sampling of data that I want to query, but I'm not sure how the URLs are meant to be formed, i.e. where I put the query. For example, for querying the most recent 100 data records:
which of the previous two queries is the better, and why? And the same for the following:
Thanks in advance.
Personally, I would use the query string format in this case. If your /data path is returning all of the data, and you would like to perform this type of query, I believe it makes the most sense. You could also pass query string parameters such as ?since=01-01-2000 to get entries after a specified date or pass column names such as ?category=clothing to retrieve all entries with category equaling clothing.
Additionally, you would want paths such as /data/{id} to be available to retrieve certain entries given their unique id.
It really depends on a lot of things. If you're using any sort of MVC framework, you'd use the URI segments to define your get request to your API which I personally prefer.
It's not a big deal either way, it's all based on preference and how predictable you want the URL to be to your user. In some cases, I'd say go with the REST parameters, but more often than not a URI based GET is quite clean if your setup supports it.