Creating advanced user interfaces blackberry - forms

I am looking out to create a text box similar to the image shown below in my blackberry form. As of now i am able to add a textfield which has a label like say
Name:(Cursor blinks)
Also when i try adding an image it doesnt show up beside the label but below it.I have tried aligning and adjusting image size etc but all in vain.How can layout managers help me do this any idea?
Can some one provide me an exact way as to how this can be achieved.Thanks in advance.
//Lets say adding textfield with validation for name
TextField1 = new TextField("\n Customer Name: ",null)
protected boolean keyChar(char ch, int status, int time)
if (CharacterUtilities.isLetter(ch) || (ch == Characters.BACKSPACE || (ch == Characters.SPACE)))
return super.keyChar(ch, status, time);
return true;
//Or either by using this,the text is placed within the image
Border myBorder = BorderFactory.createBitmapBorder(
new XYEdges(20, 16, 27, 23),
TextField myField = new TextField(" Write something ",TextField.USE_ALL_WIDTH | TextField.FIELD_HCENTER)
protected void paint(Graphics g) {
//After trying out code given at Blackberry App Appearance VS Facebook App i am getting the following layout
I would still want to achieve a box that stands beside the label.Like the one shown in green image.Please guide.

Have a look to this answer. I think it may be helpful to you. Just play with the code until you get your desired look and feel.


How to validate Text mesh pro input field text in unity

I have tried to use text mesh pro input field in my project but I have face one series issue with that. i.e If try to validate empty or null text in input field it fails. For example when user without typing any text in tmp input field and click done button I have set a validation like not allowed to save null empty values but when user click done button without typing any text, those validations are fails. Please suggest any idea to fix this issue. Thanks in advance.
Here is the code I have tried :
var text = TextMeshProText.text; // here "TextMeshProText" is 'TMP_Text'
//do required functionality
// Show alert to the user.
I have set the validation like this but without giving any text click on done button it fails null or empty condition and enter in to if.
I found the problem. It fails because you use TMP_Text instead TMP_InputField.
Note that: Use the code for TMP_InputField; not for TMP_Text that is inside it as a child.
Change your code to this:
TMP_InputField TextMeshProText;
public void OnClick ()
var text = TextMeshProText.text; // here "TextMeshProText" is 'TMP_InputField'
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
//do required functionality
// Show alert to the user.
I hope it helps you

Enterprise Architect: Hide only "top" labels of connectors programmatically

I want to hide the "top" part of all connector labels of a diagram. For this, I tried to set up a script, but it currently hides ALL labels (also the "bottom" labels which I want to preserve):
// Get a reference to the current diagram
var currentDiagram as EA.Diagram;
currentDiagram = Repository.GetCurrentDiagram();
if (currentDiagram != null)
for (var i = 0; i < currentDiagram.DiagramLinks.Count; i++)
var currentDiagramLink as EA.DiagramLink;
currentDiagramLink = currentDiagram.DiagramLinks.GetAt(i);
currentDiagramLink.Geometry = currentDiagramLink.Geometry
.replace(/HDN=0/g, "HDN=1")
.replace(/LLT=;/, "LLT=HDN=1;")
.replace(/LRT=;/, "LRT=HDN=1;");
if (!currentDiagramLink.Update())
When I hide only the top labels manually (context menu of a connector/Visibility/Set Label Visibility), the Geometry property of the DiagramLinks remains unchanged, so I guess the detailed label visibility information must be contained somewhere else in the model.
Does anyone know how to change my script?
Thanks in advance!
The dialog for editing the detailed label visibility looks as follows:
My goal is unchecking the "top label" checkboxes programmatically.
In the Geometry attribute you will find a partial string like
So in between LLT and the next semi-colon you need to locate the HDN=0 and replace that with HDN=1. A simple global change like above wont work. You need a wild card like in the regex LLT=([^;]+); to work correctly.

