Facebook renamed callback parameters if application is rejected - facebook

I have a facebook login button on my website and I include data in it.
So my callback url looks like http://my.domain/callback/facebook/?my_param=my_data.
Once the user goes on the application permissions page and either accept or reject my app, it would always come back as
http://my.domain/callback/facebook/?code=code&my_param=my_data #accepted
http://my.domain/callback/facebook/?error=error_data&my_param=my_data #rejected
And I just noticed today that Facebook now renamed my my_param to 0 when the application is rejected. (i.e. http://my.domain/callback/facebook/?error=error_data&0=my_data)
I did not find anything in the developers.facebook.com documentation.
Does someone know why it changed?
What are the rules applied to rename the parameters?
Is there any documentation about this change?

Bug has been fixed by facebook.


Facebook Messanger App callback doesn't call my app

I created chatbot for Facebook. I tested in on one fanpage, got business and api permissions verfications from Facebook and I wanted to add the bot to more fanpages. I did it as before, I setted all Webhooks like messages, message_echoes but Facebook doesn't call my app. I'm checking it in debuging tool that shows network traffic to my server.
I tried to remove and add callback, fanpages, but nothing gets change.
The first fanpage still works all fine, but others don't call my bot on any message. Why?
assume you link your app to first fanpage with oauth dialog like this before.
oauth dialog : (See: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/overview/authorization)
when linking another fanpage with oauth dialog,
should click that edit settings button:
choose another fanpage:
now you receive webhooks from other fanpages.
So, problem was in my code. I was checking if request was sent using Symfony profiler. The problem was, it didn't save request if the process was stopped. And it was. I had "die" in some trycatch...

Facebook app links broken

Today, on my Facebook app, links appear to be broken. Everytime you click a link (to another page of the application, not external), Facebook returns the user to the login prompt, even if the user has already logged in.. I usually use relative urls, but if I set absolute, the link doesn't work too, but in this case the page doesn't change...
Anyone having same problems? Any ideas? I just can't find solutions..
Edit: for "Facebook app" I mean an iframe application that runs on Facebook site, not the Facebook application for a mobile device
Solved :) The problem was I used on old versione of the PHP SDK. I've updated the SDK with the latest version and also the Login part of the code; now it's ok. Thanks all for your help ;)
Did you tried to reinstall the Facebook app? Also if you use Android you can delete the cache on your phone.
Everytime you click a link (to another page of the application, not external), Facebook returns the user to the login prompt, even if the user has already logged in..
Do you have Authenticated Referrals turned on for your app?
Otherwise, you must be triggering login yourself somewhere in your app. If so, check the conditions under which you are doing so, and if your app recognizes a logged in user correctly, or if maybe there is some kind of cookie problem.
If that doesn’t help you to figure it out on your own, please update your question with relevant code.

Redirect Facebook App To External Page

I'm having issues configuring my Facebook app to behave as I want when posting information via the Feed Dialog. I've set up an app and created a link that correctly posts my content when clicked, but I can't figure out how to make the link to the app in the resulting post redirect where I want it to.
As an example, here's a post made via Instagram.
If I click on the 'via Instagram' link, I get either prompted or automatically redirected from the destination URL http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=124024574287414 to www.instagram.com.
I've seen other posts suggest you can do something similar using a JavaScript redirect from the App Canvas page, and I've got a proof of concept doing this, but since I've seen Instagram and other apps do this seemingly internally to Facebook I'm convinced it's possible to do more cleanly.
That link goes to your app's canvas URL (apps.facebook.com/something) or website URL as defined in the app settings, it can't be configured with any more granularity.
This seems that it will probably do the trick most easily: http://woobox.com/statichtml
See the redirect radio button in the image they have.

How do i check if my fb app is banned?

I'm not sure whether my fb-app is banned by automated bot. Currently with PHP-SDK, getUser() returns 0 no matter what. It all used to be working fine till a few days before. I'm getting an access token but since getUSer() is always returning NULL, the app is not working. I didn;t have much of code changes except for opengraph meta-tags, like button and google +1 button in my webpage.
Is there any way i could check if my app is not banned?
I haven't got any mail yet regarding this.
It doesn't show up in my list of apps even though i have used it recently.
But it shows up ins search.
Log into Facebook with an account that is an administrator of your app
Then navigate to: https://developers.facebook.com/apps or more directly you could go to

Displaying MY public wall using AS3 without user login

I've been trying to get this to work for a while, but I've apparently missed something.
All I want is to have the latest 3 or so posts from my clients Facebook page to populate and animate in a screensaver that I am building using Flash (AS3).
So far, every time I try to bring anything in, it requires a complete oAuth login and account link, but it's only a one way exchange (read-only, absolutely no writing, posting or even linking, since it's a screensaver) I'm not even sure the client wants pictures or anything.
I am currently trying to use the facebook-actionscript-api, but there isn't an option for the "App Login" type of Authentication that would solve most of my problems.
I'm at wits end and about to have to tell my client it can't be done. At least they'll always have twitter...
I don't think it is possible to get facebook feeds without an accesstoken (even if they are public). So I guess you need to define an app within Facebook and add login stuff to your app so users can give permission to your app for basic access.
Maybe this article offers some help: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/facebook/articles/flex_fbgraph_pt1.html