how to check image value with tab host - android-tabhost

Ok so i will try to explain what im trying to do as clearly as possible with examples.
i have a tabhost with 5 tabs (engine,body,photo,spec,colors).
the upper portion of the xml layout(car.xml) has an imageView1.
and the and the lower portion of the layout car.xml holds the tabs. each tab calls an intent.
such as "" car.this.coupe_specs = new Intent(this, coupe_tab.class); ""
and coupe_tab.xml layout has 1 textView.
now what i am trying to do is change the text in the textView field in coupe_tab.xml
after checking the id: of the imageView1 on the car.xml.
so basicly i want to from check the value of a ImageView in and if true change the text in the TextView in the problem i seem to be having is doing all this inside a onItemSelected function.
non functional example just to help you under stand my wants
import com.myexample._coupe_tab;
public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> example int view) {
if ("car.png").equals imageView1 {
textView1 = "example text 1";
else if ("car2.png).equals imageView1 {
textView1 = "example text 2";
else {
// do something else


Jetpack compose LazyColumn or Scrollable Column and IME padding for TextField doesn't work

I am trying to set a list if text fields, and when user set the focus on one text field at the bottom I expect that the user can see the appearing IME soft keyboard and the text field being padded according to the configuration set in my manifest file android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan", but it doesn't work the first time, it works only when some of the listed textfield have already a focus.
Behavior in video.
My code in onCreate method.
// Turn off the decor fitting system windows, which allows us to handle insets,
// including IME animations
WindowCompat.setDecorFitsSystemWindows(window, false)
setContent {
// Provide WindowInsets to our content. We don't want to consume them, so that
// they keep being pass down the view hierarchy (since we're using fragments).
ProvideWindowInsets(consumeWindowInsets = false) {
MyApplicationTheme {
// A surface container using the 'background' color from the theme
Surface(color = MaterialTheme.colors.background, modifier = Modifier.systemBarsPadding()) {
Column(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxHeight()) {
val list: List<#Composable () -> Unit> = (1..10).map {
Text(text = "$it")
TextField(value = "", onValueChange = {}, modifier = Modifier.navigationBarsWithImePadding(),)
LazyColumn(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().weight(1F)) {
itemsIndexed(list) { index, inputText ->
If your problem is going on, check Insets for Jetpack Compose.
Only add this dependency:
implementation '{insetsVersion}'
and use Modifier.imePadding() or the custom solution:
fun ImeAvoidingBox() {
val insets = LocalWindowInsets.current
val imeBottom = with(LocalDensity.current) { insets.ime.bottom.toDp() }
Box(Modifier.padding(bottom = imeBottom))

Automatic update of Button text on change

I'm currently learning scala, and making an encryption program with a basic scala swing UI.
I added 2 swing buttons which text is held by 2 var.
The code looks like this :
var encText = "Encrypt"
var decText = "Decrypt"
def top = new MainFrame {
title = "Data Guardian"
minimumSize = new Dimension(500, 200)
contents = new GridPanel(2, 2) {
hGap = 3; vGap = 3
contents += new Button {
text = encText
reactions += {
case ButtonClicked(_) => Main.startEnc
contents += new Button {
text = decText
reactions += {
case ButtonClicked(_) => Main.startDec
size = new Dimension(150, 40)
Those "text" var will be changed often during the encryption/decryption process by various methods, but when they do change, the text displayed on the buttons doesn't.
I'd like to know a way to make the displayed text of the buttons automatically change when the var that holds that text changes.
Thanks a lot for your insight :)
Make the strings private and write getters/setters that change the button text as a side-effect.
You'll need to give the buttons names, rather than having anonymous instances as you do above.

Creating advanced user interfaces blackberry

I am looking out to create a text box similar to the image shown below in my blackberry form. As of now i am able to add a textfield which has a label like say
Name:(Cursor blinks)
Also when i try adding an image it doesnt show up beside the label but below it.I have tried aligning and adjusting image size etc but all in vain.How can layout managers help me do this any idea?
Can some one provide me an exact way as to how this can be achieved.Thanks in advance.
//Lets say adding textfield with validation for name
TextField1 = new TextField("\n Customer Name: ",null)
protected boolean keyChar(char ch, int status, int time)
if (CharacterUtilities.isLetter(ch) || (ch == Characters.BACKSPACE || (ch == Characters.SPACE)))
return super.keyChar(ch, status, time);
return true;
//Or either by using this,the text is placed within the image
Border myBorder = BorderFactory.createBitmapBorder(
new XYEdges(20, 16, 27, 23),
TextField myField = new TextField(" Write something ",TextField.USE_ALL_WIDTH | TextField.FIELD_HCENTER)
protected void paint(Graphics g) {
//After trying out code given at Blackberry App Appearance VS Facebook App i am getting the following layout
I would still want to achieve a box that stands beside the label.Like the one shown in green image.Please guide.
Have a look to this answer. I think it may be helpful to you. Just play with the code until you get your desired look and feel.

