How to Create a Arrowhead in polyline mapview? - iphone

I Want to display current location using arrowhead in polyline.


How to "correct" the roundness of the earth leading to ellipsis instead of circle in react leaflet

I'm trying to programatically "draw" a circle with multiple Marker with React leaflet.
I'm doing it with cosinus and sinus trying to calculate theirs coordinate from the center point ...
But the more I'm near the pole the more the circle is an ellipssis ... Is it a way to transform the calculus to take this into account ?
In this example I'm in Oulu (near the pole) If you just change the x var into '0' you'll notice that the markers are now in circle !
please see this CodePen
Because a Leaflet map is a projection of a sphere onto a flat map, distortions will happen near the poles. You want to project your spherical Lat/Lng into flat Points, calculate the marker placements in flat Points and then unproject the points back to spherical LatLng.

Display Earth map in Azimuthal Equidistant Projection

I have to display the Earth's map in azimuthal equidistant projection, by giving the lattitude and longnitude as input in Matlab. I am using the eqdazim projection, but I am still getting the map with point (0,0) in the center. I want to be able to change the point that is the center if the circle map.
landareas = shaperead('landareas.shp','UseGeoCoords',true);
axesm ('eqdazim', 'Frame', 'on');
Also, I don't know how to change the radius of the image. I don't need the circle with the whole Earth but instead something about ~2000km radius around center point.
I need it in order to put its image on a dome. Below is a simple example with such a dome and random fragment of the Earth's surface. Keep in mind, that it's just an image that I cropped manually from large Mercator map.
I was hoping that I can use the Mapping Toolbox in order to get such a map automatically, by giving lattitude, longnitude and radius. I have all necessary data, which is:
Lattitude & Longnitude
The radius of the circle
I just don't know how can I get this part of Earth's map. I think I have to use the azimuthal equidistant projection. I just don't know how to do this in MATLAB/Mapping Toolbox.

How to get longitude and latitude to display correct in print layout?

This is what I have so far:
My goal is to have the longitude and latitude grid lines and labels to display correctly...obviously 0-20 would not be correct labels. All my project layers were reprojected into an Albers projection, so I selected that same map projection when adding the gridlines.
This is what the final product should look like:
It appears that you have selected Centimeter as your unit instead of Map Unit for your interval. Also if your map is in a projected CRS but you want to label it in degrees you will need to set the CRS of your grid to EPSG:4326.
Which gives me the following:

Openlayers nomenclature grid

Who can help! Need to display the coordinates in the middle of the cell of grid. I do this grid, but can not to display coordinates. At zoom this coordinates must change and display on the grid (example write on leaflet).
My grid.
This example is written on leaflet.

How to draw bearing angle using leaflet

I want to draw bearing angle using leaflet, as input I have a marker on map and the user can enter an angle value from a custom interface(this angle matches the bearing angle), so I want to draw this bearing angle on map. How can I do that on map using leaflet plugins? Any help is appreciated.