Buying a custom domain without losing fb likes, comments and G+ +1 [duplicate] - facebook

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How can I move a URL via 301 redirect and retain the page’s Facebook likes and Open Graph information?
I run this blog http://everythingyoumightneed.blogspot.comI am thinking of moving my blogspot blog to a custom domain. I did some research and I found out that if I do so I will lose all my G+ plusones and Facebook likes for my posts. Same thing with Facebook comments. (I have Facebook comment social plugin on each post of my blog)
My question is, whether there is a way, using to avoid this

You cannot change the url associated with the comments. You can, however, modify the code on your new site so that each post points to the comments page for the old url.
on each page on the new domain this will associate the facebook comments with the old domain:
<fb:comments href="THE-OLD-URL"></fb:comments>
So for example for
<fb:comments href=""></fb:comments>
To get this working, first get facebook comments working on your new site using the facebook documentation. Once you have that working, you can put the code above anywhere on the page (I usually put it in the head somewhere). That will tell facebook to use the old url instead.
This will apply to likes, comments, and everything else.


How can I populate initial content to a Facebook link (if I can)?

On my website, I just added links to discuss posts on Facebook; you can see such a link at . The link redirects to, which lets people post but is initially empty.
I would like, if possible, to create a link that prepopulates the text of the comment to include the title and URL on my site. So someone who clicked on that link would have a posting that is prepopulated, '''I just finished "Within the Steel Orb" at '''
Is there some URL parameter I can use ('''...?text=I%20just%20finished...''') or other interface to prepopulate a comment in a JavaScript-generated link?
Short answer, you can't. Even with the feed dialog you can't prepopulate the comment area with some pre-defined text. What you can do is, using the feed dialog making people write their comments, and the connection of that feed redirects to your website.
The only problem is that this feed dialog would appear on the users feed an not on your page wall.
Another way, and this is the best option in my opinion, add the comments social plugin to your site, this way people would discuss that article on your page and every time they comment using this social plugin, the comments would appear on their facebook wall making their friends curious about that and maybe visit your site.
You can read more about that here:

Is it possible to use Facebooks Comments Plugin with Graph Object IDs/Graph URLs rather than www URLs?

A little while ago, I built this:
It's kind of an off-Facebook partial replica of a Facebook photo album gallery, the photos in the gallery section are all pulled from Facebook albums on the Page for Little Bray ( enlarging them gives you a kinda full screen view of them with commenting facilties on the right margin, just like Facebook.
You'll notice that, whilst this comment section looks a bit like a Facebook plugin, it isn't, and the reason for this is that if I used Facebooks Comments Plugin, when a user comments on a photo on the website, or comments on the same photo (remembering the photos come from the same source), it will create two different streams of comments, one shown on FB and one shown on the website.
With my method, any comments posted either on the website or FB will appear in both places as they're al directly injected into the FB graph relating to the object ID of the photo.
A bit later on, I created another, similar image gallery but used Facebooks Social Plugin "Comments" in the right hand margin to comment on photos. The difference here though was that these photos were lcoally hosted by the website and not already Facebook album objects, so this other website is the only source for these images and thus creating FB objects when commenting via a URL is fine.
BUT... it got me thinking, is my first example just a lot of work, is it possible to use Facebooks own Social Plugin to post comments on an object which already exists on Facebook in that way?
I tried pasting a graph URL into the Comments example on Facebooks Social Plugins page from a status update of mine, but nothing showed.
Any ideas?
EDIT ---
I have discovered I am not alone in asking this question:
Using social plugins for pre-existing Facebook posts
Load comments from open graph object into Facebook comments social plugin
Neither of those have satisfactory answers though. Perhaps I just need to improve my own code and make my own plugin.
At this time the comments plugin can not be used in that way.

Posts made to page wall displayed in user newsfeed without "via <application name>"

Posts made to page wall using graph api displayed in user newsfeed without "via ".
You can see axample here
Is it possible to see what application shared this post to page?
Actually you can use Graph API to find out what application created the post. Although Michael is correct in pointing that via- tag is removed by Facebook on post's display.
The "via"-attribution for posts done by apps on pages was recently dropped by Facebook.
I'm pretty sure there's no way to tell from the outside, if a post was made through an app, and which app in particular.
Compare this screenshot of what the Graph API exposes about a post (its a post we've published on via
There's no hint of the used app here:
Anvesh is right: you actually can get the "application"-field, but you have to query the feed itself (/diesocialisten/feed), not the particular post. Cool, didn't know that!

How to move facebook likes on wordpress from one domain to another

I have a domain say I host my wordpress blog there.
There are many facebook likes on the posts i have put up.
Now I have redirected to and closed the domain.(On the server i have simply copied the files from to's folder.The database is the same for both.)
The problem i am facing is that the facebook likes are "Gone". How can i retrieve the facebook likes? Are the likes linked to domain name ?
You can do this with a 301 redirect, although its not 100% reliable.
I kept my goggle page rank and facebook page likes when moving between and I completely changed the design and url (although foo was the same). Facebook and google+ and google page rank followed the 301's and attributed it to the new page. Having said that if your original site is closed it may be a problem.
You cant do this. Even if in your case it is a valid request - think about the meaning of this action. if it were possible people couild just move likes from pages to other pages, from applications and from websites... users that liked "" DIDNT like "", the fact that the content is exactly the same is purely coincidence. The user did not "like" that second URL therefore you can not "move" likes...
Perhaps if you contact facebook (as a developer) they might be able to assist you - but there is no method that us (non Mark Zuckerberg types) can do.

Having a issue with the "Share" feature Facebook Fan page

My friend has created about 20 Facebook fan page for the website.
Now the issue is, when we click on the wall post to "share" with other friends, its taking to another page where it displays the meta tags and the title of the login page instead of displaying the exact post.
Please find the fan page of the website:
How to over come this issue.
The Query can be found in the following link with images:
Please help
As far as i have checked this seems to be an issue with the RSS Graffiti application in Facebook.
You have two issues here:
1) Are you posting the correct link in RSS Graffiti?
It seems all of your fan page links redirect me to the Avail-Discounts-Chicago home page. It's either it is non-existent, deal closed or bad URL supplied.
2) RSS Graffiti posts differently than Share button
RSS Graffiti prepares your data, image link title and description before posting to the page stream. The default Facebook Share button does not. What it does is get the URL, scrape that URL with information, which can be defined through opengraph tags. Make sure your links / deals have their meta:og's.
Your question is a bit vague, and the passing of the auth information is kind of scary, but anyway, I'd make the href of the post something along the lines of this:,%20consistent%20interface%20for%20applications%20to%20interact%20with%20users.&message=Facebook%20Dialogs%20are%20so%20easy!&redirect_uri=
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