Uber universal links not working reliably - uber-api

Edit: Turns out the Uber app was botched - see answer below. Leaving this post as a reference for others.
I noticed that universal links I'm generating don't work reliably - I first thought it was only Android, but I'm also seeing this on iOS now.
Links like this one below just open in the browser when triggering the URL to be processed by the system (I removed the detstination and formatted addresses to get a minimal link, but it's still not working):
This is a Xamarin app, I'm just using the built-in Device.OpenUri(uri) method, which translates into a native call. That used to work in the past...

Turns out my Uber install got botched. I uninstalled and reinstalled Uber, and now the links are working again. Weird, but I'll just pretend that didn't happen ;)


bit.ly redirect not functioning properly

I have been going back and forth with my dev teams today to determine an issue that has come up. It appears that links shortened by bit.ly are not being directed to the proper URL on mobile devices only. This URL http://bit.ly/1aRvnqH will take you to the appropriate place on a desktop computer, but put it into a mobile device browser on your phone and it is broken. The URL that the mobile device renders is a very old link from our old web structure from more than a year ago.
Further it is appending a GA tag for our affiliate program platform as well as a reference code that does not exist in our affiliate program.
My dev guys think it may be something to do with this new deep linking on mobile that bit.ly recently rolled out. When I called bit.ly, they said they've never heard or seen of this before and asked I send an email to their support group which I've done.
Was hoping someone here may have some ideas as well.
Thanks in advance.
DISCLAIMER: I'm a developer at Bitly
This is a bug caused by our on-going affiliate test.
We're pushing out a fix for this link now and it should be working properly within the next 30 minutes.
If other links stop working for you in the future, please contact us at support#bit.ly or http://support.bitly.com and we'd be happy to look into it.

Phonegap and Facebook - Idiots Guide

Right, I just feel the need to get this off my chest before I explode.
I have made an app using phonegap which actually works very smooth as it's using SVG and very simple but I feel this could be a very addictive little game. the only thing that is letting it down is that I want the user to be able to share their score on Facebook.
Facebook Connect plugin for Phonegap is the worst pile of crap I have ever come across. This is the millionth time I have come back to an Idea, thinking this plugin would have over time (I'm talking years) would have a simple step by step clear set of instructions on how to install but I have NEVER been able to get this working. Before anyone comments on "well why dont you post the errors" theres no point, every time it's a different problem, everyone on the internet cannot get this thing working it's pointless so please, I beg of you can you not post "there is a plugin which can do this easily", it CANT!!
Right, now my rant is over... I have come across this little plugin https://github.com/ccoenraets/OpenFB which, on the face of things does what it says on the tin. My only problem is, (again no clear documentation anywhere on the web for setting up a Facebook app for someone who has never done it before) I dont know what platform to add and what settings to set.
Can anyone state, for a Phonegap application making HTTP requests to the Graph API, what the following should be:
App Domain
The Platform Basic Settings
If anyone can help it would be very much appreciated
I am using OpenFB successfully (almost..)
You don't need any special permissions for android application defined in facebook application. Just copy openfb.js library and look at example code.
EDIT: actually I had small erorr in logic which caused me trouble, it wasn't openfb's error.

Is using FB JavaScript SDK the most reliable option?

We use FB JavaScript SDK and we're loading it asynchronously, according to their docs:
We use it to handle the login and for some basic calls to their API (mostly to publish stories and share links):
Since we started using it, we have experienced different issues on some browsers and devices.
As an example, yesterday we experienced problems trying to post on the user's feed from an iOS device (FB.api('/me/feed', 'post'...)), this problem lasted several hours. Earlier, we experienced problems in other platforms such as IE.
It seems like FaceBook pushes changes to their SDK without testing properly on a wide range of devices.
My questions (not easy questions, I believe):
Have you experienced similar problems. Do you think it is reliable?
Is there any realistic alternative to it?
I've always used the JavaScript SDK and it's been fine. Sure, there are issues from time to time, but that's part of being a Facebook developer.
The only alternative I can think of would be the PHP SDK. Both should be equally reliable.

