REST parameters vs URI - rest

I'm just learning REST and trying to figure out how to apply it in practice. I have a sampling of data that I want to query, but I'm not sure how the URLs are meant to be formed, i.e. where I put the query. For example, for querying the most recent 100 data records:
which of the previous two queries is the better, and why? And the same for the following:
Thanks in advance.

Personally, I would use the query string format in this case. If your /data path is returning all of the data, and you would like to perform this type of query, I believe it makes the most sense. You could also pass query string parameters such as ?since=01-01-2000 to get entries after a specified date or pass column names such as ?category=clothing to retrieve all entries with category equaling clothing.
Additionally, you would want paths such as /data/{id} to be available to retrieve certain entries given their unique id.

It really depends on a lot of things. If you're using any sort of MVC framework, you'd use the URI segments to define your get request to your API which I personally prefer.
It's not a big deal either way, it's all based on preference and how predictable you want the URL to be to your user. In some cases, I'd say go with the REST parameters, but more often than not a URI based GET is quite clean if your setup supports it.


REST API Get single latest resource

I'm designing a REST api and interested if anyone can help with best practice in the following scenario.
I have...
GET Customers/{customerId}/Orders - to get all customer orders
GET Customers/{customerId}/Orders/{orderId} - to get a particular order
I need to provide the ability to get a customers most recent order. What is best practice in this scenario? Simply get all and sort by date or provide a specific method?
I need to provide the ability to get a customers most recent order.
Of course you could provide query parameters to filter, sort and slice the orders collection, but why not making it simpler and give the latest order if the client needs it?
You could use something like (returning a representation of a single order):
GET /customers/{customerId}/orders/latest
The above URL will map an order that will change over the time and it's perfectly fine.
Say there is also a case where you need last 5 orders. How would your route(s) look like?
The above approach focus on the ability to get a customers most recent order requirement. If returning the last 5 orders requirement eventually comes up after some time, I would probably introduce another mapping such as /recent that returns a representation of a collection with the recent orders and accepts a query parameter that indicates the amount of orders to be returned (5 would be the default value if the parameter is omitted).
The /latest mapping would still be valid and would return a representation of the very latest order only.
Providing query parameters to filter, sort and slice the orders collection is still a valid approach.
The key is: If you know the client who will consume the API, target it to their needs. Otherwise, make it more generic. And when modifying the API, be careful with breaking changes and versioning the API is also welcome.
I think there is no need for another route.
Pass something like &order=-created_at&limit=1 in your get request
Or &order=created_at&orderby=DESC&limit=1 (note I'm not sure about naming your params so maybe you could use &count=1 instead of &limit=1, ditto order params)
I think it also depends whether you are using pagination or not on that route, so perhaps additional params are required
The Github API for the similar use case is using latest, to fetch the single resource which is latest.
So to fetch a single resource which is latest you can use.
GET /customers/{customerId}/orders/latest
However would like to know what community think about this.
IMO the resource/latest gives an impression that the response will be a list of resource sorted by latest to oldest.

Add subcategories in a filtered API Restful resource

I'll give an example as the title might sound a bit confusing.
How to build a resource path for something like that:
GET /courses/?language=english&active=true/units
I want to filter the courses (not using an id as usually) and then get the units of this result. How would you do that? I guess using question marks between the path is not allowed.
That would depend a little on your DB schema of what is a "course" and a "unit". The whole point on using the RESTful way is to always build requests and urls resource-specific.
But let's say that one course has X units on it. Here's what i would do to make a RESTful path to that request:
Due to the path problem of filtering courses AND using the /unit suffix, it can be done by adding another query parameter that specifies what fields the request is supposed to return. Something like this:
GET /courses?language=english&active=true&fields=units
That would filter the courses, and then return only the 'units' field on the response. As i said, depending on your DB and models, if the units are not stored inside the courses, it would be a bad practice to get them by requesting a /courses path. In that case, first request the courses that match the desired filter, and then make another request to the /units context sending i.e the courses ID's as query parameters.

REST: Filter primary resource by properties on related resource

I'm looking for some guidance/advice/input on the concept of filtering resources when making a REST API call. Let's say I have Users and Posts, and a User creates a Post. If I want to get all Posts, I might have a route as follows:
GET /api/posts
Now if I wanted to get all posts that were created after a certain date, I might add a filter parameter like so
GET /api/posts?created_after=2017-09-01
However, let's say I want to get all posts by Users that were created after a certain date. Is this the right format?
GET /api/posts?user.created_after=2017-09-01
When it comes to filtering, grouping, etc, I'm having a hard time figuring out the right stuff to do for REST APIs, particularly when using a paginated API. If I do this client side (which was my initial thought) then you potentially end up with a variable number of resources per page, based on what meets your criteria. It seems complicated to add all of this logic as query parameters over the API, but I can't see any other way to do it. Is there a standard for this kind of thing?
There is no objective 'right' way. If using user.created_after logically makes sense in the context of your API, then there's nothing really wrong with it.
Personally, I would not use user.created_after.
I would rather prefer one of the following options:
Option I: /api/posts/users/{userid}?created_after=2017-09-01
Option II: /api/posts/?user={userid}&created_after=2017-09-01
The reason is simple: It looks wrong to me to create dynamic query parameters. Instead you can combine the query parameters (Option II) or even define a more specific resource (Option I).
Regarding pagination: the standard approach is something like this: In addition to filter parameters, you define the following parameters: page and pageSize. When constructing the request, client will specify something like page=2&pageSize=25&orderBy=creationDate.
It's important to note that server must always validate the parameters and can potentially ignore or override incorrect parameters (e.g. page doesn't exist, or pageSize is too big may not return an error, but instead returning reasonable output. This really depends on your business case)

REST where should end point go?