Setting min and max zoomLevels (GWT-OpenLayers)

I want to set a minimum and a maximum zoom level in my map.
My first idea was to listen to 'zoomstart' events, but the org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.Map class doesn't implement any listener with such event type. Then I tried to listen to 'zoomend' events. My idea was to check the zoomlevel after the zoom event and if it is higher/lower than a threshold value than i zoom to that threshold value. Example code:
public void onMapZoom(MapZoomEvent eventObject) {
if (eventObject.getSource().getZoom() > 18) {
But i found, the zoomTo event doesn't fire in this case. Has anybody got a solution to this problem?
Great idea Imreking.
I have added this to the GWT-Openlayers library.
So if you download the latest version from github now you can do :
map.setMinMaxZoomLevel(6, 8);
And you no longer need some javascript method in your own code.
I actually also added a showcase but having difficulties uploading it to our website.
Uploading the new showcase has now succeeded.
See to see an example of newly added Map.setMinMaxZoomLevel(minZoom, maxZoom).
I don't think this is possible in OpenLayers (normal and GWT).
According to me two solutions are available.
Option 1
This is ugly for the user. As he sees the map getting zoomed, and just after this going back to the previous zoomlevel.
The Timer is needed to give OL the chance to animate the zoom.
map.addMapZoomListener(new MapZoomListener()
public void onMapZoom(final MapZoomEvent eventObject)
Timer t = new Timer()
public void run()
if (eventObject.getSource().getZoom() > 15)
else if (eventObject.getSource().getZoom() < 10)
Option 2
Don't use the zoom default zoom control but create your own zoom buttons (using normal GWT), and putting these on top of the map. If you want you can style these buttons in the same way as the normal buttons. The trick 'create in normal GWT, and make it look like OL' is a trick I use a lot (for example to create a much more advanced layer switcher).
Note : I am one of the developers of GWT-OpenLayers, if you want I can add an example to our showcase displaying how to do 'Option 2'.
Knarf, thank you for your reply. I tried the 'Option 1' and it worked, but i found another solution which is maybe more acceptable for the users.
My solution is:
map.isValidZoomLevel = function(zoomLevel) {
return ((zoomLevel != null) &&
(zoomLevel >= minZoomLevel) &&
(zoomLevel <= maxZoomLevel) &&
(zoomLevel < this.getNumZoomLevels()));
I overrode the isValidZoomLevel method. The minZoomLevel and maxZoomLevel variables were set when the application started. I don't like calling javascript from GWT code, but here i didn't have any other opportunity.

Gui.Window ContextClick

Is there a way to add an Event.ContextClick to a Gui.Window in a Unity Editor script?
The following is my context menu method that I've tried calling from both OnGUI() and my window's WindowFunction (call sites denoted below as "site: no luck"). I have not been able to get the "Success" message to show up unless I'm right clicking directly in the main editor window. If I right click in any of the Gui.Windows I have created, the ContextClick event doesn't show up.
void OnStateContextMenu(){
Event evt = Event.current;
// Ignore anything but contextclicks
if(evt.type != EventType.ContextClick)return;
// Add generic menu at context point
GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();
menu.AddItem (new GUIContent ("AddState"),false,AddState,evt.mousePosition);
menu.ShowAsContext ();
And the call site(s):
void doWindow(int id){
// OnStateContextMenu(); //site1: no luck
void OnGUI(){
OnStateContextMenu(); //site2: no luck here either
wndRect = GUI.Window(0,wndRect,doWindow,"StateWnd");
For reference, green area responds to right-click, red area does not. But I want it to. The right-click menu I've created has specific actions I only want visible if the mouse cursor right clicks inside one of my windows, the 'Hello' in the image. Note: Ignore the button, right click doesn't work anywhere inside that window.
This might not directly answer your question but should be able to help
You are trying to achieve a rightclick function inside your red box( as shown in picute )
I had a sort alike question a while back but it was not for a rightclick but for a mouseover
so i figured this might be able to help you
string mouseover; // first of i created a new string
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (100,100,200,200),new GUIContent("Load game", "MouseOverOnButton0") ,menutexture ))
//added a mousoveronbutton command to my GUIcontent
void buttoncheck()
mouseover = GUI.tooltip;
if(mouseover == "MouseOverOnButton0")
GUI.Box(new Rect(380,45,235,25),"Not a implemented function as of yet ");
this code made a new gui box the moment the mouse hitted the box.
If you created the hello in a seperate box you could use this
if(mouseover == hello)
if(rightclick == true)
execute the stuff you want
or something like that. Hope this helps a bit atleast
To obtain the rightclick event you will have to use the
if(Event.current.button == 1 && Event.current.isMouse)
You have to place this in the OnGUI to work properly
this way you first trigger the in box part, then check for a right click and execute the stuff you want.

Using Eclipse TableViewer, how do I navigate and edit cells with arrow keys?