phonegap 2.2 and facebook integration

I have been recently begin working with phonegap and I notice that there is no tutorial for phonegap 2.2, the most recent version. What's more, since phonegap 2.0 there has apparently been drastic changes. I am having lots of trouble with using phonegap since I am new to web-iphone apps.
I am trying to make an application with phonegap to use facebook log in to get your data (pics, friends, etc) and then post on your facebook page, update status, etc. Basically a social App.
It seems that no tutorial is clear on any facebook-phonegap integration and social web based app.
I have seen a video with phonegap 1.8 tutorial and have followed it very close, only to get many errors.
I followed the one on:
and have had protocol.
I have tried many different things, but it seems that xcode simply is not able to recognize some functions or protocols. I am looking to see if I missed anything, but Ive added everything according to steps followed.
Ive tried adding the facebook.Framework, the extra headers, heck, Ive even added all of the files from the facebook SDK in the src file of the package:
I cant seem to put together a simple facebook log in app...
anyone got it to work? what are the exact steps to follow? Im good with a new 2.2 cordova project and up until I put the files: FacebookCOnnectPlugin.h and .m that is where everything gets messed up.
I DO have the libsqlite3.0.dylib and HAVE followed the steps, added all the stuff in various .plist and all these weird long and annoying procedures many times...
Ive tried adding various libraries and just can't come up with anything else so why can't I just start a simple cordova project and get the option to log-in connect fb. like a simple hackbook sample.... I get it working in Objective-c demo (new single view application project)... Why does everything have to be so difficult and not working. I just want to get a page to start coding at. Just to get to this point, not even starting is so difficult.
very frustrating....
any help is much appreciated.
-- Im new to web apps and iphone...
I got it working but there are lots of issues and tweaks you need to do in order for it to fully work.
In my experience PhoneGap Plugins do work but you have to play around a lot. E.g. I know for sure the new Facebook SDK is not supported by the PhoneGap plugin. Even if you import the Deprecated Headers. I had to use the older version of the SDK. And also with version 2.7 not all plugins are supported so I had to stick to an older version 2.5 so I could get my project to work.
Even tough I got this plugin to work on iOS, it doesn't work on Android. It's a really good platform to develop on if you're looking for fast productivity but i'm still a bit spectacle on being heavily dependant on the plugins which are not being maintained continuously.
Hope this helps.

Simplest way to incorporate iPhone file upload when building app with Appcelerator's Titanium Developer

Sorry for the long explanation. Thanks in advance to all who are taking their time.
I am an Ubuntu user who has set up Titanium Developer on a MacMini in order to build an app for the iPhone (and ultimately some other platforms).
Rather than having any local code built in, the app simply points to my website. To do that, all I needed to do was change Titanium's tiapp.xml file to include my website URL. I wrote no other code, nor did I need to include any other files. It simply compiled and ran in the emulator without a hitch.
I've got just one problem: I need to upload files to my website and Apple, as most of you know, has disabled the input field type=file. I've got it working in all other browsers. The action simply calls a php file and passes the file info.
If I didn't have an app, and someone was just manually navigating to my site with the iPhone's Safari browser, I could get around the problem by using CliqCliq, which is a very cool iPhone app. Basically, I use JavaScript window.open() to launch CliqCliq's QuickPic browser in a second Safari window. The user chooses a file; QuickPic uploads it; and the user is returned to the second Safari window that I launched with window.open(). The user closes the window and Safari returns them to the first window (i.e., my website).
The problem is that my website is being shown in my app. (By the way, I don't have my developer license yet, even though I signed up a few weeks ago, and I can't test this in the emulator because I can't install QuickPic into it, I assume.) I wanted to repeat the same steps, described in the previous paragraph, using an iFrame but that didn't seem to work (i.e., the iFrame was blank despite my designating a src). I also tried having a hidden window by using old-fashioned frames and setting the col-width to 0. That also did not work (i.e., Safari, if I recall correctly, opened a separate window).
I'm working a little blind, since I can't test anything on the iPhone, but I figure I have two options: I can either find a way to launch a QuickPic in an iFrame -or- I can find some way to incorporate the Apple toolkit file chooser into the Titanium app.
The problem with the first option -- but again, I don't know until I can try this on the iPhone -- is that I assume both apps (mine and CliqCliq's) could not run at the same time. Even if I had a hidden window, invisible iFrame, etc., the moment it launches QuickPic, I assume my app would quit(?).
The problem with the second option is that I don't have clue as to how to incorporate a file picker into my app by using Titanium (keeping in mind, everyone, that I know very little). Brian at CliqCliq has even offered to give me some code if I can't make Apple's file picker work but again, I'm not sure what to do next.
What do you folks think? What's the best method? And, what's the easiest thing for a simpleton to do?
<input type="file"> is not supported on the iPhone. You'll need to use Titanium's APIs, specifically the Media one (openPhotoGallery or showCamera).
As a side note, Apple reportedly rejects apps that are just a webview displaying a website. You may want to consider putting most of the app code in local storage and using AJAX to fetch content.