get started with wildfly confusing - wildfly

Can anyone suggest a good tutorial how to get started with a JEE application using WildFly server?
I am little confused right now cause at first I decided to start with an official website of the wildfly.
I found some guide links in there and seems like a half of pages are not found or missed.
For example, they have a Getting Started Developing Applications Guide link, when I go there there is another one link which leads to the github page and returns 404 page.
Ok then, i wen to github page with documentation and found following section which describes a list of quickstarts.
So as it says
Quickstarts with tutorials in the Get Started Developing Applications are noted with two asterisks ( ** ) following the quickstart name.
But again if you go to this link it is not found as well and so on.
To be honest I am kind of tired of this confused documentation so I am looking for a best approach how to get my JEE application up and running using WildFly as a server container.
So any suggestions would be really appreciated! Thanks in advance.

If you want to get started with Java EE then have a look at the Java EE 7 tutorial.
If you're looking to just start WildFly so that you can deploy an application you simple download the zip, extract it and use either bin/ or bin\standalone.bat to start it. You can get further information about getting started with WildFly here.
The quickstarts are good examples of some simple applications that can be deployed. The README is pretty descriptive on how the quickstarts themselves work, but isn't meant to be a Java EE 7 tutorial.


toy web service on Eclipse- trouble with glassfish4 server

I am new to Java EE, and am trying to learn how to create a web service. I followed the instructions given at this link- to create a simple Hello World web service. I got into trouble when trying to get Eclipse to start the glassfish4 server. I get the error shown below-
I am not sure what ${sunappserver.rootdirectory} means and how it is defined. Much appreciate anyone who can help me understand this and get it working.
Check your glassfish installation. This file contains lots of configuration details. Your Exception means it is missing! Maybe there is a backup called domain.xml.bak in the same directory.
Mine is in /usr/local/glassfish4_1/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/domain.xml

Why does NetBeans use Tomcat Manager (and Eclipse does not)?

As a long-time J2EE developer, I have always been curious as to why NetBeans uses(i.e. forces you to use) the Tomcat Manager app to deploy while Eclipse seems perfectly happy/able to deploy without the manager app? Though I have googled this exhaustively over the years, I have never found even the beginning to an answer. Perhaps this is nothing more than how each product started and has never changed.
Does anyone have any insight or educated theories they would be willing to share?
[Edit] Sigh... to address shekhar's comment, I see that it is not absolutely clear that I am referring ONLY to using Tomcat. I mistakenly assumed that the title and context of my question was sufficient, but again, I am specifically referring to using Tomcat as the Servlet Container with these IDEs. Thanks.
[Edit] I don't know who down-voted this but I have researched this for a long time and found zero reason for it. As for down-voting because it might not be useful, I think that is in the eye of the beholder; also, it usefulness can only be determined based on the answer which is why I am asking.
Sounds like a good topic for Quora but anyway...
I can only speak about NetBeans. It originally used a patched version of Tomcat 3. (early NetBeans 3.x releases). Tomcat Manager was added in Tomcat 4 and it was used because it was possible to integrate easily with your Tomcat installation without knowing much details about their setup. Start/stop Tomcat can use default scripts and will pick up your settings. Deploy does not need to care about access rights and it just assumes that manager works.

Accessing JBoss 5 EJB3.0 from JBoss 7.1 EJB3.1

I have a bunch of services (EJBs, remotem stateless) running on JB-AS 5.1.0. Now I have a new AS7.1 on which I develop new Services (JEE6, EJB, CDI, ...)
I want to access the AS5.1 Services via remote JNDI.
Has anyone done this before and can help? I need my JEE6-Beans to have access to the AS5.1 client-jars, so I am trying to add them to ear/lib or create a module containing the jars, but so far without luck ...
The best solutions I have seen so far can be found here. You can follow this forum for more information.
Please post your findings here so others can help / benefit.
Good luck!

Is possible deploy applications developed with GWT 2.x on Jboss 4?

I want to know if is possible deploy GWT 2.x applications on server with support for the servlet spec 2.4 like JBoss 4.
I have reviewed the official documentation but apparently there is no dependences. So my questions are:
Is possible?
Is needed workarounds?
Any has some previous experience?
Yes It is possible. You can deploy GWT applicaions to any external web server like Tomcat, Jboss etc. Your question is bit wide in context. So, better look at some tutorials.
This tutorial will help you more. I have not gone into details of this but seems good.

GlassFish 3.1 Netbeanz 7 and REST web services

I tried to run example here and didnt work... There is a bug at netbeans site but i couldnt understand what they are talking about.
It seems that wadl file isnt created....
However a workaround for this was to use the servlet com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer
and seems to work...
Does anyone knows whats wrong ??
The RESTful stuff in NetBeans and Glassfish definitely works, I use it on a daily basis.
Try following this NetBeans tutorial and see if you get anywhere. I've always found the tutorials on the NetBeans site too be very helpful, and easy to follow.
Just to answer..
The problem was that i did the mistake to use the glassfish version that came with Netbeans. This doesnt work . Installing glassfish seperately did work greatly.