Accessing JBoss 5 EJB3.0 from JBoss 7.1 EJB3.1 - java-ee-6

I have a bunch of services (EJBs, remotem stateless) running on JB-AS 5.1.0. Now I have a new AS7.1 on which I develop new Services (JEE6, EJB, CDI, ...)
I want to access the AS5.1 Services via remote JNDI.
Has anyone done this before and can help? I need my JEE6-Beans to have access to the AS5.1 client-jars, so I am trying to add them to ear/lib or create a module containing the jars, but so far without luck ...

The best solutions I have seen so far can be found here. You can follow this forum for more information.
Please post your findings here so others can help / benefit.
Good luck!


Microservices application deployable in an old JavaEE application server

I've a big problem, and I hope that someone could help me!
I would like to refactor an old legacy JavaEE application.
The refactoring I've in my mind is very deep and I would like to redesign the application moving towards a microservices architecture using Java again.
Many frameworks exist for doing that, but I would like use one of the following: Quarkus (my favoutire), Microprofile and Vert.x.
The problem is that I got the indication that the new application must be deployable on old application servers, such as WebSpere 8.5.5, WebLogic 12c, and must be deployable in a Kubernetes environment without any application server.
Is there any way to meet this last requirement?
Any help will be highly appreciated!
Thanks a lot!

get started with wildfly confusing

Can anyone suggest a good tutorial how to get started with a JEE application using WildFly server?
I am little confused right now cause at first I decided to start with an official website of the wildfly.
I found some guide links in there and seems like a half of pages are not found or missed.
For example, they have a Getting Started Developing Applications Guide link, when I go there there is another one link which leads to the github page and returns 404 page.
Ok then, i wen to github page with documentation and found following section which describes a list of quickstarts.
So as it says
Quickstarts with tutorials in the Get Started Developing Applications are noted with two asterisks ( ** ) following the quickstart name.
But again if you go to this link it is not found as well and so on.
To be honest I am kind of tired of this confused documentation so I am looking for a best approach how to get my JEE application up and running using WildFly as a server container.
So any suggestions would be really appreciated! Thanks in advance.
If you want to get started with Java EE then have a look at the Java EE 7 tutorial.
If you're looking to just start WildFly so that you can deploy an application you simple download the zip, extract it and use either bin/ or bin\standalone.bat to start it. You can get further information about getting started with WildFly here.
The quickstarts are good examples of some simple applications that can be deployed. The README is pretty descriptive on how the quickstarts themselves work, but isn't meant to be a Java EE 7 tutorial.

Jboss 7 vs Jboss 4

I found this great tutorial for JAAS with JBoss, but the problem is that it is an older version. In this tutorial to define application authentication policy at JBoss you need to use "login-config.xml" in this directory -> D:\jboss-4.2.3.GA\server\\conf\login-config.xml which doesn't exist in version 7. The writer is describing also this file "mazhar-ds.xml" in this directory -> D:\jboss-4.2.3.GA\server\\deploy\
I would like to ask you what is the difference in newer version or how do I implement this Java Authentication and Authorization Service in JBoss 7 because i can't find any good tutorial for the version 7 (or where do I find all these files).
I'm sorry maybe for stupid questions, but I'm complete beginner in this.. :(
You can implement a JAAS Module in the same way you did it in JBoss 4, but the configuration of it is different.
What you probably should look at, is the
Especially, the DatabaseLoginModule might be interesting for you.

Using OBR on Virgo 3.5

I'm looking for a neat way to deploy and manage bundles on our Virgo container, but also want to ensure that should we want to move from Virgo in a few years, we're not heavily tied to it. We're using Maven, so get OBR for free, which could save us some work having to maintain a list of the dependency chains.
With that in mind, after having read this article;- How to deploy OSGi apps and dependencies? and some the Virgo 3.5 docs, I'm slightly at odds about the best approach.
The Virgo docs suggest using the plan mechanism, but this ties our deployment descriptors to Virgo (not what I'm after). The article suggests I can use OBR through the GoGo console, which now ships as standard with Virgo. However, when trying to use this console to manage OBR, all I get is
osgi> repos add /home/fuzzy/.m2/repository/repository.xml
No repository admin service available
I've done some more hunting through the Virgo docs, but can't find anything in reference to OBR - only bug reports suggesting that some of the OBR commands have been left in the GoGo shell, inappropriately.
I've also written to the Virgo forum, but no-one seems to really want to help there. Before I go down the route of tying us to Virgo plans, I thought I'd have a quick go here.
Any help, greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
As suggested, downloaded and installed org.apache.felix.bundlerepository-1.6.6.jar - however, get exactly the same error. Asked the same question of the Virgo user group, and the answer that came back is that OBR is not supported. Maybe I'm missing something here, but there's very little information about on this topic. If you know better - please update this thread for the sake of others!
The message is quite clear - you need a repository admin service. Felix provides an implementation (download Bundle Repository).

Is possible deploy applications developed with GWT 2.x on Jboss 4?

I want to know if is possible deploy GWT 2.x applications on server with support for the servlet spec 2.4 like JBoss 4.
I have reviewed the official documentation but apparently there is no dependences. So my questions are:
Is possible?
Is needed workarounds?
Any has some previous experience?
Yes It is possible. You can deploy GWT applicaions to any external web server like Tomcat, Jboss etc. Your question is bit wide in context. So, better look at some tutorials.
This tutorial will help you more. I have not gone into details of this but seems good.