Install4j Error instantiating Actions - install4j

I am changing the installer on an application and in the install4j IDE I am getting the error "Error instantiating (class-path-to-action)". I don't know what is causing the error or what to do to fix it.
This is the second time I have come across this while using the install4j IDE, although the first time the error disappeared once I had built the project and closed eclipse.
This time round I have tried opening up the install4j file right after a restart and I am getting the same error, with no luck in getting rid of it.
Can someone enlighten me on what could be causing this, or how to fix it?

You can find more information in the file %TEMP%\install4j_error.log about the exception. Probably the class path configured on the Installer->Custom code & Resources is not correct.


Bug İ am getting error "unity 2022.1.23f1_9636b062134a"

I am constantly getting the error "Unity 2022.1.23f1_9636b062134a" and unity shuts down. how can i solve this?
I couldn't try anything because I couldn't find the cause of the error.
remove the script folder and try to open the project if it does open, then add script by script when it crashes you'll know where is the issue (this applies to files other than scripts)
I too have had the same problem. Have you ever tried resetting Windows?

Getting NotHandledException for the command in Eclipse RCP application

I am facing a wierd issue, I have a command and it has a handler, and i am calling the command using IHandler service from the code, but i am getting this wierd issue for the first time, and from the second time onwards it works normally
Unable to understand why, Under what circumstances this issue is caused?
Is there any way to force the load of the plugin forcefully during the start of the eclipse application itself?
Siddartha C.S

Error opening Eclipse

I am unable to open Eclipse IDE. The error displayed is as below
Any idea what could be the reason? And how do I solve this??
Note: I ran CCleaner recently (any registry issue??) and I got error executing my open Eclispe project. On restarting I get this issue. Is re-installation going to help? Am going to do that and update result here. And I would really like to know what caused this for future precautions.
Update: Same error for new installation. But this time got error regarding lauching JVM and missing dlls so going to reinstall Java.
Unable to understand what might be the exact problem , still giving it a shot.
Did you go through this URL
Appears to be the same issue , resetting JAVA_HOME and PATH solved the issue for him
The authors of Eclipse strongly recommend manually updating the Eclipse.ini file to point directly to the JRE that you want to use rather than relying on Windows environment variables.
Also C:\Windows\System32 is a really strange place to find the Java Runtime Environment files, typically they wind up in C:\Program Files\Java or C:\Program Files (x86)\Java.

Codecover plugin and eclipse - fatal error

I installed CodeCover to my STS so I can use it in my project. I can run code cover and get the measurments, but there is one thing that is bothering me.
If I enable code cover for a given project, everytime when I make a change to a source file and then save it I get this error message:
[FATAL]An error occured when trying to compile instrumented sources
if there are some errors reported by eclipse validator in some project file. Can I disable this feature, because it is really frustrating that I save one file and I get bit message that there are errors, even if I can see them underlined red by the editor.
This is most likely a bug, I suggest you file a bug at the project web-site, or try to fix it yourself by getting the source.

Hot Code Replace Failed (eclipse)

"Hot Code Replace Failed - add method not implemented".
I get this error message every time I change something in my test class (and save it).
Can't figure out what it means. Can somebody help?
Possibly, you have a test which is still running (in debug mode). Try finishing all tests (you can see them in the debug view: window->show view->debug) and try again...
See this thread:
This means you changed a class while it was debugging an application and it could not update the class for the application while it was running.
The error suggests you may be running an older JVM, i.e. pre-1.4.2 but this error can occur with any JVM if the change is incompatible with the previous version of the class.
Check carefully what JRE you are using in your debug session.
Also check you are deploying classes compiled with the debug attribute set. (see this thread)
Finally, as indicated here:
did you switch "Project->Build Automatically" off?
Hot code replacement works (only?) if automatic build is switched on...
I was running into this issues too. I found a build hiding in the backgound that was giving me fits. Check to make sure you have all tests/builds closed or completed. Nonetheless, you can still run the new code.
Whenever this error message appears it also gives options to terminate or restart. Select Terminate and it will terminate any running debug case which you are unable to locate.
if you have multiple projects involved, and multiple jre's installed, make sure all dependent projects are using the same javac/jre
Make sure your application server JRE and Eclipse JRE version should be same or else it will throw unsupported class version and hot code debug will not work.
I went to the same Problem,But my Debugging session ended hours ago.But still ECLIPSE error kept coming.
So I just simply restart the ECLIPSE IDE, then the problem just solved.