I am using a TableViewer with a content provider, label provider, a ICellModifier and TextCellEditors for each column.
How can I add arrow key navigation and cell editing when the user selects the cell? I would like this to be as natural a behavior as possible.
After looking at some of the online examples, there seems to be an old way (with a TableCursor) and a new way (TableCursor does not mix with CellEditors??).
Currently, my TableViewer without a cursor will scroll in the first column only. The underlying SWT table is showing cursor as null.
Is there a good example of TableViewer using CellEditors and cell navigation via keyboard?
I don't know if there is a good example. I use a cluster of custom code to get what I would consider to be basic table behaviors for my application working on top of TableViewer. (Note that we are still targetting 3.2.2 at this point, so maybe things have gotten better or have otherwise changed.) Some highlights:
I do setCellEditors() on my TableViewer.
On each CellEditor's control, I establish what I consider to be an appropriate TraverseListener. For example, for text cells:
cellEditor = new TextCellEditor(table, SWT.SINGLE | getAlignment());
cellEditor.getControl().addTraverseListener(new TraverseListener() {
public void keyTraversed(TraverseEvent e) {
switch (e.detail) {
// edit next column
e.doit = true;
// edit previous column
e.doit = true;
// Differentiate arrow right from down (they both produce the same traversal #*$&#%^)
if (e.keyCode == SWT.ARROW_DOWN) {
// edit same column next row
e.doit = true;
// Differentiate arrow left from up (they both produce the same traversal #*$&#%^)
if (e.keyCode == SWT.ARROW_UP) {
// edit same column previous row
e.doit = true;
(For drop-down table cells, I catch left and right arrow instead of up and down.)
I also add a TraverseListener to the TableViewer's control whose job it is to begin cell editing if someone hits "return" while an entire row is selected.
// This really just gets the traverse events for the TABLE itself. If there is an active cell editor, this doesn't see anything.
tableViewer.getControl().addTraverseListener(new TraverseListener() {
public void keyTraversed(TraverseEvent e) {
if (e.detail == SWT.TRAVERSE_RETURN) {
// edit first column of selected row
Now, how exactly I control the editing is another story. In my case, my whole TableViewer (and a representation of each column therein) is loosely wrapped up in a custom object with methods to do what the comments above say. The implementations of those methods ultimately end up calling tableViewer.editElement() and then checking tableViewer.isCellEditorActive() to see if the cell was actually editable (so we can skip to the next editable one if not).
I also found it useful to be able to programmatically "relinquish editing" (e.g. when tabbing out of the last cell in a row). Unfortunately the only way I could come up with to do that is a terrible hack determined to work with my particular version by spelunking through the source for things that would produce the desired "side effects":
private void relinquishEditing() {
// OMG this is the only way I could find to relinquish editing without aborting.
tableViewer.refresh("some element you don't have", false);
Sorry I can't give a more complete chunk of code, but really, I'd have to release a whole mini-project of stuff, and I'm not prepared to do that now. Hopefully this is enough of a "jumpstart" to get you going.
Here is what has worked for me:
TableViewerFocusCellManager focusCellManager = new TableViewerFocusCellManager(tableViewer,new FocusCellOwnerDrawHighlighter(tableViewer));
ColumnViewerEditorActivationStrategy actSupport = new ColumnViewerEditorActivationStrategy(tableViewer) {
protected boolean isEditorActivationEvent(ColumnViewerEditorActivationEvent event) {
return event.eventType == ColumnViewerEditorActivationEvent.TRAVERSAL
|| event.eventType == ColumnViewerEditorActivationEvent.MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK_SELECTION
|| (event.eventType == ColumnViewerEditorActivationEvent.KEY_PRESSED && event.keyCode == SWT.CR)
|| event.eventType == ColumnViewerEditorActivationEvent.PROGRAMMATIC;
I can navigate in all directions with tab while editing, and arrow around when not in edit mode.
I got it working based on this JFace Snippet, but I had to copy a couple of related classes also:
and I don't remember exactly where I found them. The is also a org.eclipse.swt.custom.TableCursor, but I couldn't get that to work.
Have a look at
Example of enabling Editor Activation on a Double Click.
The stuff between lines [ 110 - 128 ] add a ColumnViewerEditorActivationStrategy and TableViewerEditor. In my case the I wanted a single click to begin editing so i changed line 115 from:
to ColumnViewerEditorActivationEvent.MOUSE_CLICK_SELECTION. After adding this to my TableViewer, the tab key would go from field to field with the editor enabled.