What happens when using 1 creative with 2 ad units in DFP Small Business? - google-dfp

I'm looking for clarification with regard to a recent issue we faced as a DFP Small Business customer.
We have a line item that contained 2 ad units and 1 creative. We were trying to render both units on the same page. With the settings below, the first unit would show the creative and the second unit wouldn't show anything. By duplicating the creative (now 2 creative and 2 slots), now both units are filled.
I'm just looking for any insight on DFP or links to documentation on their site to get some more knowledge. We had been confident that the single creative would be used for both slots, but that's obviously not the case.
- Type: sponsorship
Adjust Delivery
- Display Creatives: One or more
- Rotate creatives: Optimized
- Goal: 100% of impressions
- Day and time: All days and times
- Frequency: unchecked for 'set per user frequency cap'

DFP will show a single creative no more than once per page, as highlighted on this page... so duplicating the creative like you did is the correct way to go about fixing the issue.


Need Help: Can you identify the Desktop CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) on my URL?

URL: tinyurl.com/36utmdnc
In Google Search Console, I am seeing thousands of errors for Core Web Vitals, particularly the CLS in Desktop mode. I've made a number of changes, such as removing all ads, tweaking the CSS, HTML and other code. I've been making changes for a year actually, but I've really tried tackling this problem over the past 2-3 months, since "Page Experience" is showing a big reduction in "good URLs" and I believe it's now affecting my traffic volume from Google Search. It's been weeks now and the CLS is not changing in Search Console. I've tried validating for a couple of months now.
The example URL above (a product page) has a CLS score of 0.33 according to Google Search Console / Core Web Vitals. It seems all of the errors are on my product pages like the example above. I've ran tests in PageSpeed Insights, which shows a CLS of "0". I understand the reports shown in Google Search Console are from "Chrome User Experience report", which is different than PageSpeed Insights "lab setting".
Here are things I've done:
Opened Chrome Developer Tools and clicked the checkbox for "Layout Shift Regions", which flash blue during a layout shift. Also checked the "Core Web Vitals" to enable to overlay that adds up CLS throughout the entire browsing experience.
Opened the Network Tab and throttled the speed down to "very slow tests" and carefully watched for layout shifts while the page loads slowly.
Carefully read the guides on web.dev/cls/ , ran Chrome's LightHouse test, ran tests on various sites like webvitals.dev/cls , defaced.dev/tools/layout-shift-gif-generator/ , webpagetest.org/webvitals, etc.
Manually tested using different screen resolution widths/heights using Chrome Developer Tools (800px width, 1400px width, 8000px height, etc).
Asked tech-savvy friends/users to also check and help identify the CLS.
I can't find anything that could cause a large CLS of 0.33. The number of CLS errors in Search Console is staying steady, going up and down by about 100 URLs every day, but the same example URL above has been stuck there for months. So I was hoping someone with knowledge could find it or identify the underlying issue.
I cannot see a CLS score of 0.33 for that page, and agree that testing it myself shows very little CLS.
You are correct that PageSpeed Insights is lab-based, but it also shows the field-based data at the top, and in this case it is saying it does not have enough field-based data for this URL and so is displaying the origin-level data for all the pages for your site.
Google Search Console also shows field-based data, but groups pages it thinks might be similar and gives them all the same CLS scores. This is done at a bit more lower-level grouping than the whole origin so it may group all your product pages together for example, if it has data for some of them.
This page for example has a hover effect that gives a huge CLS when it's used - though can't quite see why as finding it difficult to trigger manually in dev tools.
It is possible those pages are the ones with the actual CLS issue and they are being lumped in with your good page under the product pages group. I would investigate if you can reduce the CLS on that hover effect.
Separately, I notice you are lazy loading your images but not specifying width and height on them. This can lead CLS if the images are not loaded by the time that area scrolls into view for example this test when linking to a bit at the bottom of the page. It is recommended to always include image dimensions on lazy-loaded images (and in fact on all images!) to avoid this. This could be another reason for your high CLS, which is not as evident in lab-based tools that typically only load the top of the page without lazy-loaded content.
I also recommend you read the Debugging Web Vitals in the Field and also the more advanced Measure and debug performance with Google Analytics 4 and BigQuery for additional information as to how to answer why your field-based metrics may be different than what you can observe.