Suppose there's USERS and ORDERS
for a specific user's order list
You could do
Which one is prefered and why?
Optional parameters tend to be easier to put in the query string.
If you want to return a 404 error when the parameter value does not correspond to an existing resource then I would tend towards a path segment parameter. e.g. /customer/232 where 232 is not a valid customer id.
If however you want to return an empty list then when the parameter is not found then query string parameters. e.g. /contacts?name=dave
If a parameter affects an entire URI structure then use a path e.g. a language parameter /en/document/foo.txt versus /document/foo.txt?language=en
If unique identifiers to be in a path rather than a query parameter.
Path is friendly for search engine/browser history/ Navigation.
When I started to create an API, I was thinking about the same question.
Video from apigee. help me a lot.
In a nutshell when you decide to build an API, you should decide which entity is independent and which is only related to someone.
For example, if you have a specific endpoint for orders with create/update/delete operations, then it will be fine to use a second approach /order/?user=3.
In the other way, if orders have only one representation, depends on a user and they don't have any special interaction then you could first approach.
There is also nice article about best practice
The whole point of REST is resources. You should try and map them as closely as possible to the actual requests you're going to get. I'd definitely not call it order_list because that looks like an action (you're "listing" the orders, while GET should be enough to tell you that you're getting something)
So, first of all I think you should have /users instead of /user, Then consider it as a tree structure:
A seller (for lack of a better name) can have multiple users
A user can have multiple orders
An order can have multiple items
So, I'd go for something like:
The seller can see its users with
The details of a single user can be seen with
The orders of a single user can be seen with
The items of a single order can be seen with

RESTful URI for Filtering Nested Collections

I'm looking for a good way to form a URI for a resource that filters on a collection of values contained within records. For example, say you have a recipe database and you want to search for recipes that contain "cherry" (obviously most recipes would contain multiple ingredients).
If I just want to filter on single values, I could do something similar to the following:
But what about filtering on multiple values? I was considering something like the following:
Any thoughts on this? Is there a "standard" for a filter of this kind?
Update: One problem I have with my idea is the way it gets handled on the backend (in my case Rails). When querying the server with this particular format, Rails generates a Ruby hash that could get ugly like the following:
Your URI
First of all, in contrast to other answers I'll start from a REST perspective and then find appropriate additions to it. I am not strong in Ruby so bear with no-code on the backend.
Recipies are the entities you wanna present
your users find them at /recipies
HTTP has QUERYS for filtering
wanna have sorted those recipies by date? use /recipies/?sortby=date&sort=asc
Only recipies with cherries goes similarly: /recipies/?ingredients=cherry
So that's the REST way of structuring your basic URL.
For multiple matches there is no official way to do it, but i'd follow user1758003. This is an intuitive construction of the url and easily to parse on the backend, so we have /recipies/?ingredients=cherry,chocolate
Don't forget /recipies/search is not restful because it mirrors recipies and does not represent an independent entity. However it is a great place to host a searchform for visitors to your site.
Now there are some additional questions packed into the first, let me address them one by one:
I have a website consuming this api, how should the search form look like?
Give your visitors a /recipie/search page or a quick filtering possibility on /recipies.
Just set the <form action="/recipies" type="GET">. The browser will add all parameters as an Query string after /recipies.
Advanced functionality
A request to /recipies should list all. If you add a query every parameter of the query must be respected. so /recipies/?ingredients=cheese MUST only return cheesy recipies.
For multiply query parameter values there is no fixed standard but I'd like a service to be intuitive.
I read GET /recipies/?ingredients=cherry,chocolate as Get me the recipies which have ingredients of cherry and chocolate. To get a list of recipies containing either cherry or chocolate I'd want to write the URI like /recipies/?ingredients=cherry|chocolate which makes it visually very different from a comma and has a predefined meaning (OR) in programming contexts.
I'm not familiar with the specifics of ruby hashes but I'm guessing the hash is created to uniquely identified the query both at the http and data access levels?
Regardless, you want to be careful about URL encoding if you wish to use json in a query parameter. Another thing to keep in mind is the term "search" could be considered repetitive. If your server is being accessed using a GET method and you have criteria then hopefully you're not modifying any state in the back end. Not your question but just thought I'd mention it.
HTTP doesn't define commas as a query string separator so your framework should be able to parse 2 query string parameters:
ingredients: "cherry,cheese"
which you should be able to easily covert to an an array using split or whichever equivalent function ruby provides.
type: "cake" (extra query term added to illustrate a point and because cherry cheese cake is awesome and cake is not an ingredient)
If I understand your example correctly you would end up with:
Is this what you where looking for?
Most of the REST webservice using JSON data only.So use JSON format which will return single string value only. From this JSON format you can send the array value also.
For array value means you to convert that array into the JSON format like this
from php:
$ingredients = array('contains'=>array('fruits'=>'cherry,apple','vitamins'=>'a,d,e,k'));
$ingredients_json = json_encode($ingredients);
echo $ingredients_json;
it will return json format like this:
and you can use this JSON string in the url
in the server side we have the option to decode this JSON format value to the array.