How to compile MobileVLC for iOS? - iphone

I'm trying to compile the Mobile VLC project but it always fails with the script. Several different issues occur.
Can someone post instructions on how to build the MobileVLC project so that it runs properly on a device?
Thank you,

Please see the following thread, and specifically this answer.
I will not paste the answer here as it's redundant, but if you follow the steps you'll get VLC to compile for iOS. The one thing that I am still having trouble with is being able to visualize multicast rdp/udp streams. HTTP stuff works fine, e.g. 3gp files etc... And of course standard files uploaded via iTunes work without a problem.


Run example_radio.dart with JustAudioBackground

I'm experimenting with Ryan Heise's great audio packages in Flutter.
I import the Just Audio Background ("JAB") code from GitHub into Android Studio, and I run flutter pub get where necessary to get rid of any errors in the packages.
I want to replicate the simple radio player in the file example_radio.dart in the Just Audio package. But I need it to run in the background.
Following the setup instructions on the JAB page, I make sure the dependencies are correct in pubspec.yaml and I edit the Android Manifest file.
I see some unresolved classes and packages in the Manifest (see screenshot); however, the app runs. But I am not sure about this. I'm new to Flutter and am not sure how important it is to have zero errors in the Android files, because I have seen other SO comments saying to just ignore them. This I must investigate.
When I run the app, everything works fine except the audio stops when it goes into the background.
I also ran the JAB example file, and this works fine, continues to play in the background. I have tried to edit this file so that it plays just the radio stream and shows the simple metadata. I've got it running, but the UI's a mess with my naive editing.
Any pointers, advice, much appreciated.

How do I play video in my Flutter Desktop Application

I want to play video files (stored in my local machine) in a desktop application developed by flutter. But unfortunately I couldn't do it. Most popular video player packages do not support windows platform. I tried with dart_vlc but it's not working as documented. I followed the exact example given there.
Now I really need to play video files in my application but can't find a way to do it. Does anyone has any idea how to do it?
This dart_vlc works perfectly on windows platform. All I needed to do is go through the instructions mentioned in Readme section and change in my windows/runner/main.cpp file as mentioned here.
Note: Previously I mistakenly followed the older version of dart_vlc package.

Uber universal links not working reliably

Edit: Turns out the Uber app was botched - see answer below. Leaving this post as a reference for others.
I noticed that universal links I'm generating don't work reliably - I first thought it was only Android, but I'm also seeing this on iOS now.
Links like this one below just open in the browser when triggering the URL to be processed by the system (I removed the detstination and formatted addresses to get a minimal link, but it's still not working):[latitude]=47.5045573061129&pickup[longitude]=8.71492590755224
This is a Xamarin app, I'm just using the built-in Device.OpenUri(uri) method, which translates into a native call. That used to work in the past...
Turns out my Uber install got botched. I uninstalled and reinstalled Uber, and now the links are working again. Weird, but I'll just pretend that didn't happen ;)

Web-based MP4 refusing to play in Safari 10.1.1 (standard setup) but does play Chrome 58 (standard setup)?

Ok, so I have noticed that somehow Safari (Version 10.1.1 (12603.2.4), using a standard setup with no add-on's or settings modifications) sometimes refuses to play .mp4 files that Chrome (Version 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit), also a standard setup) seems to play without a problem.
I discovered the issue since I am building a macOS Cocoa Application with Xcode that helps me browse WayBack media files. It's a hobby project to help me get more familiar with coding in Swift. Since it refused to play a lot of MP4 files I decided to try these links in Safari and noticed they failed as well. Then, trying Chrome, they all work.
My OS = macOS 10.12.5 (Sierra)
This video is such an example.
Does anyone know why a basic Safari setup apparently is unable to play the mp4?
NB: While I know that the MP4 file from the given link (below) does work in Safari if I play it directly from the original source (so not retrieving it from the WayBack server) I also need to understand why it is refusing to play via the given link and how to fix that.
Could it have something to do with the link being an HTTPS link, or might it it be a macOS issue? (As I have found that the AVPlayer of my macOS Cocoa App also refuses to play these videos).
Sorry to post such a broad question. I've searched online for similar posts to find out what the problem might be. I've found that there can be a lot of different reasons as to why browsers might or might not play videos.
A lack of in-depth knowledge prevents me from understanding how to properly troubleshoot this issue in a correct manner. It also prevented me from being able to fine-tune the question any further.

phonegap 2.2 and facebook integration

I have been recently begin working with phonegap and I notice that there is no tutorial for phonegap 2.2, the most recent version. What's more, since phonegap 2.0 there has apparently been drastic changes. I am having lots of trouble with using phonegap since I am new to web-iphone apps.
I am trying to make an application with phonegap to use facebook log in to get your data (pics, friends, etc) and then post on your facebook page, update status, etc. Basically a social App.
It seems that no tutorial is clear on any facebook-phonegap integration and social web based app.
I have seen a video with phonegap 1.8 tutorial and have followed it very close, only to get many errors.
I followed the one on:
and have had protocol.
I have tried many different things, but it seems that xcode simply is not able to recognize some functions or protocols. I am looking to see if I missed anything, but Ive added everything according to steps followed.
Ive tried adding the facebook.Framework, the extra headers, heck, Ive even added all of the files from the facebook SDK in the src file of the package:
I cant seem to put together a simple facebook log in app...
anyone got it to work? what are the exact steps to follow? Im good with a new 2.2 cordova project and up until I put the files: FacebookCOnnectPlugin.h and .m that is where everything gets messed up.
I DO have the libsqlite3.0.dylib and HAVE followed the steps, added all the stuff in various .plist and all these weird long and annoying procedures many times...
Ive tried adding various libraries and just can't come up with anything else so why can't I just start a simple cordova project and get the option to log-in connect fb. like a simple hackbook sample.... I get it working in Objective-c demo (new single view application project)... Why does everything have to be so difficult and not working. I just want to get a page to start coding at. Just to get to this point, not even starting is so difficult.
very frustrating....
any help is much appreciated.
-- Im new to web apps and iphone...
I got it working but there are lots of issues and tweaks you need to do in order for it to fully work.
In my experience PhoneGap Plugins do work but you have to play around a lot. E.g. I know for sure the new Facebook SDK is not supported by the PhoneGap plugin. Even if you import the Deprecated Headers. I had to use the older version of the SDK. And also with version 2.7 not all plugins are supported so I had to stick to an older version 2.5 so I could get my project to work.
Even tough I got this plugin to work on iOS, it doesn't work on Android. It's a really good platform to develop on if you're looking for fast productivity but i'm still a bit spectacle on being heavily dependant on the plugins which are not being maintained continuously.
Hope this helps.