=sort filter including minimum value Google Spreadsheet

I hope you can help me. At this moment I am busy with creating a presentation with an auto updated graph. In this graph I will show the top 5 latest scores of people that are attending a competition. The values will be added via a google form but the score will be added later in the google spreadsheet.
The problem at this moment is that it also shows input with '0' value. I need to have the values visible once it is higher than '0'.
Does anyone know how this is possible to manage? :)
See example here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cld9sU51Xf78fR14RH7gGlPNkz1Z7732DD5leQwweb4/edit?usp=sharing
KR Sami

How can I download the statistics (or time series) of Facebook messages exchanged between myself and my significant other?

I have tried searching for a way to download some basic stats, or even a time series plot, that tallies the amount of facebook messenger activity between myself and my significant other. This is a much needed step to expedite some paperwork we need for a government application. Scrolling through a multi-year history and counting which days we used Messenger seems tortuous. Even if there was a way to download a vector of timestamps of messages between us, that would help a lot. I could code my own plot for the paperwork. Some blogs have mentioned using the "download a copy of your facebook data" from the support inbox, but I do not see that link on the appropriate page anymore. Does anyone know where it moved to?
Thank you.
I haven't tried this myself, but hopefully it works:
Go to your settings (the little downward pointing arrow, then choose settings),and right below all the options within the main box there should be a message saying "Download a copy of your Facebook data.", click the link, start the archive and apparently it should work. But whether or not it has timestamps and such, is a mystery for me (but likely).
edit: If this does not work, depending on your computer/volume of messages, what you could also do is open the mobile browser messenger (to reduce processing power needed), and start scrolling up within your conversation right up until to the top, then ctrl+a and copy everything to a word document. But obviously this would not work for conversations in the multiple thousand message territory

Adding specific number of sections in a google form

When an user enters a number into a field (representing the number of persons in a group), I want to have a section of google forms to be multiplied that many times - one for each person. In each such section I need to enter their details. Anybody did something similar to this ?
I think what you're trying to do isn't possible (without using App Scripts) but I have built a little example of something that might work for you. Please see if this will work and get back to ASAP.
Pretty much it has a title page asks the user how many people they want to sign up. Then, depending on the answer, the form directs them to a section with the appropriate number of sign-ups.

AEM Personalisation without Target integration

I have a requirement to personalise the banner content of my site homepage depending on the other site sections (segments) a visitor has previously and/or most commonly visited.
My site is basically split into 3 sections SectionA/SectionB/SectionC. Assuming a visitor frequents the SectionA most often, one would assume I could class them into sectionA segment. Likewise for the other site sections. Each of my site sections is Tagged with the name of that section.
The idea is that next time the visitor visits the my homepage, the content displayed would then be personalised to match the segment they are assumed to belong too.
I have plenty of experience personalising content with Adobe Target, but next to zero without. Am I right in thinking this can be achieved via clientContext or contextHub?
PS: I have managed to get this working with contextHub tagCloud with segments based on tagCount>n, however this uses session storage by default and I can't find a way to configure persistent storage short of writing code to override the OOTB tagcloud store. Ideally, I'd like to write a persistent cookie and have my segment resolve based on the cookie value.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Please have a look at this Adobe Helpx article :- https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/personal.html
You can find good answers by expert on AEM at Adobe AEM forum:- http://help-forums.adobe.com/content/adobeforums/en/experience-manager-forum/adobe-experience-manager.html
I hope this will help you.
Thanks and Regards
Kautuk Sahni