Galasoft MVVM light windows 8 ResourceMap not found - mvvm

I am developing Windows 8 Metro app and getting "ResourceMap not found" exception when calling RaisePropertyChanged("PropertyName"). Can anybody help me with this.

Maybe it helps: the "ResourceMap not found" exception is thrown when you try to access a resource (eg. string) in a resource (.resw) file, and the given key cannot be found there.


java.xml.namepsace error - SOAP (Webservice) in Java

I have no experience with WebService, especially SOAP, but I have to deal with it. I work with Java 11 and with the latest Eclipse IDE. In the beginning I read a lot and also developed my own WebService. This service can only calculate the BMI. There are no errors in this service on the server side.
I had the client automatically generated with the Java API for XML Webservices. However, several errors are displayed in the generated classes.
First Error:
"The package javax.xml.namespace is accessible from more than one module: java.xml, jaxrpc"
If I try to fix the error, then there is a new error. Let's get back to trying to fix the bug. In some other forums I have read that in the module information "" the "requires java.xml" should be commented out. The error seems to disappear for now, but it leads to two new errors:
"The type javax.xml.namespace.QName is not accessible" and "The type javax.xml.namespace.QName cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files"
Here are a few code:
module Client {
exports ws;
requires axis;
requires java.instrument;
requires java.logging;
requires java.naming;
requires java.prefs;
requires java.rmi;
//requires java.xml;
requires jaxrpc;}
Here is a example of the DemolmplServiceLocater where java.xml.namepace are underlined red:
public DemolmplServiceLocator(java.lang.String wsdlLoc, javax.xml.namespace.QName sName) throws javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException {
super(wsdlLoc, sName);
This is the class with the second error and "fixed" first error.
The lost one ist the Build Path from my project.
Among other things I opened a client in Java-SE1.8 project and tried out the client there. There no error was displayed and the method bmi(weight,height) was executed successfully. But I need the project at least in Java 10 or higher.
Can anyone offer me a solution, preferably a step-by-step guide?
I thank you in advance!

IBM Information Server Web Console Error

I am Using IBM Information Server 8.7. When I login to the Web Console, I was successfully logged in. But, while Accessing the Navigation pane I got the error:
Error 404: javax.servlet.UnavailableException: SRVE0200E: Servlet [_ibmjsp.common._adminItemPickerLayout]: Could not find required class - class java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: _ibmjsp.common._adminItemPickerLayout
Can someone suggest me something?
Check your JAVA Path in your operating system. Make sure you are using the right JAVA in the PATH statement. It looks like you are calling the wrong JAVA, and when you do so, it'll fail because that java.exe does not have the libraries.

Install4j Error instantiating Actions

I am changing the installer on an application and in the install4j IDE I am getting the error "Error instantiating (class-path-to-action)". I don't know what is causing the error or what to do to fix it.
This is the second time I have come across this while using the install4j IDE, although the first time the error disappeared once I had built the project and closed eclipse.
This time round I have tried opening up the install4j file right after a restart and I am getting the same error, with no luck in getting rid of it.
Can someone enlighten me on what could be causing this, or how to fix it?
You can find more information in the file %TEMP%\install4j_error.log about the exception. Probably the class path configured on the Installer->Custom code & Resources is not correct.

GraphClient.cs not found

I recently installed the Neo4jClient Nuget package on my VB.NET project and when I attempt to create a new graph client (code below) I get a "GraphClient.cs not found" error.
Dim client As New GraphClient(New Uri(""))
Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?
That's just something visual studio says when an exception has been thrown and it's trying to take you to the code.
Typically this happens this early on when you don't have the neo4j server running, or you have the wrong address to connect to.
Are you doing a
call afterwards?

Unhandled win32 Exception occurred in my Android ADV

Every time I run any device from Android AVD it crashes, then the Visual Studio ? starts and gives the followed message.
A unhandled win32 Exception occurred
in emulator.exe
followed message appears on Console
[2011-03-18 16:10:16 - Logcat]device not found device not found
the loGcAT point these Error, I'm not sure it can help:
System(50): Failure starting core service
System(50): Failure starting core service
System(50): at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method)
System(50): at android.os.ServiceManagerProxy.addService(
System(50): at android.os.ServiceManager.addService(
System(50): at
AndroidRuntime(50): Crash logging skipped, no checkin service
It happens whith all devices and I can't get more information, Eclipse don't returns any.
I realy dont know what to do. Help!
I hade the same issue yesterday. I managed to fix this by uninstalling the Android SDK and re-install it.
I don't know what caused the issue, and I don't want to try to reproduce it now, but I know of 2 differences between the 2 installations:
1) The first time I went directry to the AVD manager in the "Available packages" and made some updates there. In the "Third party Add-ons" there were some available packages that were still there after the installation and after "Refresh". This puzzled me and made me try a couple of times. Therefore I made a couple of redundant installations, and this may have caused some trouble.
2) The first time I used the .exe file to make the installation, while I downloaded the .zip-file for the second installation. Probably this has nothing to do with the error.
Hope this helps you! It really is an annoying problem.