GWT CellBrowser- how to always show all values?

GWT's CellBrowser is a great way of presenting dynamic data.
However when the browser contains more rows than some (seemingly) arbitrary maximum, it offers a "Show More" label that the user can click to fetch the unseen rows.
How can I disable this behavior, and force it to always show every row?
There are several ways of getting rid of the "Show More" (which you can combine):
In your TreeViewModel, in your NodeInfo's setDisplay or in the DataProvider your give to the DefaultNodeInfo, in onRangeChange: overwrite the display's visible range to the size of your data.
Extend CellBrowser and override its createPager method to return null. It won't change the list's page size though, but you can set it to some very high value there too.
The below CellBrowser removes the "Show More" text plus loads all available elements without paging.
public class ShowAllElementsCellBrowser extends CellBrowser {
public ShowAllElementsCellBrowser(TreeViewModel viewModel, CellBrowser.Resources resources) {
super(viewModel, null, resources);
protected <C> Widget createPager(HasData<C> display) {
PageSizePager pager = new PageSizePager(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
// removes the text "Show More" during loading
// increase the visible range so that no one ever needs to page
display.setVisibleRange(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
return pager;
I found a valid and simple solution in setting page size to the CellBrowser's builder.
Hope this will help.
CellBrowser.Builder<AClass> cellBuilder = new CellBrowser.Builder<AClass>(myModel, null);
cellBrowser =;
The easiest way to do this is by using the:
method on your Cell Tree. You must do this before you begin expanding the tree.
My workaround is to navigate through elements of treeview dom to get "show more" element with
public static List<Element> findElements(Element element) {
ArrayList<Element> result = new ArrayList<Element>();
findShowMore(result, element); return result; }
private static void findShowMore(ArrayList res, Element element) {
String c;
if (element == null) { return; }
if (element.getInnerText().equals("Show more")) { res.add(element);
for (int i = 0; i < DOM.getChildCount(element); i++) { Element
child = DOM.getChild(element, i); findShowMore(res, child); } }
and than use:
if (show) { element.getStyle().clearDisplay(); } else {
element.getStyle().setDisplay(Display.NONE); }

How to find if user has selectedwhole text or a part of text in tiny mce

I want to check the node of the selected text. If it is span, another function will edit the classes applied to it. If it is same as the parent node, then the code will wrap the selection in span and set its styles. The problem here I'm facing is, how to determine, if user has selected the whole text inside the editor or only some text. If user selects the whole text, I want to apply the styles to the parent node instead of adding a new span and styles to it. Below is my code -
var ed=tinyMCE.getInstanceById('textAreaId');
var sel = ed.selection.getContent();
if(trim(sel)!="") {
//get the node of the selection
var thisNode=tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getStart().nodeName;
//get the root node inside editor
var parentNode=tinyMCE.activeEditor.getBody().firstChild.nodeName;
if(thisNode=="SPAN") {
//edit span properties
else if(thisNode==parentNode) {
var elmType="span";
var Spanid1=createSpanId(targetToStyle,elmType);
var strStyle=ed_Property+":"+ed_PropertyVal;
//wrap selection in a span
sel = "<span id='"+Spanid+"' style='"+strStyle+"'>" + sel + "</span>";
//set content
//retain the selection'#'+Spanid)[0],false);
else {
//here I need to check if user has selected whole text and set properties
}//if ends
else if(trim(sel)=="") {
alert('No text selected');
how to determine, if user has selected
the whole text inside the editor or
only some text.
You need to compare the selected text with the editors content:
var content_editor = $(ed.getBody()).text();
var content_selection = ed.selection.getContent({format : 'text'});
// now compare both either characterwise or as whole string,
// you might need to strip whitespace characters from the strings!
// and do what you want to do in each case