Openlayers nomenclature grid - coordinates

Who can help! Need to display the coordinates in the middle of the cell of grid. I do this grid, but can not to display coordinates. At zoom this coordinates must change and display on the grid (example write on leaflet).
My grid.
This example is written on leaflet.


Draw draggable/adjustable rectangle on image based on PREDEFINED COORDINATES in Matlab?

I calculate the rectangular bounding box coordinates for objects in my matlab code ([xmin ymin width height]). But the coordinates might not be precise. Then, I want to draw the box on the image and modify that by dragging the box and/or adjusting the borders. I tried to use imrect and imcrop, but those functions do not draw the draggable/adjustable rectangle on image, based on predefined coordinates. Is there any way to do that?
Thanks in advance for your time.
Take a look at imrect. It works much like the imcrop rectangle but you can set an initial position and get the current position by calling getPosition.

AmChart HeatMap with the same categories on value axis

I have an matrix with correlation values beetween objects and I have to show it on heat map using amchart library. I'm using this example (it's with jsfiddle) but I can't make it works to have the same values also on left axis.
Here is example what I have now, I need to have the same labels 'CAT[i]' on left axis.
How to solve it ?
You can use labelFunction to modify the labels of your value axis.
I think this should fit your needs.

Co-ordinates between 4 points on the map

We are trying to find the co-ordinates which comes in between the area defined by 4 points on the map that creates a rectangle. Specifically, we need to find all the co-ordinates of the area of the map that is in the mobile screen view at any time.
Response will be highly appreciated.

"2D" plot with square colour in grid indicative of value - the ArcGIS look

I've looked up surface plots and contour plots but cannot find the appropriate format. I am not concerned with height and want a bird's eye view of a flat grid - much like the format of ARCGis.
I have random values between 0 to 10 in a 7x7 matrix.
I want to draw a grid 7 by 7 that is 2D where the individual grid cells are block-coloured according to their value.
The top left value of the matrix is the top left cell of the plot and so on. They should align.
I don't want to have to export matlab's output and put it back into ARCG each time I get a result. Thanks for your advice guys!
If you have a 2D array, you should be able to just "show" it like an image. Try using imagesc() with colormap on. You can change the colormap, size, etc.

How to draw Y-axis grid in core-plot?

How to draw X-axis grid, ie draw horizontal line against y=axis value?
please help me out?
You need to set the majorGridLineStyle and/or minorGridLineStyle properties on your axes. See CPTestApp in the examples folder for some sample code.